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The use of sign language in the education of deaf And hard of hearing primary school children

dc.creatorKovačević, Tamara
dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractZnakovni jezik je prirodan i primaran jezički izraz gluvih, dok je govor- Ni jezik njihov sekundarni jezik. Gluvom detetu treba omogućiti da usvoji Dva jezika, znakovni jezik sveta gluvih i govorni jezik većine koja čuje. Za Onu decu sa oštećenjem sluha koja nemaju kapaciteta za usvajanje jezika i Razvoj govora putem slušanja, potreban je drugačiji pristup u vaspitanju I obrazovanju, koji će maksimalno koristiti njihove kapacitete za vi- Zuelnu obradu i koji će im omogućiti usvajanje jezika, znanja i veština Primerenih njihovim individualnim sposobnostima i mogućnostima. To Se može postići korišćenjem znakovnog jezika u njihovoj edukaciji. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati učestalost upotrebe znakovnog Jezika u nastavi. Anketa je sprovedena u pet škola za gluve i nagluve Učenike u Srbiji. Uzorak je činio 71 nastavnik. U istraživanju je Korišćen Upitnik za nastavnike (Dimić, Kovačević, 2013). Nastavnici najčešće komuniciraju kombinacijom verbalnog (govornog) i znakovnog jezika sa gluvom i nagluvom decom. Defektolozi Značajno češće koriste znakovni jezik u svim nastavnim predmeti- Ma, u odnosu na nastavnike koji nisu po struci defektolozi. Dobijeni Rezultati ukazuju na važnost znakovne komunikacije učenika u edu- Kaciji, kao i u svakodnevnim situacijama, sa vršnjacima i roditelji- Ma. Neophodno je postojanje različitih pristupa u školovanju gluve Dece, kako bi se uspešno zadovoljile njihove komunikacijske i obrazovne
dc.description.abstractSign language is a natural and primary linguistic expression of the deaf, while spoken language is their secondary language. A deaf child should be provided with an opportunity to adopt two languages, the sign language of the world of the deaf, and the spoken language of the hearing majority. For those hearing impaired children who don’t have the capacity for language acquisition and speech development through listening, a different approach in education is needed, which will use their visual processing capabilities to the maximum and enable them to adopt the language, knowledge and skills appropriate for their individual abilities and possibilities. This can be achieved by using sign language in their education. The aim of the research was to examine the frequency of use of sign language in teaching. The survey was conducted in five schools for deaf and hard of hearing pupils in Serbia. The sample group consisted of 71 teachers. The questionnaire for teachers (Dimić, Kovačević, 2013) was used in the research. Teachers most often communicate with deaf and hard of hearing children using a combination of verbal (spoken) and sign language. Special education teachers use sign language in all teaching subjects significantly more often in comparison to the teachers that are not special education teachers by profession. The obtained results point to the importance of sign communication of the pupils in education as well as in everyday situations, with their peers and parents. It is necessary that there are different approaches to educating deaf children in order to meet their communication and education needs
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//sr
dc.sourceSpecifičnost oštećenja sluha – nove tendencije tematski zbornik radovasr
dc.subjectznakovni jeziksr
dc.subjectgluva i nagluva decasr
dc.subjectosnovnoškolski uzrastsr
dc.subjectsign languagesr
dc.subjectdeaf and hard of hearing childrensr
dc.subjectelementary school agesr
dc.titleUpotreba znakovnog jezika u Edukaciji gluve i nagluve dece Osnovnoškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleThe use of sign language in the education of deaf And hard of hearing primary school childrensr

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