Приказ резултата 7274-7293 од 7582

      Vizuomotorna integracija kod dece sa i bez smetnji u razvoju [2]
      Vizuomotorna kontrola kod dece sa lezijom plexus brachialisa [1]
      Vizuospacijalne funkcije i grafomotorno izražavanje u odnosu na upotrebnu lateralizovanost i pol [1]
      Vlijanieto na socijalnite faktori vrz procesot na spoznanieto na umereno mentalno retardiranite deca i mladina [1]
      Vocabulary Breadth and Depth in Early School-Aged Children with Developmental Language Disorder – Evidence from Serbian Speaking Children [1]
      Vocabulary development in children with speech and language disorders and children with tipical language development: preliminary examination [1]
      Vocabulary development in hearing impaired children [1]
      Vocabulary in teaching of foreign language for specific purposes on the example of English language for students of special education and rehabilitation [1]
      Vocal fatigue in teachers [1]
      Vocational achievement of visually impaired persons in computer technology [1]
      Vocational identity of deaf and hard of hearing adolescents [1]
      Vocational rehabilitation and predictors of employment of people with disabilities [1]
      Vocational rehabilitation models after traumatic brain injury [1]
      Vocational Training as a Factor in the Rehabilitation of Inmates in Institutions for Enforcing Penal Sanctions [1]
      Vocational training of persons with disabilities [1]
      Voice analysis before and after vocal rehabilitation in patients following open surgery on vocal cords [1]
      Voice analysis before and after vocal tiredness [1]
      Voice analysis in preschool children [1]
      Voice disorders among teachers [1]
      Voice Disorders in Children [1]