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Support in the education of families at risk within the organization of civil society ‒ the experience of users of the association MoSt

dc.creatorMaglica, Toni
dc.creatorLjubetić, Maja
dc.creatorGrčić, Ante
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractUvod: Pojedine porodice imaju potrebu za dodatnom podrškom u obavljanju zahtevne roditeljske uloge, a naročito porodice u riziku koje nemaju dovoljno kapaciteta da primereno odgovore na potrebe deteta. Na funkcionisanje takvih porodica deluju faktori rizika koji proizlaze iz porodičnog, ali i iz šireg socijalnog okruženja. Ponekad podršku i ulogu zaštitnog faktora preuzimaju organizacije civilnog društva koje intervencije uglavnom zasnivaju na kvalitetnim međusobnim odnosima i potpuno i pravovremeno zadovoljavaju potrebe dece i porodica u riziku. Cilj: Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj da se identifikuju i shvate faktori koje porodice u riziku percipiraju kao podršku i pomoć. Metode: Teorijski okvir istraživanja čini Bronfenbrenerov ekološki model ljudskog razvoja. Metodom intervjua prikupljeni su podaci 14 učesnika (majke, očevi i deca), korisnika udruženja MoSt iz Splita. Rezultati: Rezultati dobijeni tematskom analizom daju uvid u: manifestne oblike problema u ponašanju dece u uzorku, pružaoce usluga porodicama u riziku, faktore rizika koji dovode do problema, procenu podrške organizacije civilnog društva i ishode intervencije. Učesnici istraživanja naročito ističu osećaj podrške, koji proizlazi iz doživljenog, percipiranog osećaja prijatnosti, sigurnosti, druželjubivosti, priznatosti i prihvaćenosti, pa čak i osećaj „kao da si u porodici”. I deca i roditelji kao ključne procenjuju vrednosti koje se nalaze u pozadini pružanja podrške, a to su uvažavanje, prijateljstvo, prihvatanje i uljudna, pristojna komunikacija. Zaključak: Pokazalo se da organizacija civilnog društva predstavlja i svojevrsnu „premosnicu”, odnosno da moderira i facilitira između porodice i državnih institucija. Ono što je vidljivo u iskazu učesnika jeste percipirana dostupnost same organizacije, njenih resursa, usluga i ljudi, kao i konkretnost usluga koje se pružaju porodici.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Some families need additional support in performing a demanding parenting role, especially families at risk who do not have sufficient capacity to adequately respond to the child’s needs. The functioning of such families is influenced by risk factors arising from the family, but also from the wider social environment. Sometimes, the support and the role of a protective factor are taken over by civil society organizations that base their interventions mainly on quality interpersonal relationships and fully and timely meet the needs of children and families at risk. Objective. This research aimed to identify and understand the factors that families at risk perceive as support and assistance. Methods. The theoretical framework of the research is Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of human development. The interview method was used to collect data from 14 participants (mothers, fathers and children), users of the MoSt association from Split. Results. The results obtained by thematic analysis provide insight into: manifest forms of behavioral problems in children in the sample, service providers to families at risk, risk factors leading to the problem, assessment of support by civil society organizations and outcomes of the intervention. Research participants particularly emphasize the feeling of support that arises from the experienced, perceived feeling of comfort, security, friendliness, recognition and acceptance, and even the feeling of “as if you are in a family.” Both children and parents value the values behind support, which are respect, friendship, acceptance, and polite, decent communication. Conclusion. It has been shown that the organization of civil society is a kind of “bridge”, i.e. that it moderates and facilitates between the family and state institutions. What is visible in the testimony of the participants is the perceived availability of the organization itself, its resources, services and people, as well as the specificity of the services provided to the family.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectcivilno društvosr
dc.subjectdržavne institucijesr
dc.subjectporodica, rizični i zaštitni faktorisr
dc.subjectcivil societysr
dc.subjectstate institutionssr
dc.subjectfamily, risk and protective factorssr
dc.titlePodrška u vaspitanju porodicama u riziku u okviru organizacije civilnog društva – iskustva korisnika udruženja MoStsr
dc.titleSupport in the education of families at risk within the organization of civil society ‒ the experience of users of the association MoStsr



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