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Funkcija leksičke spremnosti kod dece oštećenog sluha

dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.creatorKovačević, Tamara
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractThe most common problem encountered in working on speech development in hearing impaired children is their lexical fund. The question of vocabulary development can be observed from two aspects - as the increase in the number of words which are useful for written, oral and sign forms of expression, but also as the development of various meanings within the scope of one word. The aim of this paper was to examine the function of lexical dexterity in hearing impaired children within written, oral and sign mode of expression. The sample consisted of 111 examinees of both sexes, attending grades 1 to 8 of elementary school. The research was carried out in two elementary schools in Belgrade, which are attended by hearing - impaired children. One segment of the Lexical Dexterity Test (N. Dimitrijevic, D. Đorđevic), that is, its abridged version, was used in the research. The part of the test which was applied comprised nine following domains: parts of the body, food and beverages, clothes and shoes, animals, means of transportation. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained results, which shall be presented by means of tables and graphs, were conducted.199 The total number of used words was established within each tested domain, as well as the number of different words (depending on age), and the ten most frequently used words in all of the hearing - impaired children who were examined. Depending on the age group, great individual differences were observed in the range of vocabulary. Inadequately arranged words by the lexical domains were particularly interesting as well as the selection of words used. The majority of used words were obtained within sign vocabulary.en
dc.description.abstractProblem sa kojim se najčešće susrećemo u radu na razvoju govora kod dece oštećenog sluha jeste njihov leksički fond. Pitanje razvitka rečnika se može posmatrati sa dva aspekta - kao povećanje broja reči korisnih za pisani, usmeni i znakovni vid izražavanja, ali i kao razvoj različitih značenja u okviru jedne iste reči. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita funkcija leksičke spremnosti kod učenika oštećenog sluha u okviru pisanog, govornog i znakovnog načina izražavanja. Ispitano je 111 ispitanika oba pola, uzrasta od prvog do osmog razreda. Istraživanje je obavljeno u dve škole u Beogradu, koje pohađaju učenici oštećenog sluha. U istraživanju smo primenili jedan segment Testa leksičke spremnosti (N. Dimitrijević, D. Đorđević). Deo testa koji smo koristili sastojao se iz sledećih oblasti: delovi tela, hrana i piće, odeća i obuća, životinje, prevozna sredstva. Izvršena je kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza dobijenih rezultata, koji će biti prikazani tabelarno i grafički. Utvrđen je ukupan broj reči u okviru svake leksičke oblasti, broj različitih reči (u zavisnosti od uzrasta), kao i deset najfrekventnijih reči kod svih ispitivanih učenika oštećenog sluha. U veličini rečnika, u zavisnosti od uzrasta, uočene su velike pojedinačne razlike. Posebno interesantna bila je pojava neadekvatno svrstanih reči prema leksičkim oblastima, kao i izbor upotrebljenih reči. Najveći broj upotrebljenih reči dobili smo u okviru znakovnog rečnika.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjectlexical dexterityen
dc.subjectoral and sign vocabularyen
dc.subjecthearing - impaired childrenen
dc.subjectleksička spremnostsr
dc.subjectgovorni i znakovni rečniksr
dc.subjectdeca oštećenog sluhasr
dc.titleThe function of lexical dexterity in hearing-impaired childrenen
dc.titleFunkcija leksičke spremnosti kod dece oštećenog sluhasr
dc.citation.other(3-4): 87-103



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