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Behavior problems of children with autistic spectrum disorders and children with intellectual disability in relation with parental depression

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorOdović Gordana
dc.creatorSikimić, Jovana
dc.creatorMilačić-Vidojević, Ivona
dc.description.abstractRezultati istraživanja ukazuju na povećanu prisutnost simptoma depre- sivnosti kod roditelja dece sa smetnjama u razvoju što predstavlja rizik po zdravlje roditelja i po odnos sa detetom. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrde povezanost depresivnih simptoma roditelja sa učestalošću bihejvioralnih problema kod dece i razlike u stepenu ispoljavanja depresivnosti između roditelja dece sa poremećajem spektra autizma (PAS) i roditelja dece sa intelektualnom ometenošću (IO). Uzorak se sastojao od 100 roditelja dece sa PAS i IO. Od instrumenata su korišćeni Skala depresivnosti i Čeklista ponašanja deteta. Rezultati su pokazali da 34% roditelja dece s PAS u odnosu na 4% roditelje dece sa IO ima izražene simptome depresije, a veoma izražene simptome depresije ima 16% roditelja dece s PAS u odnosu na 0% roditelja dece sa IO. Ukupan skor na Skali depresivnosti značajno koreliše sa ukupnim skorom na skali Čeklista dečjeg ponašanja (r=0,573, r=0,000), kao i sa skorovima na sub- skalama Internalizovani sindrom (r=0,514, r=0,000) i Eksternalizovani sin- drom (r=0,502, r=0,000). Važno je rano prepoznavanje i tretman problematičnog ponašanja kod dece sa smetnjama u razvoju, posebno kod dece sa PAS, što bi imalo uticaja i na smanjenje problema mentalnog zdravlja roditelja.
dc.description.abstractVarious studies indicate an increased presence of depressive symptoms in parents of children with developmental disorders, which poses a risk to parents’ health and their relationship with the child. The aim of this research was to evaluate the presence of depression in a group of parents of children with intellectual disability (ID) and children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), and to compare it with the frequency of children behavioral problems. The sample consists of 100 parents of children with ID and children with ASD. The level of depression was evaluated by the Depression Scale (SD skale, Novović, Bir, & Nedimović, 2009) and child behavior by the Child Behaviour Check List (CBCL, Achenbah, 1991). The results showed that 34% of parents of children with ASDcompared to 4% of parents of children with ID have a pronounced depressive symptoms, while seriously depressed condition has 14% of parents of children with ASD compared to 0% of parents of children with IO. The overall score on the Depression Scale are significantly connected to the total score on the Child Behaviour Check List (r=0.573, r=0.000), as well as to the scores on subscale Internalized Syndrome (r=0.514, r=0.000) and External Syndrome (r=0.502, r=0.000). An early treatment of problematic behavior in children with developmental disorders is important, especially in children with ASD, which could also reduce the mental health problems of parents.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup „Metode procene u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd,Srbija, 24. decembar 2018.
dc.subjectrodtelji dece s poremećajem autizma
dc.subjectroditelji dece sa intelektualnom ometenošću
dc.subjectbihejvioralni problemi dece sa smetnjama u razvoju
dc.subjectautistic spectrum disorder
dc.subjectintellectual disability
dc.subjectbehavioral problems at children with disabilities
dc.titlePovezanost učestalosti problema ponašanja dece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma i dece s intelektualnom ometenošću sa depresivnošću roditeljasr
dc.titleBehavior problems of children with autistic spectrum disorders and children with intellectual disability in relation with parental depression
dc.citation.other: 219-225



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