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Sexuality and sexual health of the population with disabilities, with special reference to people with visual impairments

dc.creatorJablan, Branka
dc.creatorSjeničić, Marta
dc.description.abstractSexuality represents one of the basic dimensions of human existence, which is channelled through sexual and gender identification and role, sexual orientation, eroticism, emotional commitment, satisfaction, and reproduction. Sexuality is also linked to many significant health problems, especially in the area of reproductive and sexual health. Sexual health is the condition of physical, emotional, mental, and social wellbeing that is linked with sexuality. Knowledge about sexual health, contraception and selection of contraceptives, and the risk of sexually transmittable diseases is not only relevant for individuals’ sexuality; it’s also important for encouraging the use of health services and other forms of support that are necessary to protect youth from sexually transmittable diseases and the maintenance of sexual and reproductive health. When it comes to sexuality and care of reproductive and sexual health, some groups are especially vulnerable. Bearing in mind the specific conditions women with disabilities grow up in and their dependence on assistance and support from other people, satisfying their needs for partnership, sexuality, and parenthood becomes unattainable for many, or it takes place under the control of professionals or family members. In this context, people with visual impairments are part of a vulnerable group, acknowledging that visual impairment leads to limitations in everyday life, autonomy, and quality of life to its full potential. The purpose of this article is to describe the phenomena of sexuality and sexual health among people with visual impairments, and to point out the existing international and national normative frameworks relevant to the sexual health of people with disabilities. Existing legislative acts acknowledge the right to a normal sexual life, as well as to the care and maintenance of the sexual health of people with disabilities. However, there are many obstacles and limitations that hamper the practical application of these rights: health issues, communication problems, lack of privacy, people’s acceptance of the inhibition of their own sexuality, or their acceptance of the labelling and normalisation of their situation. Even considering the existence of the regulation, the system of support for maintaining and improving the sexual and reproductive health of women with disabilities is not developed enough. The lack of literature relating to this topic shows that its importance is not recognised enough among the relevant actors, including organisations that advocate for people with disabilities. Realising the existing general legal framework requires the will of policymakers, who could enact and implement specific bylaw regulations, as well as activating the societal actors relevant to this field.
dc.description.abstractSeksualnost predstavlja osnovnu dimenziju ljudskog postojanja, ali i osetljivo područje ljudske intime. Može da bude povezana sa mnogim zdravstvenim problemima, posebno sa onim iz područja reproduktivnog i seksualnog zdravlja. Postoje grupe koje su posebno ranjive kada je u pitanju seksualnost i briga o reproduktivnom i seksualnom zdravlju. S obzirom na specifične uslove odrastanja i na zavisnost od pomoći i podrške drugih, zadovoljenje potrebe za partnerstvom i seksualnošću za mnoge osobe sa invaliditetom je nedostižno ili se odvija pod kontrolom profesionalaca ili članova porodice. Cilj ovog rada je opisati fenomene seksualnosti i seksualnog zdravlja kod osoba sa oštećenjem vida i ukazati na postojeći međunarodni i nacionalni normativni okvir relevantan za seksualno zdravlje osoba sa invaliditetom. Postojećim zakonima i strateškim aktima, osobama sa invaliditetom neosporno se priznaju pravo na seksualni život i pravo na brigu i očuvanje seksualnog zdravlja, ali, takođe, činjenica je da postoje razna ograničenja u praksi: zdravstvena, komunikativna, nedostatak privatnosti, prihvatanje inhibiranja sopstvene seksualnosti ili prihvatanja sredinskih etiketiranja i normiranja. I pored postojećeg strateškog i zakonskog okvira, sistem podrške za očuvanje i unapređenje seksualnog zdravlja osoba sa invaliditetom nije u dovoljnoj meri razvijen, a nedostatak literature o ovoj temi ukazuje da nije prepoznat ni njen značaj među relevantnim akterima, uključujući i organizacije osoba sa invaliditetom. Realizacija postojećeg, opšteg pravnog okvira zahteva političku volju koja bi se odrazila u donošenju konkretnih podzakonskih akta i njihovoj implementaciji, te aktiviranju subjekata relevantnih za ovu oblast.
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.subjectsexual health
dc.subjectpeople with visual impairments
dc.subjectlegal regulation
dc.subjectpopulation with disabilities
dc.subjectseksualno zdravlje
dc.subjectosobe sa oštećenjem vida
dc.subjectpravna regulativa
dc.subjectosobe sa invaliditetom
dc.titleSeksualnost i seksualno zdravlje osoba sa invaliditetom – sa posebnim osvrtom na osobe sa oštećenjem vidasr
dc.titleSexuality and sexual health of the population with disabilities, with special reference to people with visual impairments
dc.citation.issueEarly Online



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