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Upotreba i funkcije odredbenih reči kod gluve i nagluve dece

dc.contributor.advisorSlavnić, Svetlana
dc.contributor.otherDimić, Nadežda
dc.contributor.otherKašić, Zorka
dc.contributor.otherMaksimović, Slavica
dc.creatorVeselinović, Ivana
dc.description.abstractVerbal communication is the most dominant form of communication among people. For speech and language development, a good auditory perception is necessary, along with many other factors. Hearing impairment leads to delays in the speech and language development. It prevents the child from spontaneous adoption of speech and language in conjunction with sound and meaning. Disturbances in the speech and language development reflect on cognitive, social and emotional development. This causes negative changes in the development of all relevant aspects of the personality of a person with hearing impairment. During partially and completely deaf people’s verbal production, constructions that are non-characteristic in the Serbian language emerge. During verbal expression, partially and completely deaf children do not use adverbial words (adjectives, possessive pronouns and ordinal numbers) sufficiently, they use them in a different function in a sentence, in relation to the sentence constructions of children with typical language development. The study included N = 130 students of both sexes, average intellectual abilities, and without additional impairments. All students attended higher classes (V, VI, VII and VIII) of elementary school. Sample was divided into three groups-two experimental and one control group. One experimental group (E) was consisted of N = 40 students whose hearing loss was more than 70 dB and who attended schools for children with hearing impairments. The second experimental group (E1) was formed out of N=10 students whose hearing loss was more than 70 dB and who attended schools for the typically developing children. The control group (K) was consisted of N = 80 typically developing students. The control group was equalized with the experimental group by children’s sex and class in which they were included. This study included partially and completely deaf children from schools for children with hearing impairment in Serbia and partially and completely deaf children who attended schools for typically developing children in Serbia, and were included into re/habilitation treatment within Institute for experimental phonetics and speech pathology in Belgrade, Department for Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation, Institute for ORL and MFS of Clinical center in Serbia and/or „Children’s house“, Clinical-Hospital Center Zvezdara. Research with children from the control group was conducted in elementary school „Zaga Malivuk“, in Belgrade. For the research needs, a special protocol for data collection was constructed. In addition to this protocol, we also used predefined topics for writing four compositions of different genres: narrative, descriptive, exposition and argumentative. The obtained data were processed using a statistical package SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., 2002-2010), and the method choice depended on the data structure and nature, the homogeneity of the variance and the normality of distribution. In addition to the quantitative analysis, the collected material was also qualitatively analyzed. The research results were presented in a tabular form, and the most significant results were discussed in particular. The results of our research suggest that completely and partially deaf children from schools for children with typical development use significantly greater number of adverbial words in relation to the completely and partially deaf children from schools for children with hearing impairments, but also in relation to the typically developing children. This group of children is more successful in comparison to the other two groups of children not only in the number of used adverbial words, but also in the use of different types of adjectives and possessive pronouns. During the formation of statements, partially and completely deaf children who attend schools for children with hearing impairment used significantly less (by number and type) adverbial words than typically developing children. The research results indicate that the use and functions of the adverbial words in children of typical development depend on the sex and the class that the child attends, and in the group of partially and completely deaf children they depend on the dominant mode of communication and the length of the applied re/habilitation treatment. Based on the research results, we concluded that, in children of typical development, the use of adverbial words during statement formation increases with the maturation and richness of the speech and language and educational experience. Because of their dependency and abstractness, the use of adverbial words represents a problem for partially and completely deaf children. For that reason, early detection and diagnosis of hearing impairment is necessary, as well as an adequate amplification and the initiation of re/habilitation treatment immediately after hearing damage detection. The re/habilitation treatment of partially and completely deaf children must be planned and systematically and continuously performed over a long period of time (from the moment of hearing loss detection, throughout the pre-school and elementary school, and even longer), so that partially and completely deaf children could be empowered for quality verbal communication, in order to develop their potentials to the maximum, to develop their overall personality and to successfully integrate into the social environment.en
