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Middle school students’ awareness about drugs

dc.contributorGlumbić Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić Vesna
dc.creatorPopović-Ćitić, Branislava
dc.creatorNešić, Marija
dc.description.abstractStepen informisanosti učenika o osnovnim karakteristikama i posledicama upotrebe droge smatra se jednom od ključnih pretpostavki uspešnog planiranja školskih programa prevencije bolesti zavisnosti od droga. U cilju utvr􀃿ivanja nivoa znanja i obaveštenosti učenika o vrstama droga, posledicama, dostupnosti i razlozima upotrebe droga, realizovano je kvalitativno istraživanje. Za potrebe prikupljanja podataka, na uzorku od 207 učenika starijih razreda iz 12 beogradskih osnovnih škola, korišćena je metoda fokus-grupnog intervjua. U svakoj školi, tokom prvog polugodišta školske 2010/11. godine, održane su po dve polno homogene učesničke fokus grupe, koje su u proseku brojale po 10 učenika, uzrasta od 11 do 13 godina. Intervjui su vo􀃿eni u skladu sa posebno kreiranim upitnikom koji se sastojao od pet tematskih vežbi. Diskusije su beležene audio zapisom i kasnije transkribovane, a dobijeni rezultati obra􀃿eni su metodom kvalitativne analize sadržaja. Nalazi istraživanja ukazuju da su učenici upoznati sa postojanjem različitih vrsta droga, pre svega sa marihuanom, kokainom i heroinom, da poznaju žargonske nazive pojedinih droga, ali da ne uvi􀃿aju sinonimna značenja. Izgled većine pomenutih droga učenici pravilno prepoznaju, uz obrazloženje da su njihova saznanja prevashodno rezultat informacija prezentovanih u medijima. Najčešće razloge upotrebe droga, učenici vide u pritisku vršnjaka, bežanju od problema i radoznalosti. Posledice upotrebe droga učenici jasno percipiraju samo u domenu fizičkog zdravlja, dok se socijalne posledice i promene u psihičkom zdravlju u daleko manjoj meri prepoznaju kao rezultat upotrebe droga. Najdostupnija droga, prema mišljenju učenika, je marihuana, a za preostale droge veruju da ih je teže nabaviti. Izvedeni zaključci svedoče o relativno visokom nivou informisanosti učenika o pojedinim aspektima upotrebe droga, te nude iskustveni okvir za kreiranje adekvatnih strategija preventivnog karaktera koje bi mogle biti implementirane u školskoj sredini kao bazičnom području preventivnog delovanja.
dc.description.abstractThe degree of students’ awareness about the basic characteristics and consequences of drug use is considered as one of the key assumptions of successful planning school-based prevention programs of substance abuse. In order to determine the level of knowledge and awareness of students about the type of drugs, consequences, availability, and reasons for drug use, the qualitative research study was implemented. For the purpose of collecting data on a sample of 207 middle school students from 12 state school in Belgrade, we used the method of focus-group interview. In each school, during the first semester of 2010/11 school year, were held two gender-homogeneous participatory focus groups, which are counted in average of 10 students, aged from 11 to 13. Interview were conducted in accordance with a specially designed questionnaire that consisted of five thematic exercises. Discussion were recorded, transcribed verbatim and the results were emerged through a process of qualitative content analysis. Research findings indicate that students are familiar with the existence of different types of drugs, primarily marijuana, cocaine and heroin, that they know the slang names of certain drugs, but do not recognize the synonymous meanings. Students correctly perceive the appearance of most drugs, arguing that their knowledge is primarly a result of the information presented in the media. Peer pressure, running away from problems and curiosity are the most common reasons for drug use, in the opinion of students. The consequences of drug use, students clearly perceive only in terms of physical health, while the social consequences and changes in mental health are much lesser recognised as a results of drug use. The most accessible drug, according to the students, is marijuana, and for the other drugs they believe that is more difficult to obtain. Derived conclusions indicate to the relatively high level of students’ awareness about certain aspects of drug use, and offer empirical framework for designing the adequate prevention strategies that could be implemented in the school setting as a basic area of preventive action.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar 2011
dc.titleInformisanost učenika osnovnih škola o drogamasr
dc.titleMiddle school students’ awareness about drugs
dc.citation.other: 477-482



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