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Instruments for motor development assessment in early childhood

dc.contributorFilipović Mirko
dc.contributorBrojčin Branislav
dc.creatorSretenović, Ivana
dc.creatorNedović, Goran
dc.creatorRapaić, Dragan
dc.creatorRadovanović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja: Iako se motorički razvoj odvija određenim i predvidljivim redosledom, svako dete se razvija brzinom koja mu je svojstvena. Detinjstvo je period ubrzanog motoričkog razvoja, te je važno da se deca koja su u riziku za nastanak motoričkog poremećaja na vreme identifkuju. Rana identifkacija i odgovarajuće intervencije mogu dovesti do poboljšanja detetovog opšteg razvoja i mogu uticati na bolje dugoročne funkcionalne ishode. Metod: Cilj ovog rada je da se pregledom dostupne literature, izdvoje i prikažu instrumenti za procenu motoričkog razvoja koji se obično koriste kod dece koja imaju kašnjenje ili zastoj u razvoju motorike. Pregled literature je izvršen pretragom elektronskih baza podataka dostupnih preko Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku. Za potrebe ovog rada prikazano je šest instrumenata za procenu motoričkog razvoja. Najveći broj testova se smatra observacionim skalama, ali većina uključuje interakciju sa detetom kako bi se pomoću standardizovanog pristupa dobio adekvatan rezultat. Preporuka je da se procena dece sa motoričkim poremećajima fokusira na korišćenje funkcionalnih testova kako bi se akcenat stavio na programe tretmana od kojih će koristi imati i dete i njegova porodica. Prikazani instrumenti procene motoričkog razvoja mogu biti korisni u određivanju ciljeva tretmana i planiranju tretmana. Zaključak: Za decu sa motoričkim poremećajima postoje dva osnovna tipa funkcionalne procene. Prvi je procena motoričkog razvoja, koja uključuje i kvalitativnu i kvantitativnu procenu motoričkog funkcionisanja i motoričkog izvođenja. Drugi tip je procena opšteg adaptivnog ili nezavisnog funkcionisanja, odnosno merenje sposobnosti deteta da funkcioniše u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života. U zavisnosti od svrhe u upotrebi su prediktivni, diskriminativni i evaluativni testovi.
dc.description.abstractResearch subject: Although motor development takes place in a certain and predictable order, each child develops at a rate that is characteristic of him. Childhood is a period of intense motor development, so it is important to identify children who are at risk for motor disorders, on time. Early identifcation and appropriate intervention can lead to an improvement of the child’s overall development and can lead to better long-term functional outcomes. Method: Te aim of this paper was to review the available literature, to extract and display instruments for the assessment of motor development that are commonly used in children who have developmental motor delay. Te literature review was conducted by searching electronic databases available through the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition. For the purpose of this paper, six instruments for assessing motor development are presented. Te largest number of instruments are considered as observational scales, but most of them involve interaction with the child in order to use the standardized approach so an adequate result can be received. It is recommended that the assessment of children with motor disorders focuses on the use of functional tests in order to put the emphasis on treatment programs from which both the child and his family will beneft. Featured instruments of motor development assessment may be useful in determining the goals of treatment and planning a therapy. Conclusion: For children with motor disorders there are two basic types of functional assessment. Te frst is the assessment of motor development, which includes qualitative and quantitative assessment of motor function and motor performance. Te second type is the assessment of general adaptive or independent functioning, i.e. measuring the ability of a child to function in activities of daily living. Depending on the purpose of their use, there are predictive, discriminative and evaluative tests.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceProceedings- Eurlyaid Conference 2017 „ Early Childhood Intervention: For meeting sustainable development goals of the new millennium “, Beograd, Srbija, 06–08. 10.2017.
dc.subjectfunkcionalna procena
dc.subjectmotorički razvoj
dc.subjectinstrumenti procene
dc.subjectfunctional assessment
dc.subjectmotor development
dc.subjectinstruments of assessment
dc.titleInstrumenti za procenu motoričkog razvoja u ranom detinjstvusr
dc.titleInstruments for motor development assessment in early childhood

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