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Analysis and synthesis of Phonemes in preschool children

dc.creatorJečmenica, Nevena
dc.creatorGolubović, Slavica
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje karakteristika analize i sinteze gla- sova kod dece predškolskog uzrasta. Ispitivani uzorak čini šezdesetoro dece, uzrasta od šest do sedam godina. Za procenu sposobnosti analize i sinteze gla- sova kod dece primenjen je Test glasovne analize i sinteze u rečima (Radičević i Marinković, 1993). Rezultati na zadacima analize glasova pokazuju da su deca najuspešnija na zadacima određivanja prvog, drugog i poslednjeg glasa u rečima, dok je najmanji uspeh ostvaren na zadacima segmentacije glasova. Sa druge stra- ne, uspešnost dece na zadacima sinteze glasova najveća je na jednosložnim re- čima, a najmanja na rečima od tri i više slogova. Analizom rezultata dece na pojedinačnim zadacima, utvrđeno je da je uspešnost dece veća na zadacima sinte- ze glasova u kraćim rečima, u odnosu na duže reči, nezavisno od frekventnosti reči. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se složeniji zadaci manipulisanja fonemama razvijaju i nakon uzrasta od šest godina.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to determine the characteristics of the analysis and synthesis of phonemes in preschool children. The sample included sixty children, aged six to seven. The Test of Phoneme Analysis and Synthesis in Words was used to assess the children language abilities (Radičević & Marinković, 1993). The results on phoneme analysis tasks show that children are most successful in tasks of determining the first, second and last phoneme in words, while the least success is achieved on the phoneme segmentation task. On the other hand, children’s performance on phoneme synthesis tasks is highest in onesyllable words and lowest in words of three or more syllables. By analyzing children’s achievement on individual tasks, it was found that children’s performance was higher on phoneme synthesis tasks in shorter words, compared to longer words, regardless of word frequency. The results of the study show that complex phoneme manipulation tasks also develop after the age of six.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)
dc.sourceU: F. Eminović i J. Maksić (Ur.) Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa 'Edukativna i rehabilitaciona podrška detetu, porodici i instituciji“
dc.sourceNacionalni naučni skup „edukativna i rehabilitaciona podrška detetu, porodici i instituciji” Zbornik radova
dc.titleAnaliza i sinteza glasova kod dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleAnalysis and synthesis of Phonemes in preschool children
dc.citation.other: 17-22
dc.description.otherEdukativna i rehabilitaciona podrška detetu, porodici i instituciji

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