Hanak, Nataša

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  • Hanak, Nataša (16)

Author's Bibliography

Uvod u opštu psihologiju

Trebješanin, Žarko; Dragojević, Nada; Hanak, Nataša

(Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF), 2015)

AU  - Trebješanin, Žarko
AU  - Dragojević, Nada
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3856
AB  - Kada je pre otprilike sto trideset godina psihologija tek nastala, njeno
polje interesovanja bilo je prilično usko i daleko od svakodnevnih i važnih ljudskih
problema, a njene mogućnosti da čoveku pomogne u upoznavanju psihičkog
života drugih ljudi i sebe samog, kao i u rešavanju njegovih subjektivnih problema
bile su vrlo skromne.
Prvih pola veka od nastanka, psihologija se kao mlada nauka borila za
priznavanje naučnosti i bila je u velikoj meri potcenjena od starijih i egzaktnijih
nauka. Danas je psihologija jedna od razvijenijih društvenih nauka, čiji se
rezultati zahvaljujući dobroj naučnoj zasnovanosti, kao i metodološkoj strogosti
i preciznosti s uvažavanjem prihvataju u krugovima filozofa, antropologa,
psihijatara, pedagoga, pravnika ili sociologa. A u širim, laičkim krugovima ona se
često čak i precenjuje, te se od nje očekuje da rešava mnoge probleme koji izlaze
iz njenih okvira i koji prevazilaze njene prilično velike mogućnosti.
Nekada, u doba nastanka psihologije kao nauke, od nje su se mogli
očekivati odgovori na običnom čoveku ne baš mnogo zanimljiva pitanja kao što
su: Koliki je najmanji intenzitet zvuka koji ljudsko uvo može registrovati? Gde su
smeštena i kako izgledaju čula kojima opažamo bol, toplo, hladno, dodir? Koliko
vremena protekne od izlaganja svetlosne draži do reagovanja ispitanika na nju i
Danas, međutim, psihologija nastoji i može da pruži u velikoj meri
pouzdane odgovore na veoma značajna pitanja, poput ovih: Koliko je za razvoj
karaktera, inteligencije i temperamenta važno nasleđe, a koliko sredina? Kako se
razvija mišljenje deteta o svetu i sebi samome? Kakva je priroda našeg pamćenja i koje
su vrste pamćenja? Šta je identitet ličnosti i koje su krize u formiranju identiteta? Kako
opažamo spoljašnju realnost i koje su zakonitosti opažanja? Koliko brzo se formira
prvi utisak o nepoznatoj osobi? Koji su činioci uspešnog učenja? Kako se menjaju naši
stavovi? Zašto se ljudi konformiraju? Zašto prolaznici nisu spremni da pomognu
čoveku koji je u nevolji?
U 19. veku psiholozi su bili zatvoreni u svoje laboratorije i institute,
proučavajući probleme koji su imali malo veze sa čovekovim životom. Danas su psiholozi gotovo svuda gde ljudi žive i gde im je potrebna psihološka pomoć:
u školama, preduzećima, centrima za socijalni rad, popravnim domovima,
zatvorima, klinikama, u bračnim savetovalištima, vojsci, velikim sportskim
klubovima, marketinškim agencijama, izbornim štabovima političara, PR
agencijama itd. Savremena psihologija pokazala je da može da pruži smislene
odgovore na mnoga važna pitanja koja se odnose na čovekove sposobnosti i
procese kao što su inteligencija, pamćenje, opažanje, mišljenje, emocije, nagoni,
potrebe itd. Ona je takođe u stanju i da rešava mnoga praktična pitanja: Kako
proceniti da li je neko dete zrelo za polazak u školu? Na koji konstruktivan način
je moguće rešiti konflikte među vršnjacima, bračnim partnerima, kolegama na
poslu? Koje sposobnosti i druge psihološke osobine bi trebalo da ima osoba za
uspešno obavljanje posla X (pilota, mašinbravara, prodavca, frizera, kuvara itd.)?
Koja ličnost u nekoj grupi je najpogodnija da preuzme ulogu vođe? Kako se
ponašati u situaciji svakodnevnih stresova?
Laici često precenjuju mogućnosti psihologije i zato postavljaju pitanja
psiholozima na koja nije moguće dati valjan naučni odgovor. Često se dešava da
novinari, ali i radoznali obični ljudi pitaju psihologe: Kakvo je mentalno stanje
našeg naroda? Kako je moguće, psihološkim sredstvima, sprečiti rat? Da li je čovek
dobar ili zao? Da li su danas ljudi neurotičniji nego pre? Kakav je “psihološki
profil” političara? Na ovakva pitanja odgovor nije moguć jer ona ili izlaze izvan
domena psihologije (uzroci rata su društveni, pitanje dobra i zla je filozofsko) ili
su suviše neodređeno, široko i neprecizno postavljena (“mentalno stanje naroda”,
šta se podrazumeva pod “pre”, političari imaju različite “profile”).
Udžbenik koji imate u rukama namenjen je prevashodno studentima koji
se tek upoznaju s psihologijom i njegov osnovni cilj jeste da ih postupno uvede u
široku oblast Opšte psihologije, koja proučava sve psihičke funkcije, sposobnosti
i procese kod normalnog odraslog čoveka. Ova inače izuzetno obuhvatna i široka
psihološka disciplina, koja proučava sistematski i zasebno opažanje, pažnju,
pamćenje, mišljenje, učenje, motivaciju, volju, emocije, sposobnosti, danas se sve
više razlaže i grana na posebne, uže discipline (psihologija učenja, psihologija
sposobnosti, psihologija motivacije i druge). Naš udžbenik Uvod u opštu
psihologiju zamišljen je tako da njegove korisnike upozna ne samo sa saznanjima
u pojedinim oblastima Opšte psihologije, nego i da ih upozna sa logikom
i procesom naučnog istraživanja, sa pojmovima, hipotezama i teorijama, kao i
glavnim metodima i tehnikama kojima se psiholozi služe u svojim empirijskim
proučavanjima kada prikupljaju, obrađuju i analiziraju podatke kako bi iz njih
izvukli odgovarajuće zaključke.
Kada je reč o načinu izlaganja veoma obimnog materijala, nastojali smo
da budemo obuhvatni (da maksimalno uključimo sva ključna saznanja i sve bitne
oblasti Opšte psihologije), selektivni (da izdvojimo samo najvažnije činjenice,
pojmove, ideje i teorije), jasni (pažljivo smo razdvajali ono što su podaci odnjihovog tumačenja, utvrđene činjenice od pretpostavki i sl.), precizni (nastojali
smo da svaki pojam, hipotezu ili teoriju što tačnije odredimo), ali ne i dosadni.
Upravo zato da bismo relativno obimno i raznovrsno gradivo predstavili na
atraktivan i pregledan način, izdašno smo se koristili „prozorima“ ili „boksovima“
kao važnim dodacima osnovnom tekstu. Glavna funkcija ovih dodatnih tekstova
jeste da nekim zgodnim primerima, klasičnim ili savremenim istraživanjima,
uzbudljivim i domišljatim eksperimentima, čitaocu što plastičnije razjasnimo
složenije pojmove, zakone ili teorije u psihologiji. Osim spomenutih „boksova“,
informativnosti, jasnoći i zanimljivosti udžbenika trebalo bi da doprinesu i brojne
tabele, grafikoni i odabrane fotografije (najpoznatijih psihologa, eksperimentalnih
situacija, instrumenata i sl.) jer je poznato da raznovrsna vizuelna sredstva
olakšavaju razumevanje i pamćenje verbalnog značenja teksta. Posle svakog
poglavlja u knjizi data je brižljivo odabrana literatura, čija je osnovna namena
da zainteresovanog čitaoca uputi na izvore koji su mu dostupni ukoliko želi da
proširi svoje znanje.
Naš krajnji, dalekosežni cilj jeste da ovom knjigom svog čitaoca
osposobimo i podstaknemo da može kasnije samostalno i kritički da proučava
izvornu psihološku literaturu.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)
T1  - Uvod u opštu psihologiju
EP  - 288
SP  - 1
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3856
ER  - 
