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Hearing loss caused by aging – presbyacusis

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorŽunić Pavlović Vesna
dc.contributorGrbović Aleksandra
dc.contributorRadovanović Vesna
dc.creatorĐoković, Sanja
dc.creatorKovačević, Tamara
dc.description.abstractPrezbiakuzija je progresivan gubitak sluha koji nastaje starenjem, a koji se karakteriše smanjenom osetljivošću za zvučne podražaje i razumevanje govora u bučnim okruženjima, usporenom centralnom obradom akustičkih informacija i poremećajem lokalizacije izvora zvuka. Prezbiakuzija je veoma čest tip oštećenja sluha, koji ima značajan uticaj na kvalitet života starih osoba. Kako se povećava broj starih osoba, očekuje se da će se u budućnosti povećati i incidencija prezbiaukuzije. Napori da se poboljša komunikacija u starosti su važni i može se očekivati da će oni dovesti do poboljšanja kvaliteta života starijih osoba. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde neke karkteristike povezane sa pojavom, uslovima, oblikom ispoljavanja i teškoćama koje su izazvane prezbiakuzijom. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 50 ispitanika starosti od 42 do 89 godina, oba pola, 28 muškaraca i 22 žene. Za ispitivanje je korišćen upitnik konstruisan za ovo istraživanje koji je obuhvatao 4 grupe pitanja: opšti podaci, medicinsku istoriju, stanje sluha i korišćenje slušnih aparata. Rezultati pokazuju da se prosečan prag sluha kod ispitanika kretao od 26,8 dB do 103,7 db sa descedentnom konfiguracijom simetrično prisutnom na oba uva. Prema stepenu oštećenja sluha najviše je bilo umerenih (42%) a najmanje praktičnih gluvoća (4%). Oštećenje sluha se najčešće postepeno pojavljivalo u (84%), a tinitus je bio prisutan kod 70% ispitanika. Najveće teškoće izazvane oštećenjem sluha su prisutne prilikom gledanja TV i to u 40%. Slušni aparat koristi samo jedna osoba (2%). Na osnovu rezultata se može zaključiti da je oštećenje sluha izazvano starenjem prisutno kod oba pola sa tendencijom pogoršanja sa povećanjem godina starosti. Takođe, prisutan je kormobiditet sa drugim smetnjama i poremećajima što značajno usložnjava lečenje i rehabilitaciju starih osoba. Mali procenat ispitinaka koji koriste slušni aparat ukazuje na nisku svest starih osoba o mogućnostima i prednostima ovog uređaja.
dc.description.abstractPresbycusis is a progressive age-related hearing loss characterized by reduced hearing sensitivity and speech understanding in noisy environments, slowed central processing of acoustic information, and impaired localization of sound sources. Presbycusis is a very common type of hearing loss, often having profound effects on the quality of life of the elderly. Since the number of elderly persons is increasing, the incidence of presbycusis is also expected to increase in the future. Efforts to improve auditory communication in old age are important, and can be expected to result in improved quality of life for elderly persons. The aim of this research was to determine some characteristics related to the phenomenon, conditions, form manifestation and difficulties caused by the presbycusis. The study included 50 subjects aged 42 to 89, of both genders, 28 men and 22 women. A questionnaire designed for this research was used for the examination, which covered 4 groups of questions: general data, medical history, hearing state and the use of hearing aids. The results show that the average hearing threshold in the examinees ranged from 26.8 dB to 103.7 dB with a descendent configuration symmetrically present on both ears. According to the degree of hearing loss, the most was moderate (42%) and the least profound (4%). Hearing loss occurred progressively in (84%), and tinnitus was present in 70% of subjects. The greatest difficulty caused by hearing loss was present when watching TV, up to 40%. A hearing aid was used by only one person (2%). Based on the results, it can be concluded that hearing loss related to aging was present in both genders with a tendency of deterioration with an increase in age. A small percentage of examinees using a hearing aid indicates low awareness of the elderly about the possibility and benefits of this device
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 10. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija,
dc.subjectoštećenje sluha
dc.subjecthearing loss
dc.titleOštećenje sluha izazvano starenjem-prezbiakuzijasr
dc.titleHearing loss caused by aging – presbyacusis
dc.citation.other: 457-463

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