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Early dyslexia and dysgraphia indicators

dc.contributor.advisorVuković, Mile
dc.contributor.otherPetrović-Lazić, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherBaucal, Aleksander
dc.contributor.otherMilankov, Vesela
dc.creatorČolić, Gordana
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu polazi se od teze da između sposobnosti čitanja i pisanja idrugih jezičkih i kognitivnih sposobnosti postoje kompleksne veze. Pored toga,teza istraživanja jeste da nivo razvoja određenih jezičkih sposobnosti kod decepredškolskog uzrasta može predstavljati indikator uspešnosti u čitanju ipisanju na mlađem školskom uzrastu. Polazeći od toga, istraživanje je usmerenona jezičke sposobnosti koje predstavljaju značajne pokazatelje sposobnostiovladavanja čitanjem i pisanjem. Cilj: Ovim istraživanjem ispitan je odnos između prečitačkih sposobnosti isposobnosti čitanja i pisanja u cilju utvrđivanja ranih pokazatelja razvojnedisleksije i disgrafije.Metod: U uzorak je uključeno 200 dece koja su ispitana na predškolskom iškolskom uzrastu. Na predškolskom uzrastu ispitane su sposobnosti koje sesmatraju bazičnim za čitanje i pisanje (fonološka svesnost, sintaksička svesnost,grafemsko-fonemska konverzija, sposobnost dekodiranja, brzo serijskoimenovanje, verbalna fluentnost – fonemska i semantička i pamćenje). Naškolskom uzrastu ispitano je čitanje (razumevanje pročitanog, brzina čitanja,tačnost čitanja) i pisanje (jezički i grafomotorni aspekt pisanja). Čitanje je prviput ispitano na kraju prvog razreda i drugi put na kraju četvrtog razreda, a pisanjeje ispitano u drugom razredu i na kraju četvrtog razreda. Sva deca uključena uuzorak praćena su od predškolskog uzrasta do kraja četvrtog razreda.Instrumenti: U istraživanju su korišćeni sledeći instrumenti (testovi): ELLA– Emerging Literacy & Language Assessment (Wiig & Secord, 2006), Test sintaksičkesvesnosti (Nikolić, 2009), Ravenove progresivne matrice u boji (Raven, 1956),Testovaя metodika эkspress diagnostiki ustnoй reči mladših školъnikov(Fotekovoй, 2000), Trodimenzionalni test čitanja (Kostić, Vladisavljević, iPopović, 1983) i Skala za procenu disgrafičnosti rukopisa (Ćordić i Bojanin,1997). Obrada podataka: Za utvrđivanje povezanosti postignuća između predškolskog iškolskog ispitivanja, odnosno za utvrđivanje ranih pokazatelja disleksije idisgrafije kroz nivo povezanosti fonološke svesnosti, sintaksičke svesnosti,grafemsko-fonemske konverzije, sposobnosti dekodiranja, pamćenja, verbalnefluentnosti i brzog serijskog imenovanja sa kvalitetom čitanja i pisanja,korišćeni su multipla regresivna analiza, kanonička diskriminativna ikanonička korelaciona analiza.Rezultati: Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da u četvrtom razredu5,3% dece ispoljava disleksiju; 5,3% dece ispoljava jezičku disgrafiju i 8,8% deceispoljava grafomotornu disgrafiju. Multipla regresiona analiza utvrdila je danajznačajniju povezanost sa kvalitetom čitanja i pisanja imaju fonološka isintaksička svesnost. Pomoću kanoničke diskriminativne analize, u četvrtomrazredu utvrđeno je da jedna funkcija razlikuje decu sa razvojnom disleksijom oddece bez disleksije, i da tu funkciju čine sintaksička svesnost i fonološkasvesnost. Takođe je utvrđeno da jedna funkcija razlikuje decu sa jezičkomdisgrafijom od dece bez disgrafije i da tu funkciju čine sintaksička svesnost,fonološka svesnost i sposobnost dekodiranja. Hi kvadrat testom proveravana jepovezanost smetnji u čitanju i pisanju koje su utvrđene u prvom, odnosno drugomrazredu i razvojne disleksije i disgrafije utvrđene u četvrtom razredu. Analizaje pokazala da postoji sličnost između smetnji u čitanju utvrđenih u prvom razredui razvojne disleksije utvrđene u četvrtom razredu, kao i da postoji sličnostizmeđu smetnji u pisanju utvrđenih u drugom razredu i razvojne disgrafijeutvrđene u četvrtom razredusr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: In this work, we are starting from the thesis that between the ability to readand write and other linguistic and cognitive abilities there are complex links. Thechronological criteria, or the age when children begin going to school is not an adequatecondition for the child to be ready for reading