author = "Trebješanin, Žarko and Dragojević, Nada and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Kada je pre otprilike sto trideset godina psihologija tek nastala, njeno
polje interesovanja bilo je prilično usko i daleko od svakodnevnih i važnih ljudskih
problema, a njene mogućnosti da čoveku pomogne u upoznavanju psihičkog
života drugih ljudi i sebe samog, kao i u rešavanju njegovih subjektivnih problema
bile su vrlo skromne.
Prvih pola veka od nastanka, psihologija se kao mlada nauka borila za
priznavanje naučnosti i bila je u velikoj meri potcenjena od starijih i egzaktnijih
nauka. Danas je psihologija jedna od razvijenijih društvenih nauka, čiji se
rezultati zahvaljujući dobroj naučnoj zasnovanosti, kao i metodološkoj strogosti
i preciznosti s uvažavanjem prihvataju u krugovima filozofa, antropologa,
psihijatara, pedagoga, pravnika ili sociologa. A u širim, laičkim krugovima ona se
često čak i precenjuje, te se od nje očekuje da rešava mnoge probleme koji izlaze
iz njenih okvira i koji prevazilaze njene prilično velike mogućnosti.
Nekada, u doba nastanka psihologije kao nauke, od nje su se mogli
očekivati odgovori na običnom čoveku ne baš mnogo zanimljiva pitanja kao što
su: Koliki je najmanji intenzitet zvuka koji ljudsko uvo može registrovati? Gde su
smeštena i kako izgledaju čula kojima opažamo bol, toplo, hladno, dodir? Koliko
vremena protekne od izlaganja svetlosne draži do reagovanja ispitanika na nju i
Danas, međutim, psihologija nastoji i može da pruži u velikoj meri
pouzdane odgovore na veoma značajna pitanja, poput ovih: Koliko je za razvoj
karaktera, inteligencije i temperamenta važno nasleđe, a koliko sredina? Kako se
razvija mišljenje deteta o svetu i sebi samome? Kakva je priroda našeg pamćenja i koje
su vrste pamćenja? Šta je identitet ličnosti i koje su krize u formiranju identiteta? Kako
opažamo spoljašnju realnost i koje su zakonitosti opažanja? Koliko brzo se formira
prvi utisak o nepoznatoj osobi? Koji su činioci uspešnog učenja? Kako se menjaju naši
stavovi? Zašto se ljudi konformiraju? Zašto prolaznici nisu spremni da pomognu
čoveku koji je u nevolji?
U 19. veku psiholozi su bili zatvoreni u svoje laboratorije i institute,
proučavajući probleme koji su imali malo veze sa čovekovim životom. Danas su psiholozi gotovo svuda gde ljudi žive i gde im je potrebna psihološka pomoć:
u školama, preduzećima, centrima za socijalni rad, popravnim domovima,
zatvorima, klinikama, u bračnim savetovalištima, vojsci, velikim sportskim
klubovima, marketinškim agencijama, izbornim štabovima političara, PR
agencijama itd. Savremena psihologija pokazala je da može da pruži smislene
odgovore na mnoga važna pitanja koja se odnose na čovekove sposobnosti i
procese kao što su inteligencija, pamćenje, opažanje, mišljenje, emocije, nagoni,
potrebe itd. Ona je takođe u stanju i da rešava mnoga praktična pitanja: Kako
proceniti da li je neko dete zrelo za polazak u školu? Na koji konstruktivan način
je moguće rešiti konflikte među vršnjacima, bračnim partnerima, kolegama na
poslu? Koje sposobnosti i druge psihološke osobine bi trebalo da ima osoba za
uspešno obavljanje posla X (pilota, mašinbravara, prodavca, frizera, kuvara itd.)?
Koja ličnost u nekoj grupi je najpogodnija da preuzme ulogu vođe? Kako se
ponašati u situaciji svakodnevnih stresova?
Laici često precenjuju mogućnosti psihologije i zato postavljaju pitanja
psiholozima na koja nije moguće dati valjan naučni odgovor. Često se dešava da
novinari, ali i radoznali obični ljudi pitaju psihologe: Kakvo je mentalno stanje
našeg naroda? Kako je moguće, psihološkim sredstvima, sprečiti rat? Da li je čovek
dobar ili zao? Da li su danas ljudi neurotičniji nego pre? Kakav je “psihološki
profil” političara? Na ovakva pitanja odgovor nije moguć jer ona ili izlaze izvan
domena psihologije (uzroci rata su društveni, pitanje dobra i zla je filozofsko) ili
su suviše neodređeno, široko i neprecizno postavljena (“mentalno stanje naroda”,
šta se podrazumeva pod “pre”, političari imaju različite “profile”).
Udžbenik koji imate u rukama namenjen je prevashodno studentima koji
se tek upoznaju s psihologijom i njegov osnovni cilj jeste da ih postupno uvede u
široku oblast Opšte psihologije, koja proučava sve psihičke funkcije, sposobnosti
i procese kod normalnog odraslog čoveka. Ova inače izuzetno obuhvatna i široka
psihološka disciplina, koja proučava sistematski i zasebno opažanje, pažnju,
pamćenje, mišljenje, učenje, motivaciju, volju, emocije, sposobnosti, danas se sve
više razlaže i grana na posebne, uže discipline (psihologija učenja, psihologija
sposobnosti, psihologija motivacije i druge). Naš udžbenik Uvod u opštu
psihologiju zamišljen je tako da njegove korisnike upozna ne samo sa saznanjima
u pojedinim oblastima Opšte psihologije, nego i da ih upozna sa logikom
i procesom naučnog istraživanja, sa pojmovima, hipotezama i teorijama, kao i
glavnim metodima i tehnikama kojima se psiholozi služe u svojim empirijskim
proučavanjima kada prikupljaju, obrađuju i analiziraju podatke kako bi iz njih
izvukli odgovarajuće zaključke.
Kada je reč o načinu izlaganja veoma obimnog materijala, nastojali smo
da budemo obuhvatni (da maksimalno uključimo sva ključna saznanja i sve bitne
oblasti Opšte psihologije), selektivni (da izdvojimo samo najvažnije činjenice,
pojmove, ideje i teorije), jasni (pažljivo smo razdvajali ono što su podaci odnjihovog tumačenja, utvrđene činjenice od pretpostavki i sl.), precizni (nastojali
smo da svaki pojam, hipotezu ili teoriju što tačnije odredimo), ali ne i dosadni.
Upravo zato da bismo relativno obimno i raznovrsno gradivo predstavili na
atraktivan i pregledan način, izdašno smo se koristili „prozorima“ ili „boksovima“
kao važnim dodacima osnovnom tekstu. Glavna funkcija ovih dodatnih tekstova
jeste da nekim zgodnim primerima, klasičnim ili savremenim istraživanjima,
uzbudljivim i domišljatim eksperimentima, čitaocu što plastičnije razjasnimo
složenije pojmove, zakone ili teorije u psihologiji. Osim spomenutih „boksova“,
informativnosti, jasnoći i zanimljivosti udžbenika trebalo bi da doprinesu i brojne
tabele, grafikoni i odabrane fotografije (najpoznatijih psihologa, eksperimentalnih
situacija, instrumenata i sl.) jer je poznato da raznovrsna vizuelna sredstva
olakšavaju razumevanje i pamćenje verbalnog značenja teksta. Posle svakog
poglavlja u knjizi data je brižljivo odabrana literatura, čija je osnovna namena
da zainteresovanog čitaoca uputi na izvore koji su mu dostupni ukoliko želi da
proširi svoje znanje.
Naš krajnji, dalekosežni cilj jeste da ovom knjigom svog čitaoca
osposobimo i podstaknemo da može kasnije samostalno i kritički da proučava
izvornu psihološku literaturu.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)",
title = "Uvod u opštu psihologiju",
pages = "288-1",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3856"
Trebješanin, Ž., Dragojević, N.,& Hanak, N.. (2015). Uvod u opštu psihologiju. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)., 1-288.
Trebješanin Ž, Dragojević N, Hanak N. Uvod u opštu psihologiju. 2015;:1-288.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3856 .
Trebješanin, Žarko, Dragojević, Nada, Hanak, Nataša, "Uvod u opštu psihologiju" (2015):1-288,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3856 .

