Приказ резултата 6682-6701 од 7582

      Towards a personality model encompassing a Disintegration factor separate from the Big Five traits: A meta-analysis of the empirical evidence [1]
      Tracking variations in daily questionable health behaviors and their psychological roots: a preregistered experience sampling study [1]
      Training program for transition of students with autism From primary to secondary school [1]
      Trainings for parents of persons with severe and profound intellectal disability [1]
      Trait EI factors: Bigger than the Big Five in predicting emotion regulation strategies? [1]
      Trait emotional intelligence as a predictor of loneliness during the covid-19 pandemic [1]
      Trajno i adolescencijom limitirano antisocijalno ponašanje mladih [1]
      Traning program for transition of students with autism from primary to secondary school [1]
      Transcortical sensory aphasia with preserved spontaneous speech and naming - A case study [1]
      Transcranial brain parenchyma sonographic findings in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 and 2 [1]
      Transdisciplinarni i intersektorski timski rad u ranim intervencijama [1]
      Transdisciplinary and Intersectoral Teamwork in Early Interventions [1]
      Transformacija škola za decu sa smetnjama u razvoju i invaliditetom – promena paradigme [1]
      Transformation of schools for education of children with disabilities - changing special education paradigms [1]
      Transition of prisons in transition of society [1]
      Transition planning for students with disabilities [1]
      Transitional programs for the persons with intellectual disability [1]
      Transparency and mixed viewpoints in drawings of preschool and early school age children [1]
      Transparentnost i mešanje uglova na crtežima dece predškolskog i mlađeg školskog uzrasta [1]
      Tranzicija kao komponenta rane intervencije [1]