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Brokina zona - od govora do muzike

dc.creatorArsenić, Ivana
dc.creatorPavlović, Dragan
dc.creatorJovanović-Simić, Nadica
dc.description.abstractSince 1861. Broca's area was considered as an anatomic region of brain endued for speech articulation. It is believed that it is responsible for controlling motor speech movements and related movements of the lips, tongue, larynx and pharynx. Broca's area has a primary role in speech motor programming, as well as in the phonetic, phonological, syntactic and semantic aspects of language, but it is also considered as a cortical region underling the aquisition of grammatical rules. In addition to the production process, Broca's area is involved in the process of understanding a language, as well as in achievement of other language functions. However, there are various controversies about the connection between Broca's area and language functions. The lesions of this area do not always lead to Broca's aphasia, and in addition, patients with Broca's aphasia do not always have a lesion of Broca's area. Also, it was found that some of language functions, that were earlier considered to be controlled only by the activity of Broca's area, are realized through the interaction of this area with other areas of the cortex, and activated by certain subcortical areas. Although a number of studies showed the activation of Broca's area during the performance of language tasks, there are studies that have shown that this area is also activate during non-linguistic tasks. Thus, this area has a certain role in imitation of the movement, capturing, manipulating objects, working memory, recognizing familiar smells, music and other cognitive functions. Therefore, recent studies, researching the role of Broca's area in language acquisition, raise the question of redefining the basic functions that have been attributed to Broca's area.en
dc.description.abstractBrokina zona je još 1861. godine nazvana centrom govorne artikulacije. Smatra da je ona odgovorna za kontrolu pokreta mišića govornog aparata i srodnih pokreta usana, jezika, larinksa i farinksa. Brokina zona ima primarnu ulogu u stvaranju programa govorne produkcije kao i fonetsko- fonološkim, sintaksičkim i semantičkim aspektima jezika, a takođe omogućava i usvajanje gramatičkih pravila. Osim u proces produkcije, Brokina zona je uključena i u proces razumevanja jezika, kao i u ostvarivanje drugih jezičkih funkcija. Međutim, postoje različite kontroverze o povezanosti Brokine zone i jezičkih funkcija. Upravo lezije locirane u Brokinoj oblasti ne dovode uvek do Brokine afazije, a osim toga pacijenti sa Brokinom afazijom nemaju uvek leziju u Brokinoj zoni. Takođe, utvrđeno je da neke od funkcija koje su se smatrale primarnim za Brokino polje, ova area ostvaruje u interakciji sa drugim oblastima korteksa, a da se one mogu ostvariti i zahvaljujući aktivaciji nekih subkortikalnih oblasti. Iako je veliki broj studija pokazao aktivaciju Brokine zone prilikom izvršenja jezičkih zadataka postoje i studije koje su dokazale da se ova zona aktivira i prilikom nelingvističkih zadataka. Tako ona učestvuje u imitaciji pokreta, hvatanju, manipulaciji predmetima, radnoj memoriji, prepoznavanju poznatih mirisa, muzici i drugim kognitivnim funkcijama, pa samim tim savremene studije koje se bave ulogom Brokine zone u ostvarivanju jezika, danas postavljaju pitanje redefinisanja osnovnih funkcija koje su se pripisivale Brokinoj
dc.publisherKlinički centar Srbije - Klinika za psihijatriju, Beograd i Udruženje psihijatara Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179068/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/175033/RS//
dc.subjectBroca's areaen
dc.subjectlinguistic and nonlinguistic aspectsen
dc.subjectBrokina zonasr
dc.subjectlingvistički i nelingvistički aspektisr
dc.titleBroca's area: From speech to musicen
dc.titleBrokina zona - od govora do muzikesr
dc.citation.other39(1): 33-51

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