Structure and correlating variables of attitudes of students, future helping professionals, towards persons with hearing impairments

Glintić, Milica; Hanak, Nataša; Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona; Dragojević, Nada

(Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Glintić, Milica
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona
AU  - Dragojević, Nada
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/780
AB  - The aim of this study was to explore the structure and the correlates of students attitudes towards persons with hearing impairments. The sample consisted of 103 first year students of The Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation (F-93; M-10), divisions Prevention and treatment of conduct disorders and Speech therapy. These attitudes were assessed by The revised version of Multidimensional Attitudes Scale Toward Persons With Disabilities, Empathy by Empathy Quotient, dimensions of personality by The Big Five Inventory, the attachment by Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the motivation for studying the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation by the scale assembled for this research. It was found that in the domain of basic dimensions of personality only tendency to collaborate with others negatively correlates with absence of pro-social thoughts (-0.204), scale of anxiety in close relationships, in attachment domain, positively correlates with inhibiting thoughts and feelings (0.220), while the empathy quotient negatively correlates with the absence of pro-social thoughts (-0.226). The motivation for studying Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation was not associated with components of the attitude towards people with hearing impairment. Future researches should try to identify predictors of negative emotional and behavioral which lead to ignoring and rejecting of persons with disability.
AB  - Istraživanje stavova stručnjaka, kao i studenata, budućih stručnjaka je važno jer su u pitanju osobe koje su u direktnom kontaktu sa osobama sa ometenošću i utiču na kvalitet njihovog života. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje strukture i korelata stavova studenata prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha. Uzorak su činila 103 studenta prve godine Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (FASPER), sa smerova Logopedija i Prevencija i tretman poremećaja ponašanja (Ž-93; M-10). Stavovi prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha ispitani su pomoću revidirane Multidimenzionalne skale stavova prema osobama s ometenošću (MAS). Revidirana MAS ima subskale Emocije, Misli i Ponašanje. Empatičnost je ispitana pomoću skale Koeficijent empatije, Dimenzije ličnosti pomoću Inventara velikih pet, afektivna vezanost pomoću revidirane Skale iskustva u bliskim odnosima, a motivacija za studiranje FASPER-a pomoću skale sastavljene za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Ustanovljeno je da iz domena bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti jedino saradljivost ima korelaciju od 0.204 sa odsustvom prosocijalnih misli; skala anksioznosti u bliskim odnosima, iz domena afektivne vezanosti, ima pozitivnu korelaciju od 0.220 sa inhibirajućim osećanjima i mislima, dok koeficijent empatičnosti ima korelaciju od - 0.226 sa odsustvom prosocijalnih misli. Naredna istraživanja treba da se usmere na otkrivanje prediktora sklopa negativnih emocija i ponašanja koji vode odbacivanju i ignorisanju osoba s ometenošću.
PB  - Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd
T2  - Psihijatrija danas
T1  - Structure and correlating variables of attitudes of students, future helping professionals, towards persons with hearing impairments
T1  - Struktura i korelati stavova studenata, budućih pomagača, prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha
EP  - 213
IS  - 2
SP  - 201
VL  - 46
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_780
ER  - 
author = "Glintić, Milica and Hanak, Nataša and Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona and Dragojević, Nada",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to explore the structure and the correlates of students attitudes towards persons with hearing impairments. The sample consisted of 103 first year students of The Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation (F-93; M-10), divisions Prevention and treatment of conduct disorders and Speech therapy. These attitudes were assessed by The revised version of Multidimensional Attitudes Scale Toward Persons With Disabilities, Empathy by Empathy Quotient, dimensions of personality by The Big Five Inventory, the attachment by Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the motivation for studying the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation by the scale assembled for this research. It was found that in the domain of basic dimensions of personality only tendency to collaborate with others negatively correlates with absence of pro-social thoughts (-0.204), scale of anxiety in close relationships, in attachment domain, positively correlates with inhibiting thoughts and feelings (0.220), while the empathy quotient negatively correlates with the absence of pro-social thoughts (-0.226). The motivation for studying Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation was not associated with components of the attitude towards people with hearing impairment. Future researches should try to identify predictors of negative emotional and behavioral which lead to ignoring and rejecting of persons with disability., Istraživanje stavova stručnjaka, kao i studenata, budućih stručnjaka je važno jer su u pitanju osobe koje su u direktnom kontaktu sa osobama sa ometenošću i utiču na kvalitet njihovog života. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje strukture i korelata stavova studenata prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha. Uzorak su činila 103 studenta prve godine Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (FASPER), sa smerova Logopedija i Prevencija i tretman poremećaja ponašanja (Ž-93; M-10). Stavovi prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha ispitani su pomoću revidirane Multidimenzionalne skale stavova prema osobama s ometenošću (MAS). Revidirana MAS ima subskale Emocije, Misli i Ponašanje. Empatičnost je ispitana pomoću skale Koeficijent empatije, Dimenzije ličnosti pomoću Inventara velikih pet, afektivna vezanost pomoću revidirane Skale iskustva u bliskim odnosima, a motivacija za studiranje FASPER-a pomoću skale sastavljene za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Ustanovljeno je da iz domena bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti jedino saradljivost ima korelaciju od 0.204 sa odsustvom prosocijalnih misli; skala anksioznosti u bliskim odnosima, iz domena afektivne vezanosti, ima pozitivnu korelaciju od 0.220 sa inhibirajućim osećanjima i mislima, dok koeficijent empatičnosti ima korelaciju od - 0.226 sa odsustvom prosocijalnih misli. Naredna istraživanja treba da se usmere na otkrivanje prediktora sklopa negativnih emocija i ponašanja koji vode odbacivanju i ignorisanju osoba s ometenošću.",
publisher = "Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd",
journal = "Psihijatrija danas",
title = "Structure and correlating variables of attitudes of students, future helping professionals, towards persons with hearing impairments, Struktura i korelati stavova studenata, budućih pomagača, prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha",
pages = "213-201",
number = "2",
volume = "46",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_780"
Glintić, M., Hanak, N., Milačić-Vidojević, I.,& Dragojević, N.. (2014). Structure and correlating variables of attitudes of students, future helping professionals, towards persons with hearing impairments. in Psihijatrija danas
Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd., 46(2), 201-213.
Glintić M, Hanak N, Milačić-Vidojević I, Dragojević N. Structure and correlating variables of attitudes of students, future helping professionals, towards persons with hearing impairments. in Psihijatrija danas. 2014;46(2):201-213.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_780 .
Glintić, Milica, Hanak, Nataša, Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona, Dragojević, Nada, "Structure and correlating variables of attitudes of students, future helping professionals, towards persons with hearing impairments" in Psihijatrija danas, 46, no. 2 (2014):201-213,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_780 .

Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения

Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša; Glumbić, Nenad

(Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции, 2011)

AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Glumbić, Nenad
PY  - 2011
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3429
AB  - Целью исследования было определение особенностей модели психического у детей с нарушениями зрения. Выборка включала 100 детей в возрасте 7–12 лет, 42 из которых имели нарушения зрения. В возрасте 7–8 лет слепые дети показывали самые низкие результаты на всех уровнях модели психического; для первого и второго уровней модели психического результаты тестирования плохо видящих не отличались от таковых у детей с нормальным зрением. На более высоких уровнях плохо видящие и слепые дети этого возраста были в равной степени неуспешны. Хотя развитие происходит c разной скоростью, в возрасте 11–12 лет между слепыми, плохо видящими и детьми с нормальным зрением различий в модели психического не обнаружено.
AB  - A study was conducted to find out characteristics of the theory of mind in children with visual disorders. The subjects were 100 children aged 7 to 12, 42 of which had visual disorders. Blind children aged 7 to 8 showed lowest results on all levels of theory of mind development. For the first two levels of the model performance on tests in children with poor sight equaled that of normally sighted children. On higher levels, however, both poor sighted and blind children of the age group were equally unsuccessful. Although the speed of mental development varies, blind, poor sighted and normal children aged 11 to 12 manifest no differences in the model of theory of mind development.
PB  - Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции
T2  - Вопросы психологии
T1  - Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения
T1  - Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders
EP  - 45
IS  - 2
SP  - 36
VL  - 57
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3429
ER  - 
author = "Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša and Glumbić, Nenad",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Целью исследования было определение особенностей модели психического у детей с нарушениями зрения. Выборка включала 100 детей в возрасте 7–12 лет, 42 из которых имели нарушения зрения. В возрасте 7–8 лет слепые дети показывали самые низкие результаты на всех уровнях модели психического; для первого и второго уровней модели психического результаты тестирования плохо видящих не отличались от таковых у детей с нормальным зрением. На более высоких уровнях плохо видящие и слепые дети этого возраста были в равной степени неуспешны. Хотя развитие происходит c разной скоростью, в возрасте 11–12 лет между слепыми, плохо видящими и детьми с нормальным зрением различий в модели психического не обнаружено., A study was conducted to find out characteristics of the theory of mind in children with visual disorders. The subjects were 100 children aged 7 to 12, 42 of which had visual disorders. Blind children aged 7 to 8 showed lowest results on all levels of theory of mind development. For the first two levels of the model performance on tests in children with poor sight equaled that of normally sighted children. On higher levels, however, both poor sighted and blind children of the age group were equally unsuccessful. Although the speed of mental development varies, blind, poor sighted and normal children aged 11 to 12 manifest no differences in the model of theory of mind development.",
publisher = "Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции",
journal = "Вопросы психологии",
title = "Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения, Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders",
pages = "45-36",
number = "2",
volume = "57",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3429"
Jablan, B., Hanak, N.,& Glumbić, N.. (2011). Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения. in Вопросы психологии
Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции., 57(2), 36-45.
Jablan B, Hanak N, Glumbić N. Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения. in Вопросы психологии. 2011;57(2):36-45.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3429 .
Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, Glumbić, Nenad, "Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения" in Вопросы психологии, 57, no. 2 (2011):36-45,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_3429 .

Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders

Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša; Glumbić, Nenad

(Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции, 2011)

AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Glumbić, Nenad
PY  - 2011
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/489
AB  - A study was conducted to find out characteristics of the theory of mind in children with visual disorders. The subjects were 100 children aged 7 to 12, 42 of which had visual disorders. Blind children aged 7 to 8 showed lowest results on all levels of theory of mind development. For the first two levels of the model performance on tests in children with poor sight equaled that of normally sighted children. On higher levels, however, both poor sighted and blind children of the age group were equally unsuccessful. Although the speed of mental development varies, blind, poor sighted and normal children aged 11 to 12 manifest no differences in the model of theory of mind development.
AB  - Целью исследования было определение особенностей модели психического у детей с нарушениями зрения. Выборка включала 100 детей в возрасте 7–12 лет, 42 из которых имели нарушения зрения. В возрасте 7–8 лет слепые дети показывали самые низкие результаты на всех уровнях модели психического; для первого и второго уровней модели психического результаты тестирования плохо видящих не отличались от таковых у детей с нормальным зрением. На более высоких уровнях плохо видящие и слепые дети этого возраста были в равной степени неуспешны. Хотя развитие происходит c разной скоростью, в возрасте 11–12 лет между слепыми, плохо видящими и детьми с нормальным зрением различий в модели психического не обнаружено.
PB  - Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции
T2  - Вопросы психологии
T1  - Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders
T1  - Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения
EP  - 44
IS  - 2
SP  - 36
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_489
ER  - 
author = "Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša and Glumbić, Nenad",
year = "2011",
abstract = "A study was conducted to find out characteristics of the theory of mind in children with visual disorders. The subjects were 100 children aged 7 to 12, 42 of which had visual disorders. Blind children aged 7 to 8 showed lowest results on all levels of theory of mind development. For the first two levels of the model performance on tests in children with poor sight equaled that of normally sighted children. On higher levels, however, both poor sighted and blind children of the age group were equally unsuccessful. Although the speed of mental development varies, blind, poor sighted and normal children aged 11 to 12 manifest no differences in the model of theory of mind development., Целью исследования было определение особенностей модели психического у детей с нарушениями зрения. Выборка включала 100 детей в возрасте 7–12 лет, 42 из которых имели нарушения зрения. В возрасте 7–8 лет слепые дети показывали самые низкие результаты на всех уровнях модели психического; для первого и второго уровней модели психического результаты тестирования плохо видящих не отличались от таковых у детей с нормальным зрением. На более высоких уровнях плохо видящие и слепые дети этого возраста были в равной степени неуспешны. Хотя развитие происходит c разной скоростью, в возрасте 11–12 лет между слепыми, плохо видящими и детьми с нормальным зрением различий в модели психического не обнаружено.",
publisher = "Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции",
journal = "Вопросы психологии",
title = "Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders, Особенности понимания проблемных ситуаций детьми с нарушениями зрения",
pages = "44-36",
number = "2",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_489"
Jablan, B., Hanak, N.,& Glumbić, N.. (2011). Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders. in Вопросы психологии
Российская Академия образования, трудовой коллектив редакции.(2), 36-44.
Jablan B, Hanak N, Glumbić N. Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders. in Вопросы психологии. 2011;(2):36-44.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_489 .
Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, Glumbić, Nenad, "Characteristics of understanding problem situations in children with visual disorders" in Вопросы психологии, no. 2 (2011):36-44,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_489 .

