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Semantic categorization in preschool children

dc.contributorFilipović Mirko
dc.contributorBrojčin Branislav
dc.creatorGligorović, Milica
dc.creatorBuha, Nataša
dc.creatorObradović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractDete tokom razvoja formira kategorije na osnovu sličnosti i razlika, najpre prema perceptivnim svojstvima objekata, a potom prema semantičkim odnosima među pojmovima, koji mogu da budu uspostavljeni na komplementarnosti baziranoj na istovremenoj pojavi/aktivnosti (tematske relacije) ili sličnostima zasnovanim na zajedničkim karakteristikama (taksonomske relacije). Prema nalazima nekih istraživanja, prelaz između tematske i taksonomske kategorizacije se javlja oko sedme godine, dok druge studije ukazuju na to da se taksonomski odnosi javljaju ranije, između četvrte i pete godine života. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje dinamike razvoja semantičke kategorizacije kod dece predškolskog uzrasta. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno sedamdesetpetoro dece tipičnog razvoja, uzrasta 4-6,11 godina (AS=5,052; SD=0,814). Uzorak čini 39 (52%) dečaka i 36 (48%) devojčica, a podeljen je u tri jednake uzrasne grupe. Podaci uzrastu i vrtićkoj grupi dobijeni su iz pedagoško-psihološke službe vrtića koji ispitanici pohađaju. Kategorizacija je procenjena zadacima slobodne klasifkacije i početne kategorijalne feksibilnosti, u kojima ispitanik samostalno svrstava pojmove prema odabranom kriterijumu, i zadacima višestrukog izbora, u kojima se odgovor bira iz grupe ponuđenih mogućnosti. Beležena je uspešnost i vrsta odgovora. Primenom multivarijatne analize varijanse utvrđeno je da je uzrast značajan činilac ukupnog postignuća na zadacima kategorizacije (p≤0,000), koji objašnjava 31% varijabilnosti. Statistički značajan odnos uzrasta i sposobnosti kategorizacije ustanovljen je u domenima početne kategorijalne feksibilnosti (p=0,050) i primene perceptivnog (p=0,012), tematskog (p=0,004) i taksonomskog (p≤0,000) pristupa kategorizacji. Post hoc analizom utvrđeno je da se značajna razlika u uspostavljanju taksonomskih odnosa javlja između četvrtogodišnjaka i petogodišnjka (p=0,046). Prema rezultatima našeg istraživanja, taksonomski odnosi među pojmovima počinju da se uspostavljaju između četvrte i pete godine života deteta, što predstavlja smernicu za programiranje sadržaja aktivnosti u predškolskom uzrastu.
dc.description.abstractResearch subject: During the developmental period, a child forms categories based on similarities and diferences; at frst according to perceptual properties of objects, and later according to semantic relations among the concepts. Tese relations can be based on thematic or taxonomic relations. According to the results of some researches, transition from thematic to taxonomic categorization occurs around seven years of age, while results of other studies indicate that taxonomic relations emerge earlier, between the ages of four and fve. Method: Te aim of this research is to determine the developmental trend of semantic categorization in preschool children. Te sample consisted of 75 children with typical development, between 4 and 6.11 years of age (M=5.052, SD=0.814). Tere were 39 (52%) boys and 36 (48%) girls distributed into three equal age groups.Data on age and preschool level were obtained by analyzing the records of the preschool pedagogical-psychological service. Categorization was assessed by applying the tasks of free classifcation and initial categorical fexibility, in which it was needed to independently sort concepts according to the selected criteria; multiple-choice tasks, in which it was needed to choose a response from the group of ofered possibilities; and elimination tasks, in which it was required to identify the element that did not belong to the group. Performance was recorded, as well as the type of responses. Results: By applying multivariate analysis of variance it was found that age was a signifcant factor of total achievement on categorization tasks (p≤0.000), explaining 31% of variability. Statistically signifcant relation was determined between age and categorization ability in the domain of initial categorical fexibility (p=0.050) and implementation of perceptive (p=0.012), thematic (p=0.005) and taxonomic (p≤0.000) approach to categorization. Post hoc analysis revealed that signifcant diference in establishing taxonomic relations occurred between the ages of four and fve (p=0.046). Conclusion: According to the results of our research, taxonomic relations among concepts start being established between the fourth and the ffh year of age, which can represent a guideline for activity programming for preschool agechildren
dc.publisherUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Serbia / Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.sourceProceedings- Eurlyaid Conference 2017 „ Early Childhood Intervention: For meeting sustainable development goals of the new millennium “, Beograd, Srbija, 06–08. 10.2017.
dc.subjecttematska kategorizacija
dc.subjecttaksonomska kategorizacija
dc.subjectpredškolski uzrast
dc.subjectthematic categorization
dc.subjecttaxonomic categorization
dc.subjectpreschool children
dc.titleSemantička kategorizacija kod dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleSemantic categorization in preschool children



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