dc.description.abstractVerbalna komunikacija je dominantan vid sporazumevanja među ljudima. Za razvoj govora i jezika, neophodna je, uz mnoštvo drugih faktora, i dobra auditivna percepcija. Oštećenje sluha dovodi do zastoja u razvoju govora i jezika. Ono onemogućava dete da spontano usvaja govor i jezik u sprezi zvuka i značenja. Smetnje u razvoju govora i jezika reflektuju se i na kognitivni, socijalni i emocionalni razvoj, što uslovljava negativne promene u razvoju svih bitnih aspekata ličnosti osobe oštećenog sluha. Prilikom verbalne produkcije gluvih i nagluvih osoba javljaju se konstrukcije koje nisu karakteristične za srpski jezik. U verbalnom izražavanju gluve i nagluve dece odredbene reči (pridevi, pridevske zamenice i redni brojevi) se nedovoljno upotrebljavaju, a i koriste se u drugačijoj funkciji u rečenici, u odnosu na rečenične konstrukcije dece tipičnog jezičkog razvoja. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi i razjasni upotreba i funkcije odredbenih reči u formiranju iskaza kod gluve i nagluve dece, a zatim i da se utvrde, uporede i razjasne upotreba i funkcije odredbenih reči u formiranju iskaza gluve i nagluve dece i dece tipičnog jezičkog razvoja. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno N=130 učenika, oba pola, prosečnih intelektualnih sposobnosti, bez dodatnih oštećenja. Svi učenici pohađali su više razrede (V, VI, VII i VIII) osnovne škole. Uzorak je podeljen u tri grupe – dve eksperimentalne i jednu kontrolnu. Jednu ksperimentalnu grupu (E) činilo je N=40 učenika čije je oštećenje sluha preko 70 dB i koji su pohađali škole za gluvu i nagluvu decu. Druga eksperimntalna grupa (E1) formirana je od N=10 učenika čije je oštećenje sluha preko 70 dB i koji su pohađali škole za decu tipičnog razvoja. Kontrolna grupa obuhvatila je N=80 učenika tipičnog razvoja. Kontrolna grupa ujednačena je sa eksperimentalnom grupom prema polu i razredu u koji su uključena ispitivana deca. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena deca iz škola za gluve i nagluve u Srbiji i gluva i nagluva deca koja pohađaju osnovne škole za decu tipičnog razvoja u Srbiji, a bila su uključena u re/habilitacioni tretman u Institutu za eksperimentalnu fonetiku i patologiju govora u Beogradu, Odeljenju za rehabilitaciju slušanja i govora, Instituta za ORL i MFH Kliničkog centra Srbije i/ ili ''Dečjoj kući'', Kliničko bolničkog centra Zvezdara. Istraživanje sa decom iz kontrolne grupe obavljeno je u osnovnoj školi ''Zaga Malivuk'' u Beogradu. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruisan je poseban protokol za prikupljanje podataka. Osim ovog protokola, koristili smo i unapred definisane teme za pisanje četiri sastava različitih žanrova: narativ, deskripcija, ekspozicija i argumentativ. Prikupljeni podaci obrađivani su pomoću statističkog paketa SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., 2002-2010), a izbor metoda zavisio je od strukture i prirode podataka, homogenosti varijanse i normalnosti raspodele. Pored kvantitativne analize, prikupljeni materijal analizirali smo i kvalitativno. Rezultate istraživanja prikazali smo tabelarno, a najznačajnije rezultate smo i posebno diskutovali. Rezultati našeg istraživanja govore da gluva i nagluva deca iz škola za decu tipičnog razvoja na starijem osnovnoškolskom uzrastu upotrebljavaju značajno veći broj odredbenih reči u odnosu na decu iz škola za gluve i nagluve, ali i u odnosu na decu tipičnog jezičkog razvoja. Ova grupa dece uspešnija je u odnosu na druge dve ispitivane grupe dece ne samo u broju upotrebljenih odredbenih reči, već i u upotrebi različitih vrsta prideva i pridevskih zamenica. Deca koja pohađaju škole za gluve i nagluve prilikom formiranja iskaza upotrebila su bitno manje (po broju i po vrsti) odredbenih reči od dece tipičnog jezičkog razvoja. Rezultati istraživanja govore da upotreba i funkcije odredbenih reči kod dece tipičnog razvoja zavise od pola i razreda koji dete pohađa, a kod gluve i nagluve dece od dominantnog načina komunikacije i dužine primenjenog re/habilitacionog tretmana. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja zaključili smo da se upotreba odredbenih reči u formiranju iskaza povećava sa sazrevanjem i bogaćenjem govorno-jezičkog i vaspitno-obrazovnog iskustva kod dece tipičnog razvoja. Pošto upotreba odredbenih reči zbog njihove nesamostalnosti i apstraktnosti predstavlja problem gluvoj i nagluvoj deci, neophodna je rana detekcija i dijagnostika oštećenja sluha, kao i adekvatna amplifikacija i otpočinjanje re/habilitacionog tretmana odmah po detekciji oštećenja sluha. Re/habilitacioni tretman gluve i nagluve dece mora da bude planski osmišljen i sistematski i kontinuirano izvođen kroz dug vremenski period (od momenta detekcije oštećenja sluha, kroz čitav predškolski i osnovnoškolski period, pa i duže), kako bi gluva i nagluva deca bila osposobljena za kvalitetnu verbalnu komunikaciju i kako bi njihovi potencijali bili razvijeni do maksimuma, u cilju razvoja celokupne ličnosti deteta i njihove uspešne integracije u socijalnu sredinu.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceUniverzitet u Beogradu
dc.subjectpartially and completely deaf childrenen
dc.subjecttypically developing childrenen
dc.subjectadverbial wordsen
dc.subjectpossessive pronounsen
dc.subjectordinal numbersen
dc.subjectgluva i nagluva decasr
dc.subjectdeca tipičnog jezičkog razvojasr
dc.subjectodredbene rečisr
dc.subjectpridevske zamenicesr
dc.subjectredni brojevisr
dc.titleThe use and functions of adverbial words in partially and completely deaf children.en
dc.titleUpotreba i funkcije odredbenih reči kod gluve i nagluve decesr



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