Theory of mind of the persons with visual impairments: Theoretical explanations and assessment procedures

Glumbić, Nenad; Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Glumbić, Nenad
AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2011
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/544
AB  - Theory of mind, as an ability to understand internal states of ourselves and others, was thoroughly assessed in children with autism. Bearing in mind that many blind children manifest autistic like behavior, scientists made an effort to determine critical stages in theory of mind development of the children with visual impairments. It was revealed that children with congenital blindness do not achieve high scores on theory of mind tasks before the age of 11. However, innovative assessment procedures, primarily based on tactual or auditory stimuli, indicated that observed delay was not so significant. It is comparable to global delay in other developmental areas. In addition, it was not until recently that neuroimaging studies determined same cerebral regions that support theory of mind abilities in both, blind and sighted individuals. These findings should be used for creation of specific programs, directed to improvement of theory of mind abilities of blind children, similar to those already established in students with autism spectrum disorders.
AB  - Teorija uma, kao sposobnost razumevanja unutrašnjeg stanja nas samih i drugih, je detaljno procenjena kod dece sa autizmom. Imajući u vidu da se kod mnoge slepe dece manifestuje ponašanje slično autističnom, naučnici su se potrudili da utvrde ključne faze u razvoju teorije uma kod dece sa oštećenjem vida. Ustanovljeno je da kongenitalno slepa deca sa ne postižu dobre rezultate na zadacima teorije uma pre jedanaeste godine. Međutim, inovativni načini procene, pre svega oni koji se baziraju na taktilnim i auditivnim stimulansima, su pokazali da ustanovljeno kašnjenje nema veliku važnost. Ono se može uporediti sa opštim kašnjenjem u drugim razvojnim oblastima. Pored toga, tek od skora su neuroimidžing studije utvrdile da isti cerebralni regioni podržavaju sposobnosti teorije uma, kako kod slepih, tako i kod osoba koje vide. Ove rezultate bi trebalo iskoristiti za stvaranje posebnih programa usmerenih ka poboljšanju sposobnosti teorije uma kod slepe dece, slične onima koji su već ustanovljeni za ispitanike sa poremećajima autističkog spektra.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
T2  - Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
T1  - Theory of mind of the persons with visual impairments: Theoretical explanations and assessment procedures
T1  - Teorija uma kod osoba sa oštećenjem vida - teorijska objašnjenja i načini procene
EP  - 508
IS  - 3
SP  - 495
VL  - 10
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_544
ER  - 
author = "Glumbić, Nenad and Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Theory of mind, as an ability to understand internal states of ourselves and others, was thoroughly assessed in children with autism. Bearing in mind that many blind children manifest autistic like behavior, scientists made an effort to determine critical stages in theory of mind development of the children with visual impairments. It was revealed that children with congenital blindness do not achieve high scores on theory of mind tasks before the age of 11. However, innovative assessment procedures, primarily based on tactual or auditory stimuli, indicated that observed delay was not so significant. It is comparable to global delay in other developmental areas. In addition, it was not until recently that neuroimaging studies determined same cerebral regions that support theory of mind abilities in both, blind and sighted individuals. These findings should be used for creation of specific programs, directed to improvement of theory of mind abilities of blind children, similar to those already established in students with autism spectrum disorders., Teorija uma, kao sposobnost razumevanja unutrašnjeg stanja nas samih i drugih, je detaljno procenjena kod dece sa autizmom. Imajući u vidu da se kod mnoge slepe dece manifestuje ponašanje slično autističnom, naučnici su se potrudili da utvrde ključne faze u razvoju teorije uma kod dece sa oštećenjem vida. Ustanovljeno je da kongenitalno slepa deca sa ne postižu dobre rezultate na zadacima teorije uma pre jedanaeste godine. Međutim, inovativni načini procene, pre svega oni koji se baziraju na taktilnim i auditivnim stimulansima, su pokazali da ustanovljeno kašnjenje nema veliku važnost. Ono se može uporediti sa opštim kašnjenjem u drugim razvojnim oblastima. Pored toga, tek od skora su neuroimidžing studije utvrdile da isti cerebralni regioni podržavaju sposobnosti teorije uma, kako kod slepih, tako i kod osoba koje vide. Ove rezultate bi trebalo iskoristiti za stvaranje posebnih programa usmerenih ka poboljšanju sposobnosti teorije uma kod slepe dece, slične onima koji su već ustanovljeni za ispitanike sa poremećajima autističkog spektra.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd",
journal = "Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija",
title = "Theory of mind of the persons with visual impairments: Theoretical explanations and assessment procedures, Teorija uma kod osoba sa oštećenjem vida - teorijska objašnjenja i načini procene",
pages = "508-495",
number = "3",
volume = "10",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_544"
Glumbić, N., Jablan, B.,& Hanak, N.. (2011). Theory of mind of the persons with visual impairments: Theoretical explanations and assessment procedures. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd., 10(3), 495-508.
Glumbić N, Jablan B, Hanak N. Theory of mind of the persons with visual impairments: Theoretical explanations and assessment procedures. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija. 2011;10(3):495-508.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_544 .
Glumbić, Nenad, Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, "Theory of mind of the persons with visual impairments: Theoretical explanations and assessment procedures" in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 10, no. 3 (2011):495-508,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_544 .

