Prikaz rezultata 1-20 od 634

      "Naša priča” – Program podrške roditeljima dece sa smetnjama u razvoju: primer dobre prakse u predškolskim ustanovama [1]
      "Our story" - Support program for parents of children with disabilities example of good practice in preschool institutions [1]
      (In)security in prison [1]
      (Ne)sigurnost u zatvoru [1]
      Academic self-regulation in students with mild intellectual disability [1]
      Achievements of students with mild intellectual disability on combined trial test [1]
      Acoustic and perceptive analysis of esophageal and tracheoesophageal voice [1]
      Adaptive behavior and achievements in mathematics education in children with mild intellectual disabilities [1]
      Adaptive behavior of persons with visual impairment [1]
      Adaptivno ponašanje i postignuća u nastavi matematike kod dece sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću [1]
      Adaptivno ponašanje osoba sa oštećenjem vida [1]
      Addiction disorders, psychopathy and crime in the light of empirical studies results [1]
      Aggressive behavior, protective factors and academic achievement at students inside and outside the system of institutional care [1]
      Aggressivity in persons with severe intellectual disability [1]
      Agresivno ponašanje, zaštitni čimbenici i školsko postignuće učenika izvan i unutar sustava institucionalne skrbi [1]
      Agresivnost osoba sa težim oblicima intelektualne ometenosti [1]
      Akademska samoregulacija učenika s lakom intelektualnom ometenošću [1]
      Akustička i perceptivna analiza ezofagealnog i traheoezofagealnog glasa [1]
      Animal-assisted interventions: Possibilities and limitations of implementation in young persons with developmental disabilities and behavioral disorders [1]
      Applicability of the developmental coordination disorder questionnaire for children in Serbia [1]