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Family risk factors and social competence of children

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorŽunić-Pavlović Vesna
dc.creatorJelić, Marija
dc.creatorGrandić, Radovan
dc.description.abstractProblem istraživanja svodi se na pitanje da li postoje značajne razlike u razvijenosti socijalnih veština dece u odnosu na prisustvo i odsustvo problema u porodičnoj sredini. Problemi u porodičnom funkcionisanju podeljeni su na: socio-ekonomski problemi; partnerski konflikti i razvod; mentalno zdravlje roditelja; destruktivno ponašanje roditelja prema deci. Za ispitivanje socijalnih veština korišćena je skala Social Skills Rating System (Gresham, Elliott, 1990) koja se sastoji iz subskala: kooperativnost, odgovornost, asertivnost i samokontorla. Uzorak je činilo 414 dece uzrasta od 12 do 18 godina. Rezultati su pokazali da socioekonomski problemi nisu značajno povezani sa razvijenošću socijalnih veština. Deca koja su imala iskustvo zlostavljanja ili zanemarivanja u svojoj porodici imaju značajnije niže skorove na Samokontroli (t = 4,35; p < 0,000) i Odgovornosti (t = 2,74; p < 0,006) u odnosu na decu koja nisu imala ovakva iskustva. Isto tako, deca roditelja koji imaju problema sa mentalnim zdravljem pokazuju značajnije niži nivo Samokontrole (t = 4,63; p < 0,000) i Odgovornosti (t = 2,40; p < 0,017) nego deca čiji su roditelji dobrog mentalnog zdravlja. Česti konflikti roditelja i razvod, takođe, doprinose nižoj Samokontroli (t = 2,94; p < 0,003) i Odgovornosti (t = 2,89; p < 0,004), ali i nižoj Kooperativnosti (t = 2,91; p < 0,003) dece. Asertivnost nije značajno povezana sa ispitvanim porodičnim varijablama. U zaključku autori ukazuju na pedagoške implikacije dobijenih rezultata i potrebu za ranom intervencijom u porodici u cilju razvijanja socijalnih veština i podsticanja prosocijalnog ponašanja, te prevencije emocionalnih i problema u ponašanju dece. Takođe, dobijeni nalazi otvaraju mogućnost daljih istraživanja o povezanosti ispitivanih porodičnih varijabli i socijalnih veština sa različitim aspektima socijalne kompetentnosti dece.
dc.description.abstractThe research problem is focused to the question of whether there are significant differences in the development of social skills of children in relation to the presence and absence of specific problems in the family. Problems in family functioning are divided into: socio-economic problems; marital conflict and divorce; mental illness of parent; negative parental behavior towards children. Social skills are measured by Social Skills Rating System (Gresham, Elliott, 1990), consisting of subscales cooperation, responsibility, assertiveness and self-control. The sample consisted of 414 children aged 12 to 18 years. The results showed that socio-economic problems were not significantly correlate to the social skills development. Children who have had the experience of abuse or neglect in their families have significantly lower scores on Self-control (t = 4.35; p < 0.000) and Responsibility (t = 2.74; p < 0.006) than children who did not have these experiences. Similarly, children of parents with mental health problems showed significantly lower level of Self-control (t = 4.63; p < 0.000) and Responsibility (t = 2.40; p < 0.017) than children whose parents are of good mental health. As weel as findings suggest that frequent marital conflict and divorce, in addition to lower level of Self control (t = 2.94; p < 0.003) and Responsibility (t = 2.89; p < 0.004), also have influence on lower Cooperativeness (t = 2.91; p < 0.003) of children. Assertiveness is not significantly associated with family variables. In conclusion, the authors presented pedagogical implications of the results and the need for early intervention in the family in order to develop social skills and encouraging prosocial behavior and prevention of emotional and behavioral problems in children. Also, these findings open the possibility of further research on the association of family variables and social skills to various aspects of social competence of children.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 7. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 27-29. 11. 2013
dc.subjectsocijalne veštine
dc.subjectsocijalna kompetentnost
dc.subjectrana intervencija
dc.subjectsocial skills
dc.subjectsocial competence
dc.subjectearly intervention
dc.titlePorodični riziko faktori i socijalna kompetentnost decesr
dc.titleFamily risk factors and social competence of children
dc.citation.other: 67-76



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