Upoznaj, pa sudi: stavovi i korelati stavova studenata fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju prema osobama s ometenošću

Dragojević, Nada; Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona; Hanak, Nataša; Mentus, Tatjana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2010)

AU  - Dragojević, Nada
AU  - Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Mentus, Tatjana
PY  - 2010
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4475
AB  - Istraživanje je imalo za cilj ispitivanje strukture i korelata stavova prema
osobama s ometenošću. Na uzorku od 313 studenata prve godine Fakulteta
za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (Ž=283; M=30) primenjena je poluprojektivna
revidirana Multidimenzionalna skala za ispitivanje stavova
prema ometenima (Multidimensional Attitude Scale; MAS; Findler, Vilčinski
& Verner, 2007). MAS ima subskale za emocionalnu, kognitivnu i bihejvioralnu
komponentu stavova.
Eksplorativna faktorska analiza uz Promaks rotaciju faktora ukazuje na
složenu strukturu ovih subskala. Ekstrahovana su po dva faktora za svaku
subskalu. Subskala Emocije uključuje dve glavne komponente koje obuhvataju
dve grupe negativnih emocija, nazvane negativne emocije 1, tj. emocije
koje blokiraju ponašanje približavanja i negativne emocije 2, koje vode izbegavanju
ometene osobe. Na subskali Kognicija izolovane su komponente
nazvane zbunjujuće misli, tj. misli koje blokiraju ponašanje približavanja i
pozitivne misli, koje vode ponašanju približavanja. Na subskali Ponašanje
izolovane su komponente koje smo nazvali ponašnje približavanja i ponašanje
Pokazalo se da je poznavanje ometene osobe najbolji prediktor osećanja,
kognicija i ponašanja koje kod ispitanika izaziva prisustvo ometene osobe.
Nađene su razlike prema polu ispitanika na faktorima subskale Emocija i u
odnosu ispitanika prema ometenim osobama različitog pola.
Rezultati nedvosmisleno upućuju na to da je na nivou društva u celini
potrebno promovisati kontakt sa ometenim osobama. Potrebna su dalja
istraživanja radi otkrivanja eventualnih razlika u stavovima u odnosu na
studente završnih godina studija, u odnosu na studente drugačijih profesionalnih
opredeljenja i u odnosu na opštu populaciju.
AB  - This study is intended to reveal the structure of attitudes toward persons with
disabilities and the factors correlating these attitudes. A sample of 313 students
attending first semester at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
(F=283, M=30) completed the half-projective revised Multidimensional Attitude
Scale (MAS, Findler, Vilchinsky, Werner, 2007)) constructed to explore attitudes
toward persons with disabilities. MAS scale consists of three subscales intended
to measure emotional, cognitive and behavioural dimensions of the attitude..
Explorative factor analysis with Promax rotation points to complex factorial
structure of these subscales. For each subscale two dimensions were extracted. The
emotional subscale refers to two components comprising two groups of negative
emotions labelled i. Negative emotions 1, (emotions inhibiting approaching
behaviours), and ii. Negative emotions 2 (leading to avoidant behaviours).
The cognitive subscale yields two components labelled i. Perplexed thoughts
( that inhibit approaching behaviours) and ii. Positive thoughts (that lead to
approaching behaviours). Behaviour subscale revealed two factors labelled as
Approaching behaviours and Avoidant behaviours.
Having contact with disabled person has been identified as the best attitudinal
predictor. The differences were found with regard to the gender of the subjects,
concerning factors of the emotional subscale, and in regard subjects’ attitudes
toward disabled persons of different sex.
The results indicate the necessity to promote contact with persons with
disabilities at the level of society as a whole. Further investigations searching
for potential differences in attitudes of the FASPER first semester students, as
compared to the attitudes of postgraduate students, of students of different
professional orientation and of the general population, are needed.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
C3  - Zbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010
T1  - Upoznaj, pa sudi: stavovi i korelati stavova studenata fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju prema osobama s ometenošću
T1  - Get to know, judge afterwards: attitudes and correlates of attitudes of future special educators and rehabilitators toward persons with disability
EP  - 454
SP  - 439
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4475
ER  - 
author = "Dragojević, Nada and Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona and Hanak, Nataša and Mentus, Tatjana",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Istraživanje je imalo za cilj ispitivanje strukture i korelata stavova prema
osobama s ometenošću. Na uzorku od 313 studenata prve godine Fakulteta
za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (Ž=283; M=30) primenjena je poluprojektivna
revidirana Multidimenzionalna skala za ispitivanje stavova
prema ometenima (Multidimensional Attitude Scale; MAS; Findler, Vilčinski
& Verner, 2007). MAS ima subskale za emocionalnu, kognitivnu i bihejvioralnu
komponentu stavova.
Eksplorativna faktorska analiza uz Promaks rotaciju faktora ukazuje na
složenu strukturu ovih subskala. Ekstrahovana su po dva faktora za svaku
subskalu. Subskala Emocije uključuje dve glavne komponente koje obuhvataju
dve grupe negativnih emocija, nazvane negativne emocije 1, tj. emocije
koje blokiraju ponašanje približavanja i negativne emocije 2, koje vode izbegavanju
ometene osobe. Na subskali Kognicija izolovane su komponente
nazvane zbunjujuće misli, tj. misli koje blokiraju ponašanje približavanja i
pozitivne misli, koje vode ponašanju približavanja. Na subskali Ponašanje
izolovane su komponente koje smo nazvali ponašnje približavanja i ponašanje
Pokazalo se da je poznavanje ometene osobe najbolji prediktor osećanja,
kognicija i ponašanja koje kod ispitanika izaziva prisustvo ometene osobe.
Nađene su razlike prema polu ispitanika na faktorima subskale Emocija i u
odnosu ispitanika prema ometenim osobama različitog pola.
Rezultati nedvosmisleno upućuju na to da je na nivou društva u celini
potrebno promovisati kontakt sa ometenim osobama. Potrebna su dalja
istraživanja radi otkrivanja eventualnih razlika u stavovima u odnosu na
studente završnih godina studija, u odnosu na studente drugačijih profesionalnih
opredeljenja i u odnosu na opštu populaciju., This study is intended to reveal the structure of attitudes toward persons with
disabilities and the factors correlating these attitudes. A sample of 313 students
attending first semester at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
(F=283, M=30) completed the half-projective revised Multidimensional Attitude
Scale (MAS, Findler, Vilchinsky, Werner, 2007)) constructed to explore attitudes
toward persons with disabilities. MAS scale consists of three subscales intended
to measure emotional, cognitive and behavioural dimensions of the attitude..
Explorative factor analysis with Promax rotation points to complex factorial
structure of these subscales. For each subscale two dimensions were extracted. The
emotional subscale refers to two components comprising two groups of negative
emotions labelled i. Negative emotions 1, (emotions inhibiting approaching
behaviours), and ii. Negative emotions 2 (leading to avoidant behaviours).
The cognitive subscale yields two components labelled i. Perplexed thoughts
( that inhibit approaching behaviours) and ii. Positive thoughts (that lead to
approaching behaviours). Behaviour subscale revealed two factors labelled as
Approaching behaviours and Avoidant behaviours.
Having contact with disabled person has been identified as the best attitudinal
predictor. The differences were found with regard to the gender of the subjects,
concerning factors of the emotional subscale, and in regard subjects’ attitudes
toward disabled persons of different sex.
The results indicate the necessity to promote contact with persons with
disabilities at the level of society as a whole. Further investigations searching
for potential differences in attitudes of the FASPER first semester students, as
compared to the attitudes of postgraduate students, of students of different
professional orientation and of the general population, are needed.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
journal = "Zbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010",
title = "Upoznaj, pa sudi: stavovi i korelati stavova studenata fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju prema osobama s ometenošću, Get to know, judge afterwards: attitudes and correlates of attitudes of future special educators and rehabilitators toward persons with disability",
pages = "454-439",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4475"
Dragojević, N., Milačić-Vidojević, I., Hanak, N.,& Mentus, T.. (2010). Upoznaj, pa sudi: stavovi i korelati stavova studenata fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju prema osobama s ometenošću. in Zbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010
Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation., 439-454.
Dragojević N, Milačić-Vidojević I, Hanak N, Mentus T. Upoznaj, pa sudi: stavovi i korelati stavova studenata fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju prema osobama s ometenošću. in Zbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010. 2010;:439-454.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4475 .
Dragojević, Nada, Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona, Hanak, Nataša, Mentus, Tatjana, "Upoznaj, pa sudi: stavovi i korelati stavova studenata fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju prema osobama s ometenošću" in Zbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010 (2010):439-454,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4475 .

