Prikaz rezultata 1937-1956 od 7582

      Hyperkinetic syndrome, behavioral disorders and criminal psychopathology [1]
      Identification of Asperger syndrome in perpetrators of serious crimes [1]
      Identification of autistic communication profile in children with mild intellectual disability [1]
      Identification of children with developmental delays/ disabilities in preschools [1]
      Identification of novel Myc target genes with a potential role in lymphomagenesis [1]
      Identification of pervasive developmental disorders in persons with severe intellectual disaility [1]
      Identifikacija mentalnih poremećaja kod maloletnih delinkvenata [1]
      Identifikacija potreba vaspitača za podrškom u realizaciji inkluzivnog vaspitanja i obrazovanja [1]
      Identifikacija teškoća u izradi individualnih obrazovnih planova [1]
      Identifikacija učenika sa poremećajem ponašanja [1]
      Identifying difficulties in creating individual education programs [1]
      Identity crisis in the young blind and their impression of peer support [1]
      Ideološki i politički kontekst reforme socijalne zaštite maloletnih prestupnika u srbiji: eksperiment neoliberalne hegemonije [1]
      Idiom comprehension in bilingual children with intellectual disability [1]
      Idiom comprehension in children with Asperger syndrome: a case study [1]
      Idiom understanding in older adults [1]
      Idiopathic bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss and deafness [1]
      Idiopatska obostrana akutna senzorineuralna nagluvost i gluvoća [1]
      Igra i socijalne veštine vrtićke dece s mešovitim specifičnim poremećajima razvoja [1]
      Igra i učenje kroz igru kod dece sa razvojnim smetnjama [1]