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Transparency and mixed viewpoints in drawings of preschool and early school age children

dc.creatorCvetković, Andrijana
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje zastupljenosti transparentnosti i mešanja uglova na crtežima dece predškolskog i mlađeg školskog uzrasta. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno devedesetoro dece tipičnog razvoja uzrasta od 6 do 9 godina. Ispitano je 47 devojčica i 43 dečaka iz predškolskih ustanova i osnovnih škola u Pirotu i Beogradu. Teorijsku osnovu rada predstavlja Likeova teorija razvoja dečjih crteža, sa posebnim osvrtom na karakteristike koje se manifestuju tokom stadijuma intelektualnog realizma: transparentnost i mešanje uglova. Ove karakteristike su procenjene primenom tri vrste crteža: čovek u čamcu, čovek na konju i čovek na stolici. Analiza pojedinačnih crteža je pokazala da je zastupljenost transparentnosti i mešanja uglova najveća na crtežu čoveka na konju, zatim čoveka na stolici, a najmanja na crtežu čoveka u čamcu. Kod devojčica je prisutan značajno manji broj crteža na kojima se može videti transparentni prikaz delimične zaklonjenosti objekata u poređenju sa dečacima (p=0,010). Prisutan je i statistički značajan trend smanjenja učestalosti prikaza transparentnosti (p=0,000) i mešanja uglova (p=0,000) sa porastom uzrasta ispitanika. Takođe, utvrđene su statisički značajne visoke pozitivne korelacije ukupnih skorova na svim primenjenim zadacima.sr
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research is to determine developmental specifics of transparency and mixed viewpoints in drawings of preschool and younger school age children. The sample consists of 90 typical developed children, aged between 6 to 9. The sample encompasses 47 (52,2%) girls and 43 (47,8%) boys from preschool and elementary school in Pirot and Belgrade. The theoretical basis of this study is Liquet’s theory of children’s drawings development, with emphasis on the characteristics that are manifested in the stage of intellectual realism: transparency and mixed viewpoints. These characteristics are evaluated using three types of drawings: a man in the boat, a man on the horse and a man on the chair. The presence of transparency (AS=5,77) in children’s drawing is more frequent compared to presence of mixed viewpoints (AS=6,48). The analysis of individual drawings showed that the largest presence of transparency and mixed viewpoints is on drawing of a man on the horse, then on a man in the chair, and the smallest on drawing of man in the boat. Girls made significantly fewer drawings where we can opserve a transparent view of partial occlusion scene compared to boys (p=0.010). There is a statistically significant developmental trend of progress with participans age increasing in frequency of displaying transparency (p=0.000) and mixed viewpoints (p=0.000). We also determinate statistically significant high positive correlation of total scores on all applied tasks.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectdečji crtežisr
dc.subjectintelektualni realizamsr
dc.subjectmešanje uglovasr
dc.subjectchildren’s drawingssr
dc.subjectintellectual realismsr
dc.subjectmixed viewpointssr
dc.titleTransparentnost i mešanje uglova na crtežima dece predškolskog i mlađeg školskog uzrastasr
dc.titleTransparency and mixed viewpoints in drawings of preschool and early school age childrensr



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