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Social integration of persons with spinal cord injury

dc.contributor.advisorNedović, Goran
dc.contributor.otherRapaić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherSimić, Miroslav
dc.creatorTrgovčević, Sanja M.
dc.description.abstractNa osnovu pregleda savremene literature može se konstatovati da jekonceptualizacija društvene integracije pretrpela značajnu evoluciju uposlednjih nekoliko decenija i da postepeno prerasta u širi koncept socijalnezaštite. Takođe, jasno se zapaža stav da socijalna integracija predstavljaosnovni prediktor kvaliteta života. Uprkos svemu, dubljom analizomzasnovanom na naučnoj metodologiji, spoznajemo da većina osoba sa povredomkičmene moždine ima problem da aktivno učestuje u većini ispitivanihoblasti, koje čine ključne komponente društvene uključenosti. U kontekstuprikazanih elemenata socijalne integrisanosti ovog istraživanja, našle su sesocijalna paticipacija i socijalna podrška, merene i kroz aspekt funkcionalnenezavisnosti i zdravstvenog stanja, a određene procenom kvaliteta života.Osnovni ciljevi istraživanja usmereni su na utvrđivanje ostvarenognivoa socijalne integrisanosti, nivoa socijalne podrške i kvaliteta života,kao i utvrđivanje prediktora kvaliteta života osoba sa povredom kičmenemoždine. Ukupan uzorak istraživanja čini 100 ispitanika, oba pola, starostiizmeđu 18-65 godina, koji žive na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Kontrolnu grupu(K), čini 56 ispitanika bez povrede kičmene moždine ili drugih telesnihoštećenja. Eksperimentalnu grupu (E-1) čini 23 ispitanika sa dijagnozompovrede torakalnog, lumbalnog ili sakralnog dela kičmene moždine (parplegia).Eksperimentalnu grupu (E-2) čini 21 ispitanik sa povredom cervikalnog(vratnog) dela kičmene moždine (tetraplegia, quadriplegia). Podaci ozdravstvenom stanju prikupljeni su upitnikom The Short Form-36 Health Survey,funkcionalna nezavisnost izmerena je testom Functional Independence Measure, akvalitet života osoba sa povredom kičmene moždine izmeren je upitnikom TheSpinal Cord Injury Quality of Life Questionnaire. Za procenu socijalne podrškekorišćena je Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, a upitnikomCommunity Integration Questionnaire izmerena je socijalna integracija.Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da osobe sa povredom kičmenemoždine imaju niži stepen socijalne integracije u odnosu na opštupopulaciju, sa tendencijom da visina povrede određuje mogućnost uključivanja.Socijalnu podršku ispitanici iz svih testiranih podgrupa percipirali su napribližno jednak način. Osobe koje nemaju povredu kičmene moždine imajuviši opaženi kvalitet života u odnosu na osobe sa povredom, dok visinapovrede samo delimično određuje procenjeni kvalitet. Kao prediktori kvalitetaživota izdvojili su se izlasci (u formi druženja) i mogućnosti vezane zasamozbrinjavanje. Takođe, utvrđeno je da je faktor rada (zaposlenosti), prepoznatkao najznačajniji element doveden u vezu sa socijalnom integracijomsr
dc.description.abstractBased on the review of contemporary literature it can be concluded that theconceptualization of social integration has undergone significant evolution over the lastfew decades and that gradually grows into a broader concept of social welfare. Also, wecan perceive that social integration represent the main predictor of quality of life.Despite all this, during a more detail analysis based on the scientific method, we revealthat the majority of persons with spinal cord injuries have a problem in activeparticipation in most investigated areas, which are the key components for socialinclusion. In the context of the presented elements of social integration in this research,social participation and social support were found, measured also trough the aspect offunctional independence and health condition, determined by certain quality of life.The main objectives of the research are aimed at evaluating the level of socialintegration, the level of social support and quality of life, as well as at determination ofpredictors of quality of life of persons with spinal cord injuries. The total sampleconsisted of 100 subjects of both genders, aged 18-65 years, on the territory of theRepublic of Serbia. The control group (C) consisted of 56 subjects with spinal cordinjury or other physical damages. The experimental group (E-1) consisted of 23 patientsdiagnosed with thorac injuries, lumbar and sacral part of the spinal cord (parplegia).The experimental group (E-2) consisted of 21 subjects with cervical injury (neck)portion of the spinal cord (tetraplegia, quadriplegia). Data on the health status werecollected by the The Short Form-36 Health Survey questionnaire, functionalindependence was measured by the Functional Independence Measure test and thequality of life of persons with spinal cord injury was measured by the The Spinal CordInjury Quality of Life Questionnaire. For the assessment of social support was usedMultidimensional Scale of perceived Social Support, and by Community IntegrationQuestionnaire we measured social integration.The results showed that persons with spinal cord injuries have a lower degree ofsocial integration in relation to the general population, with a tendency for a level ofinjury to determine the possibility of inclusion. All respondents and tested subgroupsperceived the social support approximately in the same way. Persons with spinal cordinjuries have a higher perceived quality of life compared to persons with injuries, whilethe level of injury only partially determines the estimated quality. As predictors ofquality of life the going outs (in the form of friendship) and options related to self-carewere identified. Also, it was found that the factor of labor (employment) is recognizedas the most important element associated with social integrationen
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectсоцијална интеграцијаsr
dc.subjectsocial integrationen
dc.subjectквалитет животаsr
dc.subjectповреда кичменемождинеsr
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjectspinal cord injuriesen
dc.titleSocijalna integracija osoba sa povredom kičmene moždinesr
dc.titleSocial integration of persons with spinal cord injuryen

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