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The significance of mastering orthography (grammar and punctuation rules) by deaf and hard Of hearing children

dc.contributorGlumbić Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić Vesna
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorKovačević, Tamara
dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.description.abstractGluva i nagluva deca otežano usvajaju i razumeju pisani govor, zbog toga što sposobnost izražavanja misli u pisanoj formi zavisi od uspešno savladanih svih prethodnih stupnjeva razvoja jezika. Putem pisma dete prima informacije, izražava svoje misli, osećanja, želje i potrebe. U procesu savladavanja pisanja učenici treba da postanu svesni pravila: pisanje rukom, upotreba velikog i malog slova, interpunkcija i način izražavanja. Zarezi, znaci navoda, tačke, uzvičnici, znaci pitanja, dve tač ke se koriste da nešto istaknu, naglase, kao i da ukažu na odnose izme􀃿u rečenica i reči. Nepravilna upotreba interpunkcije i velikih i malih slova može deformisati poruku (misao) i dovesti do gubitka čitljivosti i razumljivosti napisanog. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitati da li su i u kojoj meri gluvi i nagluvi učenici savladali upotrebu velikog i malog slova u pisanju, kao i poznavanje pravilne upotrebe znakova interpunkcije. Instrumenti koje smo primenili u našem istraživanju su Test za upotrebu velikog i malog slova (N. Dimić) i Test interpunkcije (N. Dimić). Uzorak je obuhvatio 30 gluvih i nagluvih učenika uzrasta od petog do osmog razreda koji poha􀃿aju školu 􀆎Stefan Dečanski􀆎 u Beogradu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su učenici bolje rezultate ostvarili pri upotrebi velikog i malog slova.. Pri upotrebi velikog i malog slova problem je predstavljalo pravilno pisanje naziva praznika sa dve reči, kao i naziva časopisa. Na Testu interpunkcije uočena je neadekvatna upotreba zareza, uzvičnika, upitnika i znakova navoda. Najslabiji rezultati ostvareni su pri upotrebi više znakova interpunkcije u jednoj rečenici (navodnici, uzvičnik, tačka).
dc.description.abstractDeaf and hard of hearing children have difficulty in adopting and understanding written language , because the ability to express thoughts in written form depends on the successful mastering of all previous levels of language development. By way of the written word, the child receives information, expresses his thoughts, feelings, wishes and needs. In the process of mastering the skill of writing the pupils must become aware of certain rules: writing with the hand, using small and capital letters, punctuation and ways of expressing themselves. Commas, quotations, periods, exclamation points, question marks, colons, are used to emphasize something; as well as to present the relations between words and sentences. Incorrect punctuation usage, capital and small letters, can deform the message (thought) that is being sent, and can result in the loss of readability and understandability of the written text. The aim of our study was to evaluate, whether or not the deaf and hard of hearing pupils have mastered the use of capital and small letters, as well as their knowledge of the correct usage of punctuation signs and to what extent they have done so. The instrument we used in our study was The Test on Capitalization (N.Dimic) and The Punctuation Test (N.Dimic). The sample consisted of 30 deaf and hard of hearing pupils enrolled in grades five to eight at the Stefan Decanski School in Belgrade, Serbia. The obtained results show that the pupils achieved better results on the Capitalization Test. In using capital and small letters the problem was observed in the writing of holidays with two words, as well as magazine titles. On the Punctuation Test, inadequate usage of commas, exclamation points, question marks and quotation marks was observed. The worst results were seen in the usage of multiple punctuation signs within one sentence (quotations, exclamation point and period).
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar 2011.
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvi učenici
dc.subjectdeaf and hard of hearing pupils
dc.titleZnačaj savladanosti pravopisnih pravila kod gluve i nagluve dece osnovnoškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleThe significance of mastering orthography (grammar and punctuation rules) by deaf and hard Of hearing children
dc.citation.other: 39-45

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