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Children with special educational needs in Republic of Slovenia from 2005 to 2011

dc.creatorGlobačnik, Bojana
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractIzmenjena teorija i praksa vaspitavanja i obrazovanja u Evropi, kao i socijalni uslovi u Sloveniji, uticali su na veće prepoznavanje i uključivanje grupe dece sa posebnim potrebama u obrazovanju u uobičajen vaspitno-obrazovni sistem. Veći zamah integracije primećen je nakon 2005. godine, kada je usvojena celokupna zakonska regulativa. Pojedina deca su se integrisala u redovne škole i pre toga, prvenstveno ona oštećenog sluha i vida. Članak predstavlja pregled integracije i segregacije dece sa posebnim potrebama u obrazovanju od 2004/05. do 2010/11. školske godine. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li se broj dece sa posebnim potrebama u obrazovanju nakon usvajanja zakonske regulative u redovnim školama povećao, a u specijalizovanim ustanovama smanjio. Kao metoda istraživanja korišćene su baze podataka koje vodi nadležno Ministarstvo za školstvo i sport u okviru organizacionih izveštaja za delatnost osnovnih škola. Podaci su bili obrađeni metodom deskriptivne statistike, frekventne distribucije i prikaza podataka u procentima (%). Dobijeni podaci za učenike sa posebnim potrebama u obrazovanju u integraciji i segregaciji bili su međusobno upoređeni, uzimajući u obzir populaciju generacija učenika koje podležu obaveznom školovanju u zemlji. Rezultati su pokazali određene karakteristike: generacija dece koja podleže obaveznom školovanju se u poslednjih sedam godina u Sloveniji smanjila za više od 13 000 učenika. Uprkos usvajanju Zakona o usmeravanju dece sa posebnim potrebama, ostaje stalan trend segregacije u Sloveniji od oko 2%, dok broj dece u integraciji dostiže skoro 5%.Možemo zaključiti da je integracija u Sloveniji nakon 2004/05. godine dostigla veći zamah u redovnim školama, dok se broj dece u segregaciji poslednjih godina nije promenisr
dc.description.abstractThe altered theory and praxis in Europe in the field of upbringing and education as well as socio-economic standards in Slovenia had greater influence on broader recognition and inclusion of the group of children with special education needs into the regular educational system. Greater expansion of the integration is visible after the year 2005, when the complete legislative regulation had been accepted. Some of the children have been integrated into regular schools even earlier, especially the ones with visual and hearing impairments. The article shows the overview of integration and segregation of children with special educational needs from school year 2004/05 till 2010/11. The goal of the research was to determined whether the number of children with special educational needs has increased in regular schools and decreased in specialized institutions since the adoption of the legislative regulations. The data base maintained under the auspices of the authorized Ministry of Education and Sport within the organisational reports framework of the primary schools activities was used as a research method. Data were processed by means of the method of descriptive statistics, frequent distribution and the data overview given in percentages. The obtained results demonstrated certain characteristics: the generation of children subject to compulsory schooling decreased in the last seven years in Slovenia by more than 13,000 pupils. In spite of the adoption of the Law on the guidance of children with special needs, there is a constant trend of segregation in Slovenia of approx. 2 %, while the number of children in integration reached almost 5%.We can conclude that the integration in Slovenia after year 2005 achieved greater expansion in regular schools, while the number of children in segregation has not changed in the last ten years.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectdeca sa posebnim potrebama u obrazovanjusr
dc.subjectchildren with special educational needssr
dc.titleDeca sa posebnim potrebama u obrazovanju u Republici Sloveniji od 2005. do 2011sr
dc.titleChildren with special educational needs in Republic of Slovenia from 2005 to 2011sr



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