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Aggressive behavior, protective factors and academic achievement at students inside and outside the system of institutional care

dc.creatorMaretić, Edita
dc.creatorSindik, Joško
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između aspekata agresivnog ponašanja učenika, njihovih prednosti (zaštitnih čimbenika) u prevenciji poremećaja u ponašanju i školskih postignuća, između djece u institucionalnoj skrbi i djece izvan institucionalnih oblika odgoja. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 264 učenika sedmog i osmog razreda osnovne škole, od kojih je 134 bilo u institucionalnoj skrbi, dok ih je 130 bilo izvan institucionalnih oblika odgoja. Podaci su prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom, u sklopu kojeg su bila dva mjerna instrumenta: Ček liste prednosti i Buss i Perryjeva upitnika o agresivnosti (AQ). Djeca smještena u dječjim domovima pokazuju manju učestalost dva oblika agresivnog ponašanja (fizička agresivnost i hostilitet), u usporedbi s djecom koja su izvan institucionalne skrbi. Djeca smještena u institucionalnoj skrbi pokazuju manje izražene zaštitne faktore za prevenciju poremećaja u ponašanju, lošiji opći školski uspjeh, kao i lošiji uspjeh iz svih školskih predmeta obuhvaćenih istraživanjem, u odnosu na izvaninstitucionalnu djecu. Pronađena je negativna i statistički značajna povezanost između pojavnosti fizičke agresivnosti i zaštitnih čimbenika u prevenciji poremećaja ponašanja te između pojavnosti fizičke agresivnosti i općeg školskog uspjeha. Značajna pozitivna povezanost pronađena je između zaštitnih čimbenika i uspjeha u Engleskom jeziku. Rezultati ukazuju na nužnost razmatranja alterna44 tivnih oblika skrbi za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi, uskom suradnjom svih relevantnih institucija i pojedinaca koji skrbe za djecu.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to determine the differences between the aspects of aggressive behavior, their strengths (protective factors) in the prevention of behavioral disorders and academic achievement, in children within and out of institutional forms of education. The study was conducted on a sample of 264 students in seventh and eighth class of elementary school, of whom 134 were in institutional care, while 130 were outside the institutional forms of education. Data were collected by a questionnaire, which included two measuring instruments: Check-list of advantages and Buss & Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ). The children who live in institutional care showed a higher incidence of aggressive behavior, compared with children who are out of institutional care. Children placed in institutional care have less protective factors for the prevention of behavioral disorders, worse general school success, as well as poorer success in Nature/ Biology, compared to non-institutional children. A negative and statistically significant relationship was found between the incidence of aggressive behaviors and protective factors in the prevention of conduct disorder, as well as between the incidence of aggressive behavior and overall school success. A significant positive correlation was found between the protective factors and success in the English language. The results indicate the necessity to consider alternative forms of care for children without parental care, in close cooperation of all relevant institutions and individuals who take care for children.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectinstitucionalna skrbsr
dc.subjectprednosti u prevencijisr
dc.subjectadvantages in preventionsr
dc.subjectinstitutional caresr
dc.titleAgresivno ponašanje, zaštitni čimbenici i školsko postignuće učenika izvan i unutar sustava institucionalne skrbisr
dc.titleAggressive behavior, protective factors and academic achievement at students inside and outside the system of institutional caresr



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