and writing. Readiness to read and write canbe defined as a balanced combination and interaction of different abilities. The developmentof certain abilities, even before starting school, make the basis of reading and writing, and thisresearch is aimed at some of these abilities, with the intent to differentiate the early indicatorsof problems in reading and writing, i.e. dyslexia and dysgraphia.Goal: The goal of this research is to determine the relations between the pre-readingabilities and the ability to read and write in order to determine the early indicators ofproblems in reading and writing, i.e. developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia.Method: In the sample, 200 children of preschool and school age were examined. In thepre-school age, the abilities which were considered basic for reading and writing(phonological аwareness, syntactic awareness, grapheme-phoneme conversion, ability todecode, rapid serial naming, verbal fluency: both phonological and semantic, andmemory) were researched. At school age, the examined abilities were reading(understanding of what was read, reading speed, reading precision) and writing(linguistic and graphomotor aspect of writing). Reading was examined for the first timeat the end of the first grade and a second time at the end of the fourth grade, while writingwas examined in the second grade and at the end of fourth grade. Children weremonitored from the preschool age to the end of the fourth grade.Instruments: Instruments/Literature used in the research were: Emerging Literacy &Language Assessment (Wiig & Secord, 2006), Syntactic awareness test (Николић, 2009),Raven’s progressive matrices in color (Raven, 1956), Test method for express diagnosis oforal speech of younger schoolchildren (Фотековой, 2000), Тродимензионални тестчитања (Костић, Владисављевић, и Поповић, 1983), and The scale for assessing thedysgraphia of hand writing (Ћордић и Бојанин, 1992).Data processing: The following methods were used in order to determine the connectionof achievements between preschool and school research, i.e. to determine the earlyindicators of dyslexia and dysgraphia (through the level of connection of phonologicalawareness, syntactic awareness, grapheme-phoneme conversion, the ability to decode,memory, verbal fluency, rapid serial naming with the quality of reading and writing)respectively: multiple regressive analysis, canonic discriminative and canonic correlationanalysis.Results: Research results confirmed that in the fourth grade, 5.3% of children showeddyslexia, 5.3% of the children showed linguistic dysgraphia and 8.8% of the children showedgraphomotor dysgraphia. Multiple regression analysis has shown that the most significantlink between the quality of reading and writing is phonological and syntactic awareness. Byusing canonic discriminative analysis in fourth grade, the following was determined: onefunction, which differentiates children with developmental dyslexia from children withoutdyslexia, is represented by syntactic awareness and phonological awareness. One function,which differentiates children with linguistic dysgraphia from children without dysgraphia,is represented by syntactic awareness, phonological awareness and decoding ability. Byusing the X-square test, the connection between the deficit in reading and writing in firstand second grade, and dyslexia and dysgraphia determined in fourth grade was researched.Analysis has shown that there is similarity between the deficits in reading determined in thefirst grade, and dyslexia determined in the fourth grade, as well as showing that there issimilarity between the deficits determined in the second grade and dysgraphia determinedin fourth grade.Conclusion: Early indicators of developmental dyslexia are phonological awareness andsyntactic awareness. Early signs of developmental dysgraphia (linguistic dysgraphia) areorthographic decoding, phonological awareness and syntactic awareness.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectрани показатељиsr
dc.subjectearly indicatorsen
dc.titleRani pokazatelji disleksije i disgrafijesr
dc.title.alternativeEarly dyslexia and dysgraphia indicatorsen

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