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Literacy and understanding requests of deaf and half deaf students

dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorKovačević, Tamara
dc.creatorArsić, Radomir
dc.description.abstractProblemi sa kojima se gluvi i nagluvi učenici svakodnevno susreću jesu nerazumevanje napisanih reči, rečenica, kraćih tekstova. Čak i najjednostavniji natpisi, imena ustanova, putokazi, smernice mogu predstavljati problem. Teškoće su uočljive i pri razumevanju izgovorenog/pokazanog sadržaja jer je njihov izgovor kratkotrajan i dolazi do nemogućnosti uočavanja konteksta, pa je otežano shvatanje jezičkog materijala. Nijedan oblik komunikacije, kada govorimo o pismenosti, sam po sebi nije dovoljan za sve aspekte obrazovanja. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koji tip naloga, govorno-znakovne ili pisane, gluvi i nagluvi učenici bolje razumeju i u okviru kog vida jezičkog izražavanja. Ispitaće se i kvalitet njihovih odgovora i vrste grešaka koje prave. Istraživanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 83 gluva i nagluva učenika uzrasta od trećeg do osmog razreda. U istraživanju smo koristili Korpus za procenu razumevanja naloga (Isaković, Dimić, 2013). On se sastoji iz tri grupe naloga, poređanih po složenosti a proveravano je koliko su nalozi razumljivi kada se daju u pisanom izrazu, a koliko u govoru i znaku. U obradi podataka je primenjena deskriptivna statistika (aritmetička sredina sa pripadajućom standardnom devijacijom, kao i minimum i maksimum). Razlike među grupama određene su pomoću t-testa za nezavisne uzorke. Izvršena je i kvalitativna analiza dobijenih odgovora. Učenici statistički značajno bolje razumeju i izvršavaju naloge zadate putem govorno--znakovnog jezika nego putem pisanog izraza. Razlike su statistički značajne (p=0,000). Utvrđeno je da su najbolji rezultati ostvareni u okviru prve grupe (najjednostavniji nalozi), dok sa složenošću naloga opada uspešnost učenika u razumevanju. Data je analiza i tumačenje dobijenih grešaka za svaki zadati nalog. Dobijeni rezultati sugerišu potrebu uvođenja dvojezičnog obrazovanja za gluvu u nagluvu decu (pravo korišćenja znakovnog jezika).
dc.description.abstractSome problems the deaf and half deaf students face include misunderstanding of the written words, sentences and shorter texts. Even the simplest headings, names of institutions, signs and directions can cause problems. Difficulties are seen even in understanding the shown contents because their pronunciation is short and there is inability of observing the context, so understanding of the language material becomes difficult. When we talk about literacy, any form of communication separated from other parts is insufficient for all aspects of educating.The aim of the research was to determine which type of instructions either sign-speaking or written forms are better understood by the deaf and half deaf students. The quality of there replies is going to be examined a types of mistakes they make. The sample included 83 deaf and half deaf students’ age from the third to the eight grades. In the research we used the Corpus for estimating the requests (Isaković, Dimić, 2013). There are three groups of requests ordered according to complexity and it was checked how much these requests were comprehensible when they were given in a written form and how much in the speech and sign. Descriptive statistics was used for the data processing (arithmetic mean with the belonging standard deviating, as well as minimum and maximum). Differences between groups were determined by the t-test for independent samples. Qualitative analysis of the given replies was done. Students statistically better understand and do requests done by speech-sign language, rather than by written language. Differences are statistically different (p=0.000). It was determined that the best results were done within the first group (the simplest ones), whereas complexity of requests leads to misunderstanding of students. Analysis and interpreting of the given mistakes was done, according to the each given request. Given results suggest the need for introducing bilingual education for the deaf and half-deaf children (the right to use sign language).
dc.publisherForum pedagoga
dc.subjectgovorni i znakovni izraz
dc.subjectpisani govor
dc.subjectobrazovanje gluve i nagluve dece
dc.subjectspeech and sign language
dc.subjectwritten speech
dc.titlePismenost i razumevanje naloga kod gluvih i nagluvih učenikasr
dc.titleLiteracy and understanding requests of deaf and half deaf students
dc.citation.other73(2): 279-296



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