Priprema učenika mlađih razreda za školovanje sa decom oštećenog vida

Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša


AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2010
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1782
C3  - Zbornik rezimea
T1  - Priprema učenika mlađih razreda za školovanje sa decom oštećenog vida
EP  - 95
SP  - 94
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1782
ER  - 
author = "Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2010",
journal = "Zbornik rezimea",
title = "Priprema učenika mlađih razreda za školovanje sa decom oštećenog vida",
pages = "95-94",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1782"
Jablan, B.,& Hanak, N.. (2010). Priprema učenika mlađih razreda za školovanje sa decom oštećenog vida. in Zbornik rezimea, 94-95.
Jablan B, Hanak N. Priprema učenika mlađih razreda za školovanje sa decom oštećenog vida. in Zbornik rezimea. 2010;:94-95.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1782 .
Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, "Priprema učenika mlađih razreda za školovanje sa decom oštećenog vida" in Zbornik rezimea (2010):94-95,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1782 .

Attitudes toward people with physical disabilities, their structure and correlating variables

Dragojević, Nada; Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona; Hanak, Nataša

(Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad, 2010)

AU  - Dragojević, Nada
AU  - Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2010
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/404
AB  - This article deals with attitudes toward people with physical disability, their structure and the valence of these attitudes and the related socio-demographic variables. The attitudes have been investigated applying a semi-projective multidimensional instrument (MAS) to a large sample (N=2331) of participants of general population in Serbia. Principal component factor analysis with Promax rotation revealed two components for each dimension of the attitude: components of positive and perplexing cognition on cognitions subscale, components of stressful and overtly negative emotions on affects subscale and components of avoiding and approaching behavior on behaviors subscale. The data we obtained show that the participants hold predominantly positive attitudes toward people with disability. But the differences can be seen in reaction of male and female respondents on encountering person with disability. Comparison between answers of male and female respondents revealed that female respondents have less overtly negative emotions (disgust, indifference and the feeling of guilt), more positive thoughts and more approaching behaviors toward person with disability. The results of present study confirm the hypothesis that prior acquaintance with persons with disability influences the quality of attitudes. Participants who had prior contacts with persons with disabilities show more positive thoughts and more approaching behaviors then participants who did not have such a contact. Further investigation is needed to explore apparent absence of differences in emotions, requiring more accurate delineation of underlying emotions which lead to or inhibit the pro-social behaviors, as well as finding the best way for their modification.
PB  - Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad
C3  - Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
T1  - Attitudes toward people with physical disabilities, their structure and correlating variables
EP  - 50
SP  - 29
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_404
ER  - 
author = "Dragojević, Nada and Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2010",
abstract = "This article deals with attitudes toward people with physical disability, their structure and the valence of these attitudes and the related socio-demographic variables. The attitudes have been investigated applying a semi-projective multidimensional instrument (MAS) to a large sample (N=2331) of participants of general population in Serbia. Principal component factor analysis with Promax rotation revealed two components for each dimension of the attitude: components of positive and perplexing cognition on cognitions subscale, components of stressful and overtly negative emotions on affects subscale and components of avoiding and approaching behavior on behaviors subscale. The data we obtained show that the participants hold predominantly positive attitudes toward people with disability. But the differences can be seen in reaction of male and female respondents on encountering person with disability. Comparison between answers of male and female respondents revealed that female respondents have less overtly negative emotions (disgust, indifference and the feeling of guilt), more positive thoughts and more approaching behaviors toward person with disability. The results of present study confirm the hypothesis that prior acquaintance with persons with disability influences the quality of attitudes. Participants who had prior contacts with persons with disabilities show more positive thoughts and more approaching behaviors then participants who did not have such a contact. Further investigation is needed to explore apparent absence of differences in emotions, requiring more accurate delineation of underlying emotions which lead to or inhibit the pro-social behaviors, as well as finding the best way for their modification.",
publisher = "Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad",
journal = "Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija",
title = "Attitudes toward people with physical disabilities, their structure and correlating variables",
pages = "50-29",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_404"
Dragojević, N., Milačić-Vidojević, I.,& Hanak, N.. (2010). Attitudes toward people with physical disabilities, their structure and correlating variables. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad., 29-50.
Dragojević N, Milačić-Vidojević I, Hanak N. Attitudes toward people with physical disabilities, their structure and correlating variables. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija. 2010;:29-50.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_404 .
Dragojević, Nada, Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona, Hanak, Nataša, "Attitudes toward people with physical disabilities, their structure and correlating variables" in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija (2010):29-50,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_404 .

Odlike funkcionisanja porodica sa intelektualno ometenim detetom

Dragojević, Nada; Hanak, Nataša; Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona

(Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2009)

