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Attitude of special education teachers towards inclusive education

dc.contributorJugović Aleksandar
dc.contributorJapundža-Milisavljević Mirjana
dc.contributorGrbović Aleksandra
dc.creatorIlić-Stošović, Danijela
dc.creatorOdović, Gordana
dc.creatorNikolić, Snežana
dc.creatorLazović, Marica
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi koje pozitivne i negativne uticaje inkluzivnog obrazovanja na socijalni i emo- cionalni razvoj, kao i na obrazovanje dece sa teškoćama u razvoju i invaliditetom percipiraju defektolozi u našoj zemlji. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 90 defektologa zaposlenih u 11 osnovnih škola za obrazovanje dece sa teškoćama u razvoju i invaliditetom. Za prikupljanje potrebnih podataka korišćen je Upitnik, kreiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Upitnik se sastojao iz opšteg dela (socio-demografski podaci) i 20 pitanja otvorenog tipa, koja čine poseban deo upitnika. Za potrebe ovog rada prikazani su odgovori ispitanika na šest pitanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se pozitivni uticaji inklu- zivnog obrazovanja percipiraju u okviru socijalnog razvoja dece sa teškoćama u razvoju i invaliditetom, a negativni u okviru kva- liteta obrazovanja. Ipak, i kada defektolozi percipiraju neke po- zitivne efekte inkluzivnog obrazovanja, oni i dalje u dominant- nom broju percipiraju značajan udeo negativnih efekata (po 95,6% na socijalni i emocionalni razvoj i 97,8% na kvalitet edukacije). Region u kome su defektolozi zaposleni, kao i obrazovni profil utiču na stav defektologa prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju. Kroz dobijene rezultate možemo sagledati način kako defek- tolozi generalno vide benefit i svrhu inkluzije, ali i kako defek- tolozi percipiraju trenutne efekte inkluzivnog obrazovanja u našoj zemlji.
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of this research was to examine factors that are perceived as good and bad effects of inclusive education on social and emotional development of children with developmental difficulties and disabilities, as much as on the quality of their education. The sample was made of 90 special education teachers form 11 special schools in Serbia. To gather the necessary data was used questionnaire, created for the purpose of this research. The questionnaire consisted of a general part (socio-demographic data), and 20 open-ended questions, which constitute a special part of the questionnaire. for the purposes of this paper, we will present the responses to six questions. The results show that the positive effects of inclusive education are perceived within the social development of children with developmental difficulties and disabilities, and negative in the context of the quality of education. However, when special education teachers perceived positive effects of inclusive education, there are still a dominant number of perceived negative effects of a significant share (95.6%, according to the social and emotional development, and 97.8% of the quality of education). a region in which the special education teachers employed, as well as the educational profile affects the position of special education teachers towards inclusive education. These results can be understood as how special education teachers generally see the benefit and purpose of inclusion, but also how special education teachers perceive the current effects of inclusive education in our country.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup, „Socijalna inkluzija dece sa razvojnim smetnjama i problemima u ponašanju”, Beograd, 6. decembar 2016
dc.subjectspecial education teacher
dc.titleStav defektologa prema inkluzivnom obrazovanjusr
dc.titleAttitude of special education teachers towards inclusive education
dc.citation.other: 13-20



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