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The housing type and life quality of people with intelectual disability

dc.contributor.advisorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributor.otherGligorović, Milica
dc.contributor.otherJerković, Ivan
dc.creatorTamaš, Daniela M.
dc.description.abstractStanovanjeuzpodrškuzaosobesaintelektualnomometenošću(IO)predstavljauslugu u sistemu socijalne zaštitekojaimomogućavaštosamostalnijiživotu najmanje restriktivnom okruženju. Primenom programa usluge stanovanja uz podršku obezbeđuje se odgovarajući smeštaj, stručna pomoć i podrška za što potpunije osamostaljivanje i uključivanje korisnika u društvenu zajednicu.U ciljupoboljšanjakvalitetauslugestanovanja uz podrškuneophodnojeuzetiuobzirobjektivnikvalitetrezultataprimene programa isubjektivnidoživljajkorisnikausluga, a iskustvene podatke potkerepiti istraživanjima u pravcupovezanosti između tipastanovanja i kvaliteta životaosoba sa IO i faktora koji njega utiču. Ciljevi istraživanja su utvrđivanje prirode odnosa kvaliteta života i tipa stanovanja osoba sa IO; intenziteta i pojavnih oblika problematičnog ponašanja osoba sa IO u različitim tipovima stanovanjai nivoa doživljenog stresa u odnosu na tip stanovanja osoba sa IO.Hipoteze istraživanja su:•Osobe sa IO koje su obuhvaćene programom stanovanja uz podršku imaju bolji kvalitet života u odnosu na ispitanike koji žive u porodičnom okruženju i u stacionarnim ustanovama. •Intenzitet i pojavni oblici problema u ponašanju osoba sa IOzavise od tipa stanovanja.•Ispitanici koji su obuhvaćeni programom stanovanja uz podršku imaju niži nivo stresa u odnosu na ispitanike koji borave u instituciji ili u primarnoj porodici.Istraživanjem su u okviru ispitivanog uzorka obuhvaćene odrasle osobe sa umerenom IO, starostiod: 17-79 godina. Prosečna starosna vrednost na nivou celokupnog uzorka 39,95 godine.Ukupan broj ispitanika je 122. Ispitivani uzorak je podeljen u tri grupe: osobe sa IO koje su smeštene u ustanovama stacionarnog tipa (n=51); osobe sa IO koje žive u svojim primarnim porodicama (n=38) i osobe sa IO koje su obuhvaćeneprogramom stanovanjauz podršku(n=33).Prema polnoj strukturi i po pitanju zastupljenosti medicinskih smetnji bez obzira na tip stanovanjaispitanika ne postoji statistički značajna razlika. Instrumenti koji su korišćeni u istraživanju su: Sveobuhvatna skala za procenu kvaliteta života (Comprehensive Quality Of Life Scale; ComQol –I5,Cummins);Skala neprijateljstva i agresije za odrasle, Reaktivna/Proaktivna(The Adult Scale of Hostility and Aggression, Reactive/Proactive A-SHARP, Matlock, Aman);Upitnik o funkcijama ponašanja(Questionnaire About Behavioral Function, QABF,Valmer,Maison)i Upitnik za procenu stresnih životnih događaja(LifeStressInventory,Fogarty, Bramston, Cummins).Rezultati našeg istraživanja pokazuju da osobe sa IO,koje su obuhvaćene programom stanovanja uz podrškuizražavaju veće zadovoljstvokvalitetom života u odnosu na ostaladvapoduzorka (p=0,000)iimaju bolji kvalitet života u odnosu na ispitanike koji živeu instituciji. Prema rezultatima istraživanja problemi u ponašanju osoba sa IO, intenzitet i oblici ispoljavanja agresivnog ponašanja i nivo doživljenog stresa povezani su sa tipom stanovanja. Problemi u ponašanjustatistički značajno su najizraženijikod ispitanika koji stanuju u instituciji, a najmanje izraženi kod ispitanika koji su u programu stanovanja uz podršku(p=0,000).Agresivno ponašanje jenajmanje izraženokod ispitanika sa IO koji su obuhvaćeni programom stanovanja uz podršku(verbalna agresija (p=0,001), buling (p=0,002), prikrivenaagresija (p=0,003), izražavanje neprijateljstva (p=0,002) i fizička agresija (p=0,001)). Rezultati ukupnog skora dobijenog na Upitnikuza procenu stresnih životnih događajapokazuju da osobe koje su obuhvaćene programom stanovanja uz podršku u odnosu na ispitanike koji stanuju sa porodicama i u institucijinajmanjeispoljavaju stres(p=0,000). Rezultatiukazuju na to da je tip stanovanja od velikog značaja za sveukupankvalitet života i opšte psihosocijalno stanje osoba sa IO. Ovo istraživanje može da da doprinos unapređenju kvaliteta implementacije programa stanovanja uz podršku za osobe sa IOi uključivanju jošvećeg broja korisnika u taj program.sr
