Приказ основних података о документу

Depression in parents of children with disability

dc.creatorDimoski, Sanja
dc.creatorGrbović, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Research shows that parental depression has negative effects on various spheres of children's psychophysical development. The subject of this paper is depression of parents of children with disability. Research on the presence of depression in parents of children with disabilitiy is presented, as well as research on differences in depression between fathers and mothers of children with disability, the relation between depression and the type of child's disability, and the relation of depression with demographic variables and parental support. Objective. This paper aims to analyze available research on the depression of parents of children with disability, the relation between depression and correlation variables, as well as to explain the research findings. The aim of the paper derives from the importance of the research subject for psychology of disability and rehabilitation. Methods. The method involved searching for scientific research available on relevant online search engines: Google Scholar, KoBSON, ScienceDirect. The basic search was performed on the basis of the following key words - depression and parents of children with disability. Results. The research analysis indicates the inconsistency of the results on the presence of depression in parents of children with disability. The paper provides findings that consistently suggest higher levels of depression in mothers compared to fathers of children with disability. Research practice indicates a link between depression and the type of disability, i.e. depression and behavioral characteristics of children with disability. There is no systematic research on the relation between parental depression in children with disabilities and demographic variables. The availability of professional support is negatively related to the presence of depression. Conclusion. The inconsistency of the results on the presence of depression in parents of children with disability is, to a large extent, a consequence of methodological reasons. Reducing depression in parents of children with disability has a double positive effect - on themselves and their children.en
dc.description.abstractUvod. Istraživanja pokazuju da depresivnost roditelja ima negativne efekte na razne sfere psihofizičkog razvoja dece. Predmet ovog rada je depresivnost roditelja dece s ometenošću. Prikazana su istraživanja o prisustvu depresije kod roditelja dece s ometenošću, kao i istraživanja o razlikama u depresivnosti između očeva i majki dece s ometenošću, o vezi depresivnosti i vrste ometenosti deteta i veze depresivnosti sa demografskim varijablama i podrškom roditeljima. Cilj. Cilj rada je analiza dostupnih istraživanja o depresivnosti roditelja dece s ometenošću, vezama depresivnosti sa korelacionim varijablama, kao i pokušaj davanja objašnjenja nalaza istraživanja. Cilj rada proizilazi iz važnosti predmeta rada za psihologiju ometenosti i rehabilitaciju. Metod. Metod rada je pretraga naučnih istraživanja dostupnih na relevatnim online pretraživačima: Google Scholar, KoBSON, ScienceDirect. Osnovna pretraga vršena je na osnovu ključnih reči - depresija/ depresivnost i roditelji dece s ometenošću. Rezultati. Analiza istaživanja ukazuje na nekonzistentnost rezultata o prisustvu depresije kod roditelja dece s ometenošću. Rad daje nalaze koji konzistentno govore o višim nivoima depresije kod majki u odnosu na očeve dece s ometenošću. Istraživačka praksa ukazuje na vezu između depresije i vrste ometenosti, odnosno depresije i karakteristika ponašanja dece s ometenošću. U pogledu veze depresije roditelja dece s ometenošću i demografskih varijabli nema sistematski sprovedenih istraživanja. Dostupnost profesionalne podrške negativno je vezana za prisustvo depresije. Zaključak. Nekonzistentnost rezultata o prisustvu depresivnosti kod roditelja dece s ometenošću u velikoj meri je posledica metodoloških razloga. Smanjenje depresije roditelja dece s ometenošću ima dvostruko pozitivno dejstvo - na njih same i na njihovu decu.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjectparents of children with disabilityen
dc.subjectmothers of children with disabilityen
dc.subjecttype of disabilityen
dc.subjectroditelji dece s ometenošćusr
dc.subjectmajke dece s ometenošćusr
dc.subjecttip ometenostisr
dc.titleDepresivnost roditelja dece s ometenošćuen
dc.titleDepression in parents of children with disabilitysr
dc.citation.other19(2): 123-144



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