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Prediction of school achievemnts of typically developed students and those with developmenal disabilites

dc.creatorSretenović, Ivana
dc.creatorNedović, Goran
dc.description.abstractNa školski uspeh utiče više faktora koji se nalaze u međusobnoj interakciji. Ovaj rad je imao za cilj da utvrdi da li se kod učenika tipičnog razvoja i učenika sa poremećajima u razvoju izdvajaju određene prediktorske varijable školskog uspeha. Uzorak istraživanja formiran je od ukupno 60 ispitanika (50% učenika tipičnog razvoja, 25% učenika sa motoričkim poremećajima, 25% ispitanika sa intelektualnom ometenošću), oba pola, uzrasta 10,6 (SD = 3,820) godina. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruisan je poseban protokol koji se sastoji iz opšteg i posebnog dela. Opšti deo protokola sadrži podatke o polu, uzrastu, tipu razvoja, školskom uspehu, zdravstvenom statusu, participaciji u aktivnostima i porodičnoj strukturi. Poseban deo protokola odnosi se na procenu motoričkih sposobnosti, primenom testa Bruininks–Oseretsky (BOT-2). Primenjene su mere deskriptivne statistike, mere centralne tendencije, χ2 test, ANOVA i post-hoc testovi, kao i regresiona analiza. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da nema varijable koja daje jedinstveni prediktivni doprinos školskom uspehu (p > ,005).
dc.description.abstractSchool achievement is under the condition of various factors which interact. This paper had the aim to determine whether there were some differences between students of typical development and those with developmental disabilities concerning preconditioned variables of the school achievements. The sample of the research included 60 respondents (50% of students of typical development, 25% of students with intellectual disabilities), both genders, age 10.6 (SD = 3820). A special protocol was crated for the needs of the research consisting of the general and special part. General part of the protocol contains data about the gender, age, type of development, school achievements, health status, participation in activities and family structures. Special part of the protocol refers to the estimation of motor abilities applying the Bruininks - Oseretsky, (BOT-2) test. Measures of descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, χ2 test, ANOVA and post-hoc tests, as well as regression analysis were applied. Results of the research showed that there was no variable giving a unique predictive contribution to school achievements (p > ,005)
dc.publisherForum pedagoga
dc.subjectdeca tipičnog razvoja
dc.subjectdeca sa motoričkim poremećajima
dc.subjectdeca sa intelektualnom ometenošću
dc.subjectmotoričke sposobnosti
dc.subjectškolski uspeh
dc.subjectchildren of typical development
dc.subjectchildren with motor disorders
dc.subjectchildren with intellectual disabilities
dc.subjectmotor abilities
dc.subjectschool achievement
dc.titlePrediktori školskog uspeha kod učenika tipičnog razvoja i učenika sa poremećajima u razvojusr
dc.titlePrediction of school achievemnts of typically developed students and those with developmenal disabilites
dc.citation.other74(2): 226-241



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