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Bulling characteristics and challenges in an conceiving of anti-bullying programs

dc.creatorKovačević, Milica
dc.creatorKovačević-Lepojević, Marina
dc.description.abstractBuling is a dangerous problem encountered by children of school age, both in classrooms and in playgrounds, and also in cyberspace. Research confirms correlation between criminal behavior and bullying, and it also confirms that there might be some lasting consequences for the victims. In Serbia, teachers, parents and students are generally not acquainted to to the methods of bullying prevention, nor to the methods of intervening. Considering the still insufficient attention given to the problem of bullying in Serbia, the paper will, after some introductory considerations, summarize the overviews of school anti-bullying programs, and then also the results of the research dealing with their effectiveness. The aim of the paper is that, since there is no strategically designed approach to the problem of bullying in Serbia, to point out to the results of relevant research and to the experiences of countries that already have a decades-long practice in the process of designing and implementing anti-bullying programs.sr
dc.description.abstractBuling (siledžijstvo) predstavlja ozbiljan problem sa kojim se susreću deca školskog uzrasta, kako u učionicama, tako i na igralištima, a sve češće i u sajber prostoru. Istraživanja potvrđuju korelaciju između kriminalnog ponašanja i bulinga, a govore i o trajnim posledicama sa kojima se susreću žrtve siledžijstva. U Srbiji nastavnici, roditelji i učenici neretko nisu upućeni u metode preveniranja bulinga, niti u metode intervenisanja. S obzirom na još uvek nedovoljnu pažnju posvećenu bulingu u našoj zemlji, u radu će, nakon uvod- nih razmatranja, biti dat sumarni pregled prevashodno školskih antibuling programa, a potom i pregled rezultata istraživanja koja se bave njihovom delotvornošću. Cilj rada jeste da se ukaže na potrebu da se pri osmišljavanju programa uzimaju u obzir rezultati relevantnih istraživanja i iskustva zemalja koje u ovoj oblasti već imaju višedecenijsku praksu. Budući da u Srbiji ne postoji strateški osmišljen pristup problemu bulinga, uvažavanjem pome- nutih saznanja i iskustava moglo bi se sprečiti alociranje resursa u primenu programa od kojih se ne mogu očekivati zadovoljavajući efekti.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup „Prevencija razvojnih smetnji i problema u ponašanju”, Beograd, 21. Decembar 2017.sr
dc.subjectantibuling programssr
dc.subjectantibuling programisr
dc.titleObeležja bulinga i izazovi pri koncipiranju antibuling programasr
dc.titleBulling characteristics and challenges in an conceiving of anti-bullying programssr



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