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Femicide and the due diligence standard

dc.creatorKovačević, Milica
dc.description.abstractUbistva ţena izdvajaju se svojim osobenostima od ostalih oblika ubistava i neretko su u bliskoj vezi sa fenomenom rodno zasnovanog nasilja, te iziskuju primenu posebnih mera prevencije i reakcije. Ubistvo ţena u Srbiji takoĊe predstavlja izraţen i opasan društveni problem. Relevantni meĊunarodni dokumenti istiĉu u prvi plan princip duţne paţnje koji obavezuje drţave da preduzmu sve što je u njihovoj moći da spreĉe ubistvo ţena, odnosno da sprovedu kriviĉni postupak i kazne uĉinioce pošto je kriviĉno delo izvršeno. S obzirom da se naĉelu duţne paţnje u opisanom kontekstu u Srbiji do sada nije posvećivala potrebna paţnja, predmet rada jeste analiza obaveza koje drţava u vezi sa tim naĉelom ima. Poseban akcenat stavljen je na praksu Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, koji je već presuĊivao u korist oštećenih onda kada su se drţave oglušile o naĉelo duţne paţnje. Cilj rada jeste da se izdvoje odreĊene preporuke koje bi mogle unaprediti praksu.
dc.description.abstractFemicide is characterized by a number of specific features which set it apart from the other forms of murder and it is closely linked to the phenomenon of gender-based violence, so that it calls for the implementation of specific measures of prevention and reaction. The killing of women in Serbia is also a growing and dangerous problem. The principle of due diligence obliges states to do everything in their power to prevent femicide, and also to prosecute and punish the perpetrators of this heinous crime. The principle of due diligence regarding femicide has not been given the due consideration in Serbia, so the subject of this paper is the analysis of state obligations in relation to that principle. Special emphasis is placed on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the judgements in favor of the victims in cases when states have breached the principle of due diligence. The aim of this paper is to set aside recommendations that could improve the practice in Serbia
dc.publisherCentar modernih znanja, Banja Luka
dc.publisherResursni centar za specijalnu edukaciju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179044/RS//
dc.sourcePoložaj marginalizovanih grupa u društvu-zbornik radova
dc.subjectEvropski sud za ljudska prava
dc.subjectnaĉelo duţne paţnje
dc.subjectthe European Court of Human Rights
dc.subjectthe principle of due diligence
dc.titleFemicid i načelo dužne pažnje, Položaj marginalizovanih grupa u društvusr
dc.titleFemicide and the due diligence standard
dc.citation.other: 22-32



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