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Students' perception of biometric identification in security purpose in Serbia

dc.contributorGlumbić Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić Vesna
dc.creatorKovačević-Lepojević, Marina
dc.creatorŽunić-Pavlović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractBiometrijske tehnologije omogućavaju automatsku identifikaciju osobe na osnovu njenih bioloških karakteristika i ponašanja. U tu svrhu najčešće se primenjuju uzimanje otisaka prstiju, prepoznavanje lica i prepoznavanje zenica oka, a nešto ređe se za identifikaciju koriste geometrija šake, mrežnjača oka, lični potpis, glas, prokrvljenost ručnog zgloba, način hoda, miris, struktura uha i drugo. Biometrijski podaci su posebno osetljivi i mogu biti kompromitovani tokom prikupljanja, obrade, zadržavanja i upoređivanja, pa javnost ima podeljene stavove prema upotrebi ovih tehnologija. Cilj rada je sagledavanje stavova studenata fakulteta na kojima se izučavaju krivičnopravne i kriminološke nauke [Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Kriminalističko- policijske akademije i Pravnog fakulteta) prema upotrebi biometrijskih tehnologija u svrhu kontrole pristupa. Uzorak čini 269 studenata. Za potrebe prikupljanja podataka korišćen je upitnik PRISE Questionnaire on Security technology and privacy, deo o biometrijskoj identifikaciji. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da studenti u većini slučajeva (81%) imaju pozitivne stavove prema upotrebi biometrijske identifikacije. Najveći broj studenata opravdava upotrebu biometrijske identifikacije na graničnim prelazima (67,7%), aerodromima (58,4%) i bankama (50,6%). Kao najprihvatljivije biometrijske tehnologije studenti su izdvojili uzimanje otiska prsta (66,5%), a zatim prepoznavanje lica (29,6%) i prepoznavanje zenica oka (26%). Otkrivene su izvesne razlike između studenata različitih fakulteta, kao na primer da studenti Pravnog fakulteta imaju negativnije stavove prema upotrebi biometrijskih pasoša zbog rizika krađe podataka nego studenti druga dva fakulteta [F(2,266)=3,861; p<0,05). Dobijeni nalazi su razmotreni u svet/u rezultata sličnih istraživanja koja su rađena u svetu, ali i sa aspekta njihovog značaja za obrazovanje profesionalaca koji će donositi odluke o primeni biometrijske identifikacije
dc.description.abstractBiometric technologies enable automatic identification of people based on their biological characteristics and behavior. Fingerprinting,face recognition and iris scanning are recognized as the most popular. Less frequently used are hand geometry, retina, signature, voice, vein, gait, smeli, ear structure, etc. Biometric data are particularly sensitive and may be compromised during collection, processing, data retention and comparisons, and therefore the public has ambivalent attitudes towards the use of these technologies. The aim of this research is to assess the attitudes of students towards the use of biometric technology in access control. The data were collected by PRISE Questionnaire on Security Technology and Privacy, the part on biometric identification, in December 2011 . The sample consisted of the students of Belgrade University (N=269) who study criminal law and criminology (Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies and Law Faculty). Results of the research suggest that most students are positively oriented towards biometrics identification (88.1%). They mostly agree with the use of biometric identification at border crossings (67.7%), at airports (58.4%) and in banks (50.6%). The most acceptable biometric identification techniques are fingerprinting (66.5%), face recognition (29. 6%), and iris scanning (26%). There are some differences between students from different faculties. Law Faculty students are more negatively oriented towards biometric passports then the students from the other two faculties (F(2.266)=3.861; p<.05). The results were interpreted in light of similar world research results and in the context of the education of future professionals who will be making decision about the implementation of biometric identification.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47011/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova – 6. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 14–16.09.2012
dc.subjectbiometrijska identifikacija
dc.subjectbezbednosne tehnologije
dc.subjectbiometric identification
dc.subjectsecurity technologies
dc.titleStavovi studenata prema primeni biometrijske identifikacije u bezbednosne svrhesr
dc.titleStudents' perception of biometric identification in security purpose in Serbia
dc.citation.other: 159-163



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