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Using different types of sentences and defining concepts in preschool children

dc.creatorGolubović, Slavica
dc.creatorJečmenica, Nevena
dc.creatorKobac, Dubravka
dc.description.abstractCilj našeg istraživanja je analiza nekih karakteristika sposobnosti jezičke produkcije i govorne razvijenosti kod dece uzrasta od pet godina, odnosno upotreba različitih vrsta reči i definisanje pojmova. Ispitivanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 135 dece, oba pola, uzrasta od pet do šest godina, a obavljeno je u Predškolsoj ustanovi „Čika Jova Zmaj“ u Beogradu. U istraživanju su korišćeni sledeći merni instrumenti: 1. Test govorno-jezičke produkcije - Strip priča, koji se sastoji od četiri slike, međusobno povezane redosledom događaja i 2. Test za ispitivanje govorne razvijenosti, koji je namenjen za procenu sposobnosti definisanja pojmova. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da samostalno izražavanje dece prilikom opisivanja priče u slikama karakteriše izrazita upotreba prosto-proširenih rečenica (AS=4.71; SD=1.73), zatim prostih rečenica (AS=2.14; SD=1.76), dok su u najmanjoj meri prisutne složene rečenice (AS=1.71; SD=1.31). Analizom rezultata istraživanja utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u korist starije grupe dece u produkciji prosto-proširenih rečenica, gramatički pravilnih rečenica i gramatički nepravilnih rečenica (p<.05). Utvrđene surazlike između dečaka i devojčica u upotrebi prosto-proširenih i složenih rečenica (p<.05). Najveći broj definicija dece uključivao je literarne, deskriptivne i funkcionalne definicije. Na definisanje pojmova u najvećoj meri su uticali konkretnost i frekventnost imenica. Buduća istraživanja treba da budu usmerena na sposobnost definisanja i ostalih vrsta reči, kao i njihovog međusobnog poređenja.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research was to analyze the linguistic abilities of production and to determine the speech development of preschool children. The study was conducted on a sample of 135 children, both sexes, aged five to six, and was conducted at Pre-school institution “Cika Jova Zmaj” in Belgrade. The study used the following test instruments: 1. Test of production speech-language – Strip story, which consists of four images, interconnected by the sequence of events and 2. The test of speech development, which is intended for assessing the ability to define concepts. The results showed that the self-expression of children when describing the story in the pictures is characterized by the pronounced use of expanded sentences (AS = 4.71; SD = 1.73), then simple sentences (AS = 2.14; SD = 1.76),while the least likely are complex sentencences (AS = 1.71; SD = 1.31). Analyzing the results of the study, statistically significant differences were found in 29avour of the older group of children in the production of expanded sentences, grammatically correct sentences and grammatically incorrect sentences (p <.05). There were significant differences between boys and girls in the use of expanded and complex sentences (p<.05). The largest number of children’s definitions included literary, descriptive and functional definitions. On the definition of concepts largely influenced concreteness and frequency of nouns. Future research should focus on the ability to define other types of words as well as their mutual comparison.
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Vojvodine
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//
dc.sourceObrazovanje dece i učenika u inkluzivnim uslovima
dc.sourceObrazovanje dece i učenika u inkluzivnim uslovima Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja
dc.subjectjezička produkcija
dc.subjectgovorna razvijenost
dc.subjectnarativne sposobnosti
dc.subjectlanguage production
dc.subjectspeech development
dc.subjectnarrative abilities
dc.titleUpotreba različitih vrsta reči i definisanje pojmova kod dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleUsing different types of sentences and defining concepts in preschool children
dc.citation.other: 28-43

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