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Radni status i faktori koji utiču na radno angažovanje obolelih od multiple skleroze

dc.creatorSlavković, Sanela
dc.creatorGolubović, Špela
dc.creatorNađ, Čongor
dc.creatorOdović, Gordana
dc.creatorHonan, Cynthia
dc.creatorBrkić-Jovanović, Nina
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Regular follow-up and support of people with multiple sclerosis in finding and keeping employment may enable them to stay employed longer and have better quality of work life, financial security, and a higher degree of social participation. The objective of this study was to determine the work status and factors that may affect work engagement of people with multiple sclerosis. Material and Methods. The study was conducted in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, and included 108 subjects with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, aged 18 - 65 years, using the expanded disability status scale, 0 - 5.5. The data were collected using a General questionnaire and the multiple sclerosis work difficulties questionnaire. Results. Out of 108 subjects, only 37 were employed or had been retired for less than three years, which were the criteria for filling out the multiple sclerosis work difficulties questionnaire (in Serbian). Our results showed that subjects perceived cognitive difficulties and movement/mobility difficulties as the main factors affecting their work performance. Conclusion. The analysis of environmental factors and factors affecting work engagement of people with multiple sclerosis showed that other factors affected their work more than their personal preferences or the disease itself.en
dc.description.abstractUvod. Adekvatnim načinom praćenja i podrškom prilikom zaposlenja i tokom radnog angažovanja, osobama obolelim od multiple skleroze omogućuje se duži i kvalitetniji ostanak na poslu, finansijska sigurnost i veći stepen socijalne participacije. Cilj rada je bio da utvrdimo radni status i faktore koji mogu uticati na radno angažovanje obolelih od multiple skleroze. Materijal i metode. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na teritoriji Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine na ukupnom uzorku od 108 ispitanika sa relapsno-remitentna formom multiple skleroze, starosti 18-65 godina i EDSS skorom 0-5,5. Podaci su prikupljeni Opštim upitnikom i The Multiple Sclerosis Work Difficulties Questionnaire - MSWDQ koji je preveden i prilagođen za potrebe srpskog govorno-jezičkog područja. Rezultati. Od ukupnog uzorka (n = 108), svega 37 obolelih od multiple skleroze radi ili je u penziji manje od tri godine što je bio preduslov popunjavanja upitnika. Utvrđeno je da ispitanici kognitivne teškoće i teškoće sa pokretljivošću percipiraju kao glavne teškoće odnosno faktore koji utiču na obavljanje posla. Zaključak. Analizirajući faktore okruženja i faktore koji utiču na radno angažovanje obolelih od multiple skleroze, zaključili smo da drugi faktori više utiču na rad ispitanika sa multiplom sklerozom, nego njihova lična želja ili sama bolest.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo lekara Vojvodine Srpskog lekarskog društva, Novi Sad
dc.sourceMedicinski pregled
dc.subjectMultiple Sclerosisen
dc.subjectDisabled Personsen
dc.subjectWork Capacity Evaluationen
dc.subjectSocial Participationen
dc.subjectSurveys and Questionnairesen
dc.subjectQuality of Lifeen
dc.subjectmultipla sklerozasr
dc.subjectosobe sa invaliditetomsr
dc.subjectprocena radnih sposobnostisr
dc.subjectsocijalna participacijasr
dc.subjectankete i upitnicisr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.titleWork status and factors affecting work engagement of people with multiple sclerosisen
dc.titleRadni status i faktori koji utiču na radno angažovanje obolelih od multiple sklerozesr
dc.citation.other70(7-8): 216-222



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