dc.description.abstractSupported housing for the people with intelectual disabilities (ID) represents the favour in the system of social protection which enables them more independent life in the least restrictive surrounding. Adequate accommodation, skilled help and support for more complete independance and participation of the users in the social comunity are provided by applying the favour of programme of supported housing.In theaim of improving the quality of the favour of supported housing it is neccessary to take into consideration the objective quality of the results of the programme applying and subjective experience of the favour users, and experienced data should be confirmed by researches in the direction of the connection between the type of life arrangement and the quality of life for people with ID and factors that have some influences to them. The aims of the research are comfirming the nature of the relationship in the life quality and type of housing for the people with ID; the intensity and appearing ways of troubled behaviour of people with ID in different types of housing and the level of experienced stress according to the type of housing for the people with ID.Hypothesis of the research are:1.The people with ID that are overcome by the supported housing have better quality of life in the relation to the tested people who live in the family surrounding and in the stationary institutions.2.The intensity and appearing ways of troubled behaviour of the people with ID depend on the type of housing.3.the tested people who are overcome by the programme of supported housing have lower level of stress in the relation to the tested people that reside in the institution or in the primary family.By the research are overcome, in the frame of the tested samples, adult people with moderate ID, age from 17 to 79 years, average age value on the level of the whole sample is 39,95 years. The total number of tested people is 122. The tested sample is devided into three groups: the people with ID that are situated in the institutions of the stationary type (n=51); the people with ID that live in their primary families (n=38) and the people with ID that are overcome by the programmeof supported housing (n=33).According to the sex structure and according to the presence of medical difficulties, no matter to the type of housing of tested people, there are no statistic important differences.The instruments that were used in the research were: Comprehensive Quality Of Life Scale (Comprehensive Quality Of Life Scale; ComQol –I5,Cummins);The Adult Scale of Hostility and Aggression, Reactive/Proactive(The Adult Scale of Hostility and Aggression, Reactive/Proactive A-SHARP, Matlock, Aman);Questionnaire About Behavioral Function(Questionnaire About Behavioral Function, QABF,Valmer,Maison)and LifeStressInventory (LifeStressInventory,Fogarty, Bramston, Cummins).The results of our research show that people with ID, who are overcome by the programme of supported housing express more satisfaction by the quality of life in the relation to the other two sub-samples (p=0,000) and have better quality of life in the relation to the tested people who live in the institution. According to the results of the research, the troubled behaviour of people with ID, the intensity and ways of expressing aggressive behaviour and level of experienced stress are connected with the type of housing.The troubled behaviour are the most expressed, which is statistic important, at tested people who live in the institution and least expressed at people who are in the programme of supported housing (p=0,000).Aggressive behaviour is least expressed at tested people with ID who are overcome by the programmeof supported housing (verbal aggression (p=0,001), bulling (p=0,002), hidden aggression(p=0,003), expressing the hostility (p=0,002) and physical aggression (p=0,001)). Results of the total amount that was got on LifeStressInventoryshow that the peplewho are overcome by the programme of supported housing in the relation to the tested people who live with families and in the institutions express stress least (p=0,000). The results show on that the type of housing has the great importance for the wholequality of life and general psycho-social condition of the people with ID. This research can give the contribution to the improving of the implementation quality of programme of supported housing for the people with ID, including even bigger number of users in those programmes.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectSupported housingen
dc.subjectintelectual disabilityen
dc.subjectlife qualityen
dc.subjecttroubled behaviouren
dc.subjectsocial protectionen
dc.subjectквалитет животаsr
dc.subjectпроблеми у понашањуsr
dc.subjectсоцијална заштитаsr
dc.titleTip stanovanja i kvalitet života osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.titleThe housing type and life quality of people with intelectual disabilityen



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