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The articulation of phonemes and the intelligibility of speech in five-year and six-year olds

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorOdović Gordana
dc.creatorGolubović, Slavica
dc.creatorJečmenica, Nevena
dc.creatorKobac, Dubravka
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja bio je procena artikulacionih sposobnosti kod petogodišnje i šestogodišnje dece, kao i utvrđivanje odnosa između artiku- lacionih sposobnosti i razumljivosti govora kod dece sa nepravilnim izgovo- rom glasova. Ispitivani uzorak se sastojao od 135 dečaka i devojčica tipičnog razvoja, koji su prema uzrastu podeljeni u dve grupe. U istraživanju su kao merni instrumenti korišćeni Globalni artikulacioni test i Test za ispitivanje razumljivosti govora. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da od 37.78% dece sa nepravilnim izgo- vorom glasova, najveći broj dece nepravilno izgovara glasove po tipu sigma- tizma (12.59%). Najučestalije su distorzije glasova (31.85%), za njima slede supstitucije (25.18%), dok omisija nema. Najčešće su ispitivana deca nepravil- no izgovarala glasove iz grupe frikativa (24.38%). U starijoj grupi dece među devojčicama sa i bez nepravilnosti u izgovoru glasova, utvrđene su statistič- ki značajne razlike prosečnih ocena na Testu razumljivosti govora (p<.05). Dete od pet i po godina trebalo bi da pravilno izgovara sve glasove maternjeg jezika. Blagovremeno uključivanje u tretman nepravilnog izgovora glaso- va poboljšava kvalitet izgovora i podstiče celokupan razvoj deteta, kao i uspešnost u učenju i socijalne kontakte.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to assess the articulation abilities of five-year-old and sixyear- old children, as well as to determine the relationship between articulation abilities and speech intelligibility in children with irregular pronunciation of phonemes. The sample consisted of 135 boys and girls of typical development, who were divided into two groups according to their age. In the survey, the Global articulation test and the Test of speech intelligibility were used as measuring instruments. The results showed that out of 37.78% of children with incorrect pronunciation of phonemes, the majority of children incorrectly pronounce phonemes by type of sigmatism (12.59%). The most frequent are distortions of phonemes (31.85%), followed by substitutions (25.18%), while there is no omission. Fricatives were the most commonly incorrectly pronounced phonemes in a sample of children (24.38%). In the older group of children among girls with and without irregularities in pronunciation of phonemes, statistically significant differences of average points on the speech intelligibility test (p <.05) were found. A five and a half years old children should correctly pronounce all the phonemes of the mother tongue. The timely involvement in treatment of irregular pronunciations of phonemes improves the quality of pronunciation and encourages the overall development of the child, as well as success in learning and social contacts.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup „Metode procene u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd,Srbija, 24. decembar 2018.
dc.subjectrazvoj govora
dc.subjectnepravilan izgovor
dc.subjectrazumljivost govora
dc.subjectdeca predškolskog uzrasta
dc.subjectspeech development
dc.subjectincorrect pronunciation
dc.subjectspeech intelligibility
dc.subjectpre-school children
dc.titleIzgovor glasova i razumljivost govora kod petogodišnje i šestogodišnje decesr
dc.titleThe articulation of phonemes and the intelligibility of speech in five-year and six-year olds
dc.citation.other: 143-153



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