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Specifics of asking and responding to questions with deaf and hard of hearing children in spoken, written and sign langauge expression

dc.contributorMatejić-Đuričić Zorica
dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractKomunikacija je dinamičan proces u kome se informacije prenose putem simbola. Ona je kod dece oštećenog sluha umnogome otežana. Ograničenost u sticanju iskustva putem verbalnih poruka dovela je do toga da gluva deca razvijaju druge forme komunikacije. Dominantnu, verbalnu - usmenu i pisanu komunikaciju, umnogome zamenjuje neverbalna. Postavljanje pitanja, kao i odgovaranje na njih, nezaobilazni su u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji ove dece. Aktivna govorna, pisana ili znakovna komunikacija osnovni je preduslov uspešne socijalizacije gluve i nagluve dece. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita uspešnost pri odgovaranju na pitanja, kao i postavljanje pitanja na zadate odgovore kod učenika oštećenog sluha u okviru govornog, pisanog i znakovnog oblika izražavanja. U istraživanju je primenjen jedan segment iz Jezičkog korpusa za procenu leksičko-stilskih specifičnosti (Dimić, Isaković, 2004). Deo korpusa koji je korišćen sastojao se iz zahteva da učenici odgovore na postavljena pitanja, kao i da pravilno postave pitanja na unapred zadate odgovore, u okviru tri oblika izražavanja. Istraživanje je obavljeno na uzorku od 40 gluvih i nagluvih učenika oba pola uzrasta og petog do osmog razreda (po deset iz svakog razreda). Gluvi i nagluvi učenici najbolje rezultate ostvaruju u okviru znakovnog izraza, zatim sledi govorni, dok se najslabija postignuća uočavaju u okviru pisanog. Bolji rezultati, u okviru sva tri oblika izražavanja, ostvareni su pri odgovaranju na pitanja. Takođe, uočava se da uzrast učenika korelira jedino sa postignućima ostvarenim u okviru znakovnog jezika i to pri postavljanju pitanja.
dc.description.abstractCommunication is a dynamic process in which information is communicated through symbols. With hearing-impaired children, it is made significantly more difficult. The limitation in gaining experience through verbal messages has led to deaf children developing other forms of communication. Dominant verbal – spoken and written communication is being largely substituted with nonverbal communication. Asking questions as well as responding to them are unavoidable in everyday communication of these children. Active communication through the use of spoken, written and sign language is the essential prerequisite for successful socialization of deaf and hard of hearing children. The aim of the research was to examine the level of success in responding to questions as well as asking questions to set responses with hearing-impaired students in the context of spoken and written form of expression and sign language expression. One segment from the Language Corpus for the assessment of lexical and stylistic specific qualities (Dimić, Isaković, 2004) was applied in the research. The part of the corpus that was used required the students to respond to asked questions as well as to ask correct questions corresponding to the responses which had been set in advance in the context of these three forms of expression. The research was carried out on the sample of 40 deaf and hard of hearing students of both sexes between the ages of fifth and eighth grade students (ten students from each grade). Deaf and hard of hearing children produce the best results within expression through the use of signs followed by spoken expression, while the lowest achievement is observed in the context of written expression. In the context of all three forms of expression, better results are produced in responding to questions. In addition, it can be observed that the age of students correlates only with the results produced within sign language, specifically when asking questions.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „U susret inkluziji – dileme u teoriji i praksi“,Zlatibor,2008
dc.subjectgluva i nagluva deca
dc.subjectgovorni, pisani i znakovni jezik
dc.subjectpitanja i odgovori
dc.subjectdeaf and hard of hearing children
dc.subjectwritten and sign language
dc.subjectquestions and answers
dc.titleSpecifičnost odgovaranja na pitanja i postavljanje pitanja kod gluve i nagluve dece u govornom, pisanom i znakovnom izrazusr
dc.titleSpecifics of asking and responding to questions with deaf and hard of hearing children in spoken, written and sign langauge expression
dc.citation.other: 363-374



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