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Participatory model of support for youth from the Social welfare system in the process of preparation For independent living

dc.creatorPopović-Ćitić, Branislava
dc.creatorBukvić, Lidija
dc.creatorNešić, Marija
dc.description.abstractAcknowledging the importance of successful adaptation of youth from the social welfare system to transitions during the process of reaching independence, a consortium composed of four civil society organizations, in cooperation with the Center for the Care of Infants, Children and Youth – Belgrade, created a participatory model of support for youth without parental care currently in the process of preparations for an independent life. The model is organized as an integrative nine-month training program based on the complementary application of group, individual and community work, and comprises three structurally integrated and interconnected components – group support, individual support and community activities. Group support activities are carried out through workshops and are targeted at strengthening positive identity and enhancing key social and emotional skills of young people (communication, conflict resolution, resistance to social pressures, self-control, self-efficacy). The provision of individual support is realized in the form of traditional one-on-one mentoring, with the aim of emotional empowerment and overcoming the personal difficulties of every young person involved in the program, in accordance with their individual development plans. Organizing community activities involves networking young people with significant local factors, with the aim of empowering them to use available resources from the environment and to put into practice the acquired knowledge and skills. The model was piloted in 2019, on a sample of 34 young persons without parental care, with continuous evaluation in the form of peer evaluation by the youth who were part of the welfare system and had experienced the process of gaining independence. The paper will outline the structure and content of the program components, a description of the principles of operation and the implementation of specific interventions, as well as guidelines for implementing the support program in practice.
dc.description.abstractUvažavajući značaj uspešne adaptacije mladih iz sistema socijalne zaštite na tranzicije tokom procesa osamostaljivanja, konzorcijum sastavljen od četiri organizacije civilnog društva, u saradnji sa Centrom za zaštitu odojčadi, dece i omladine – Beograd, koncipirao je participativni model podrške mladima bez roditeljskog staranja koji se nalaze u procesu pripreme za samostalan život. Model je organizovan u vidu integrativnog devetomesečnog programa obuke koji se zasniva na komplementarnoj primeni grupnog, individualnog i rada u zajednici, te obuhvata tri strukturno celovite i međusobno povezane komponente – grupna podrška, individualna podrška i aktivnosti u zajednici. Aktivnosti grupne podrške sprovode se kroz radioničarski rad i ciljno su usmerene na jačanje pozitivnog identiteta i unapređenje ključnih socijalnih i emocionalnih veština mladih (komunikacija, rešavanje konflikata, odupiranje socijalnim pritiscima, samokontrola, samoefikasnost). Pružanje individualne podrške realizuje se u formi tradicionalnog jedan-na-jedan mentorstva, sa ciljem emocionalnog osnaživanja i prevazilaženja ličnih teškoća mladih, a u skladu sa njihovim individualnim razvojnim planovima. Organizovanje aktivnosti u zajednici obuhvata umrežavanje mladih sa značajnim lokalnim akterima, a u cilju njihovog osnaživanja da koriste raspoložive resurse iz okruženja i praktično primenjuju stečena znanja i veštine. Model je pilotiran tokom 2019. godine, na uzorku od 34 mladih bez roditeljskog staranja, uz kontinuiranu evaluaciju u formi vršnjačke procene od strane samih mladih koji su bili deo sistema socijalne zaštite i imali iskustvo procesa osamostaljivanja.
dc.publisherVisoka škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača u Kikindi, Republika Srbija
dc.sourceZbornik rezimea – Prva naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem „Integrisani pristup u radu sa predškolskom decom, učenicima i korisnicima u vrtićima, školama i ustanovama socijalne zaštite“,
dc.subjectmladi iz sistema socijalne zaštite
dc.subjectproces osamostaljivanja
dc.subjectmodel podrške
dc.subjectyouth from the social welfare system
dc.subjectprocess of gaining independence
dc.subjectmodel of support
dc.titleParticipativni model podrške mladima iz sistema socijalne zaštite u procesu pripreme za samostalan životsr
dc.titleParticipatory model of support for youth from the Social welfare system in the process of preparation For independent living
dc.citation.other: 101-99
dc.description.otherI naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Integrisani pristup u radu sa predškolskom decom, učenicima i korisnicima u vrtićima, školama i u ustanovama socijalne zaštite



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