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Articulation abilities, phonemic hearing and some elements of phonological awareness in five-year old children

dc.creatorGolubović, Slavica
dc.creatorJečmenica, Nevena
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja je procena fonemskog sluha i elemenata fonološke svesnosti, kao i utvrđivanje artikulacionih sposobnosti kod dece predškolskog uzrasta. Ispitivani uzorak čini 50 dece, uzrasta od pet do šest godina, od toga 30 (60%) dečaka i 20 (40%) devojčica. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2018. godine u okviru predškolskih ustanova u Beogradu. Za procenu sposobnosti artikulacije glasova korišćen je „Globalni artikulacioni test“ (Kostić, Vladisavljević i Popović, 1983), dok su za procenu jezičkih sposobnosti korišćeni „Test za ispitivanje razlikovanja fonema“ (Kostić, Vladisavljević i Popović, 1983) i „Test fonološke svesnosti-FONT (Subotić, 2011). Procena sposobnosti artikulacije glasova je pokazala da sva deca iz uzorka pravilno izgovaraju 17 od 30 glasova srpskog jezika i to: A, E, I, O, U, P, B, T, D, K, G, F, V, H, J, M i N. Utvrđeno je da deca u proseku pravilno izgovaraju 27 (SD = 2,54) glasova, dok 21 dete (42%) pravilno izgovara svih 30 glasova srpskog jezika. Takođe smo utvrdili da 46% dece supstituiše neke od glasova, 26% dece ispoljava distorzije, dok su omisije glasova najređe (2%). Na zadacima procene fonemskog sluha deca su u proseku bila uspešna na 33 od 40 zadataka diskriminacije fonemskih parova, pri čemu se najčešće nepravilno diskriminišu parovi fonema: S-Z; L-R; S-Š i U-I. Sa uzrastom dece povećavao se i broj tačnih odgovora na zadacima fonemskog sluha (r= 0,41; p< .05). Najveći uspeh na testu fonološke svesnosti deca su ostvarila na zadacima: spajanja slogova, slogovne segmentacije, identifikovanja početnog fonema i prepoznavanja rime (72%-99.6% uspešnosti), dok je uspeh na zadacima fonemske segmentacije i identifikovanja završnog fonema nešto niži (47%-54% uspešnosti). Na zadacima eliminacije početnog fonema i fonemske supstitucije (početni fonem), deca iz našeg uzorka su ostvarila najniži rezultat (18%-41% uspešnosti), što upućuje na zaključak da fonološke sposobnosti koje uključuju eliminaciju i manipulaciju fonemama predstavljaju više nivoe fonološkog razvoja i javljaju se na starijem uzrastu. Uprkos slabijem postignuću dece na zadacima fonemske supstitucije (početnog fonema), utvrđeno je da se jedino kod ovog zadatka sa uzrastom dece povećavao broj tačnih odgovora (r= 0,35; p<.05). Komparacija broja utvrđenih distorzija, supstitucija i omisija na zadacima procene kvaliteta izgovora, kao i uspešnosti na zadacima fonološke svesnosti u odnosu na pol nije pokazala statistički značajne razlike u datom uzorku (p>.05). Na zadacima fonemskog sluha, samo u okviru tri fonemska para su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na pol (p<.05) (I-U, M-B i L-Lj).
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is the assessment of phonemic hearing and phonological awareness elements, as well as the determination of articulation abilities in pre-school children. The sample consisted of 50 children, aged five to six years, of whom 30 (60%) boys and 20 (40%) girls. The research was conducted in 2018. within preschool institutions in Belgrade. The "Global Articulation test" (Kostić, Vladisavljević & Popović, 1983) was used to assess the ability of articulation of phonemes, while "Test for phonemes differentiation" (Kostić, Vladisavljević & Popović, 1983) and "Phonological awareness test-FONT“ (Subotić, 2011) were used to assess language abilities. The assessment of the ability to articulate phonemes has shown that all of the children in the sample correctly pronounce 17 of 30 phonemes in Serbian language: A, E, I, O, U, P, B, T, D, K, G, F, V, H, J, M and N. It was found that children correctly pronounce 27 (SD = 2.54) phonemes on average, while 21 children (42%) correctly pronounce all 30 phonemes of Serbian language. We also found that 46% of children substitute some of the phonemes, 26% of children show distortions, while omissions of phonemes are the rarest (2%). On the phonemic hearing assessment, children were on average successful on 33 of the 40 tasks of phonemic pairs differentiation, with the most common incorrectly discriminating phonemic pairs: S-Z; L-R; S-Š and U-I. The number of accurate responses in phonemic hearing tasks increased with the age of children (r = 0.41; p <.05). The greatest achievement on phonological awareness test children achieved on tasks: merge syllables, syllable segmentation, identifying initial phoneme, recognition rhymes (72% -99.6% of the performance), while the success on the phonemic segmentation and identifying the final phonemes tasks were slightly lower (47% - 54% of the performance). On the tasks of elimination of the initial phoneme and phonemic substitution (the initial phoneme), children from our sample achieved the lowest score (18% -41% of the performance), suggesting that the phonological abilities that involve elimination and manipulation of the phonemes represent higher levels of phonological development and occur on older age. Despite the lower achievement of children in phonemic substitution tasks (initial phonemes), it was found that only in this task number of points increased with age (r = 0.35; p <.05). Comparison of the number of determined distortions, substitutions and omissions on the assessing the quality of pronunciation task, as well as the performance in the tasks of phonological awareness in relation to gender did not show a statistically significant difference in our sample (p> .05). On phonemic hearing task, only within the three phonemic pairs were statistically significant differences in relation to gender (p <.05) (I-U, M-B and L-Lj).
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik rezimea stručno-naučne konferencije sa međunarodnim učešćem
dc.subjectartikulacione sposobnosti
dc.subjectfonemski sluh
dc.subjectfonološka svesnost
dc.subjectjezički razvoj
dc.subjectarticulation abilities
dc.subjectphonemic hearing
dc.subjectphonological awareness
dc.subjectlinguistic development
dc.titlePlenarno predavanje po pozivu sa skupa nacionalnog značaja. Artikulacione sposobnosti, fonemski sluh i neki elementi fonološke svesnosti kod petogodišnje decesr
dc.titleArticulation abilities, phonemic hearing and some elements of phonological awareness in five-year old children
dc.citation.other: 50-51



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