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Visuo-spatial working memory influence on adoption of mathematical skills in children with learning difficulties in mathematics

dc.contributor.advisorNikolić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherНедовић, Горан
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Srboljub
dc.creatorKovačić-Popović, Anita
dc.description.abstractU većini dosadašnjih istraživanja ispitivan je značaj radne memorije kod dece različitog uzrasta i stanja, kao i povezanost sa drugim kognitivnim sistemima. Tako je uočena i značajna povezanost između radne memorije i matematičkih veština kod dece koja ispoljavaju teškoće u učenju matematike (Holmes & Adams, 2006; Passolunghi, Mammrella & Altoè, 2008; Toll, Van der Ven, Kroesbergen & Van Luit, 2011). Zainteresovanost istraživača za procenu radne memorije kod dece koja pohađaju nastavu matematike porasla je tokom proteklih godina. S toga brojni istraživači su istakli važnost radne memorije na usvajanje znanja iz matematike, kao i da ona predstavlja važan faktor individualnih razlika kod dece u postignućima u matematici.Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje kapaciteta vizuo-prostorne radne memorije i njegov uticaj na usvajanje matematičkih znanja i veština, kao i na opšti uspeh u školi učenika III razreda osnovne škole.Uzorkom istraživanja obuhvaćeno je 504 učenika, oba pola, uzrasta 9-10 godina. Prema neuropsihološkom testu za obradu brojeva i računanja (Neuropsychological Test Battery for Number Processing and Calculation in Children) identifikovali smo decu koja ispoljavaju teškoće u učenju matematike (N=50) i formirali grupu dece koja nemaju teškoće u učenju matematike (N=72). Vizuo-prostornu radnu memoriju procenili smo uz pomoć dva instrumenta: prepoznavanje kuća (The Recognition test), koji meri pasivnu funkciju vizuo-prostorne radne memorije i slagalica (The Jigsaw Puzzle task) koji meri aktivne procese vizuo-prostorne radne memorije.Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je kapacitet vizuo-prostorne radne memorije direktno proporcionalan rezultatima na testu matematičkih veština. Analizom rezultata matematičkih veština utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između dece koja ispoljavaju teškoće i dece koja nemaju teškoće u učenju matematike (p<0,05). Takođe, razlike između ove dve grupe se zapažaju na nivou aktivne (F=81,955, p<0,01) i pasivne(F=51,23, p<0,01) vizuo-prostorne radne memorije, s tim što bolji rezultat postižu učenici koji nemaju teškoće u učenju matematike.Statističkom analizom smo utvrdili da deca koja nemaju teškoće u učenju matematike se značajno razlikuju u učinku na svim testovima koji procenjuju znanje iz matematike. Tako, razlike su prisutne na testovima Sabiranja (F=21,02, p<0,01), Oduzimanja (F=45,73, p<0,01), Množenja i deljenja (F=16,97, p<0,01), Jedinica mere (F=26,16, p<0,01) i Geometrije (F=29,38, p<0,01). Međutim, statistički značajna razlika između ove dve grupe dobijena je i na osnovu njihovih ocena iz matematike (F=107,985, p<0,01), srpskog jezika (F=27,305, p<0,01), engleskog jezika (F=16,665, p<0,01), prirode i društva (F=19,300, p<0,01) i muzičkog vaspitanja (F=6,253, p<0,05), kao i uzimajući u obzir njihov opšti uspeh u školi (F=44,431, p<0,01).Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da deca koja ispoljavaju teškoće u učenju matematike imaju niži kapacitet aktivne i pasivne vizuo-prostorne radne memorije koja utiče na matematičke veštine, usvajanje znanja iz matematike, kao i na opšte postignuće u školi. S toga bi buduća istraživanja trebalo usmeriti na identifikovanje dece koja imaju niži kapacitet radne memorije i njihovo uključivanje u programe treninga radne memorije. Na taj način bi opšte sposobnosti dece bile unapređene, što bi dovelo i do boljeg postignuća u školi.sr
dc.description.abstractIt has been examined the importance of working memory in children of different ages and disabilities, as well as connections to other cognitive systems in the most previous studies. It has been observed significant association between working memory and mathematical skills in children with mathematical difficulties (Holmes & Adams, 2006; Passolunghi, Mammrella & Alto, 2008, Toll, Van der Ven, Kroesbergen & Van Luit, 2011). The interest of researchers for the assessment of working memory in children attending classes in mathematics increased in recent years. Therefore, many researchers have been given the importance of working memory on the acquisition of knowledge in mathematics, and it is an important factor of individual differences among children in achievement in mathematics.The aim of research is to determine the visuo-spatial working memory capacity and its influence on the adoption of mathematical knowledge and skills, as well as on the success in school third grade childrens of primary schools.Sample consists of 504 students of both gender, aged 9-10 years. According to a Neuropsychological Test Battery for Number Processing and Calculation in Children we have identified children with mathematical difficulties (N=50) and formed a group of children who have not difficulty in learning mathematics (N=72). Visuo-spatial working memory we estimated with the help of two instruments: The Recognition test, which measures the passive function of visuo-spatial working memory and The Jigsaw Puzzle task which measures the active visuo-spatial working memory.The results showed that the capacity of visuo-spatial working memory directly proportional to the results of a test of mathematical skills. By analyzing the results of mathematical skills it has been determined statistical significant difference between the children with mathematical difficulties and children who have not mathematical difficulties (p<0.05). Also, differences between the two groups was observed at the level of the active (F=81.955, p<0.01) and passive (F=51.23, p<0.01) visuo-spatial working memory, with the best results obtained by students who have not mathematical difficulties.Statistical analysis we found that children who have not mathematical difficulties are significantly different in performance in all tests that assess knowledge of mathematics. Differences are present in the assays of addition (F=21.02, p<0.01) subtracting (F=45.73, p<0.01), multiplication and division (F=16.97, p<0.01), unit of measure (F=26.16, p<0.01), and geometry (F=29.38, p<0.01). However, the statistically significant difference between these two groups is obtained and based on their score in Mathematics (F=107.985, p<0.01), in Serbian language (F=27.305, p<0.01), the English language (F=16.665, p<0.01 ), Nature and society (F=19.300, p<0.01) and the Musical education (F=6.253, p<0.05), as well as taking into account their general performance in school (F=44.431, p<0.01).The results indicate that children with mathematical difficulties have a lower capacity of active and passive visuo-spatial working memory, which affects the mathematical skills, acquire knowledge in mathematics, as well as on general achievement in school. Therefore, future research should focus on identifying children with lower working memory capacity and involving them in training programs of working memory. In that way the general ability of children would be improved, which would lead to better achievement in school.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.sourceUniverzitet u Beogradu
dc.subjectвизуо-просторна радна меморијаsr
dc.subjectvisuo-spatial working memoryen
dc.subjectchildren with mathematical difficultiesen
dc.subjectmathematical skillsen
dc.subjectmathematics knowledgeen
dc.subjectsuccess in schoolen
dc.subjectдеца са тешкоћама у учењу математикеsr
dc.subjectматематичке вештинеsr
dc.subjectзнање из математикеsr
dc.subjectопшти успех у школиsr
dc.titleUticaj vizuo-prostorne radne memorije na usvajanje matematičkih veština kod dece sa teškoćama u učenju matematikesr
dc.title.alternativeVisuo-spatial working memory influence on adoption of mathematical skills in children with learning difficulties in mathematicsen



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