AU  - Dragojević, Nada
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona
PY  - 2009
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4513
AB  - U članku se razmatra funkcionalnost porodica sa intelektualno ometenim
detetom. Cilj izvedenog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje efekata ometenosti
deteta na funkcionisanje porodičnog sistema, subsistema i pojedinačnih
članova porodične grupe. Strukturisanim intervjuom i baterijom skala procene
ispitano je 63 roditelja intelektualno ometene dece, 4 grupe roditelja sa
ometenom decom različitih kategorija i grupa roditelja sa zdravim detetom.
Rezultati ukazuju na neke razlike u funkcionisanju porodica sa različito
ometenom decom i, posebno, na razlike između ovih grupa porodica i porodica
sa zdravim detetom.
AB  - An issue of functionality of families with intellectually disabled child is
discussed in the article. The goal of investigation done was to reveal the impact of
children disability on functioning of family system, subsystems and individual
family members. A group of 63 parents of intellectually disabled children, as well
as 4 groups of parents of disabled children of different categories and a group of
parents of healthy children, have been examined by a structured interview and
a battery of questionnaires. The findings of the investigation pointed to some
differences in functioning between families with disabled children of various
categories and, particularly, to differences between these groups of families and
the families with healthy children. In addition, some characteristics of families
with intellectually disabled child have been found.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
C3  - Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009
T1  - Odlike funkcionisanja porodica sa intelektualno ometenim detetom
T1  - Functioning characteristics of of families with intellectualy disabled child
EP  - 268
SP  - 259
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4513
ER  - 
author = "Dragojević, Nada and Hanak, Nataša and Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona",
year = "2009",
abstract = "U članku se razmatra funkcionalnost porodica sa intelektualno ometenim
detetom. Cilj izvedenog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje efekata ometenosti
deteta na funkcionisanje porodičnog sistema, subsistema i pojedinačnih
članova porodične grupe. Strukturisanim intervjuom i baterijom skala procene
ispitano je 63 roditelja intelektualno ometene dece, 4 grupe roditelja sa
ometenom decom različitih kategorija i grupa roditelja sa zdravim detetom.
Rezultati ukazuju na neke razlike u funkcionisanju porodica sa različito
ometenom decom i, posebno, na razlike između ovih grupa porodica i porodica
sa zdravim detetom., An issue of functionality of families with intellectually disabled child is
discussed in the article. The goal of investigation done was to reveal the impact of
children disability on functioning of family system, subsystems and individual
family members. A group of 63 parents of intellectually disabled children, as well
as 4 groups of parents of disabled children of different categories and a group of
parents of healthy children, have been examined by a structured interview and
a battery of questionnaires. The findings of the investigation pointed to some
differences in functioning between families with disabled children of various
categories and, particularly, to differences between these groups of families and
the families with healthy children. In addition, some characteristics of families
with intellectually disabled child have been found.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
journal = "Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009",
title = "Odlike funkcionisanja porodica sa intelektualno ometenim detetom, Functioning characteristics of of families with intellectualy disabled child",
pages = "268-259",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4513"
Dragojević, N., Hanak, N.,& Milačić-Vidojević, I.. (2009). Odlike funkcionisanja porodica sa intelektualno ometenim detetom. in Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009
Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation., 259-268.
Dragojević N, Hanak N, Milačić-Vidojević I. Odlike funkcionisanja porodica sa intelektualno ometenim detetom. in Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009. 2009;:259-268.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4513 .
Dragojević, Nada, Hanak, Nataša, Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona, "Odlike funkcionisanja porodica sa intelektualno ometenim detetom" in Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009 (2009):259-268,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4513 .

Odnos osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i moguća uloga stručnjaka u njegovom održanju

Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona; Hanak, Nataša; Dragojević, Nada

(Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2009)

AU  - Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Dragojević, Nada
PY  - 2009
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4507
AB  - Cilj: ovaj rad istražuje odnos koji osobe sa intelektualnom ometenošću
(IO) imaju prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i ulogu stručnjaka u
prihvatanju i održavanju njihovog identiteta.
Metod: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno trideset šest ispitanika (korisnika
ustanova za brigu o IO), na gornjoj granici umerene intelektualne ometenosti,
19 muškog i 17 ženskog pola, uzrasta 12-36 godina, sa dobrim veštinama
komunikacije. Podaci su prikupljeni putem strukturisanog intervjua. Stavovi
stručnjaka o prihvatanju identiteta intelektualne ometenosti kod osoba
sa IO i otvorenoj komunikaciji na temu identiteta ometenosti procenjeni su
pomoću Upitnika o identitetu intelektualne ometenosti. Uzorak stručnjaka
čini trideset troje zaposlenih u dnevnim boravcima za odrasle osobe sa IO.
Rezultati: rezultati ukazuju da su osobe sa IO svesne stigme povezane sa
identitetom IO i ne osećaju se prijatno u razgovoru koji aludira na ovaj
identitet. Da bi izašli na kraj s osećanjima koje izaziva stigma, osobe sa
IO koriste dva mehanizma: i) sebe prikazuju što sličnijim osobama tipičnog
razvoja ili ii) sebe porede u pozitivnom smislu u odnosu na manje sposobne
ispitanike koji se nalaze u ustanovi. Nađeno je takođe da su psiholozi i
specijalni edukatori, u odnosu na grupu negovatelja, medicinskih sestara i
terapeuta, verovatno spremniji da otvoreno pristupe temi ometenosti, da je
manje izbegavaju u razgovoru i da pokazuju manju sklonost da svoju nelagodnost
projektuju na klijente.
Zaključak: Trebalo bi da se pažljivo razmotri kako se stručnjaci i članovi
porodice odnose prema pitanju identiteta ometenosti i načinu da se intelektualno
ometenoj osobi pruži mogućnost da lakše razreši konflikt identiteta.
AB  - their identity of intellectually disabled persons and the role of professionals in
accepting and maintaining of that identity.
Methods: structured interview was used to obtain data from service users
(36 users on upper level of moderate intellectual disability and with good
communication skills, 12-36 years old, 19 males and 17 females). Attitudes of
professionals towards accepting of identity of intellectual disability in persons
with intellectual disability and towards open communication concerning that
identity were assessed with Learning Disability Service Questionnaire. The
sample consisted of 33 professionals working in daily centers for intellectually
disabled persons.
Results: the results indicated that intellectually disabled individuals were aware
of the stigma connected with the identity of intellectual disability and were feeling discomfort whenever the issue of the identity of intellectual disability had been
brought up during conversation. They have two ways of managing the stigma:
i) describing themselves as similar to people without intellectual disabilities
or ii) stating their difference to more intellectually disabled individuals. It was
also found that psychologists and special educators, compared to nurses and
therapists, are possibly more apt to openly approach the issue of disability, show
less degree of avoidance of the issue in conversation and are less ready to project
own discomfort to clients.
Conclusions: there is a need for careful consideration of the ways in which
issue of this identity is met by service-providers and by family members, as well
as the ways in which disabled persons are encouraged to resolve the conflict of
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
C3  - Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009
T1  - Odnos osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i moguća uloga stručnjaka u njegovom održanju
T1  - Attitude of people with intellectual disabilities towards the identity of intellectual disability and possible role of experts in its maintaining
EP  - 143
SP  - 129
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4507
ER  - 
author = "Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona and Hanak, Nataša and Dragojević, Nada",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Cilj: ovaj rad istražuje odnos koji osobe sa intelektualnom ometenošću
(IO) imaju prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i ulogu stručnjaka u
prihvatanju i održavanju njihovog identiteta.
Metod: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno trideset šest ispitanika (korisnika
ustanova za brigu o IO), na gornjoj granici umerene intelektualne ometenosti,
19 muškog i 17 ženskog pola, uzrasta 12-36 godina, sa dobrim veštinama
komunikacije. Podaci su prikupljeni putem strukturisanog intervjua. Stavovi
stručnjaka o prihvatanju identiteta intelektualne ometenosti kod osoba
sa IO i otvorenoj komunikaciji na temu identiteta ometenosti procenjeni su
pomoću Upitnika o identitetu intelektualne ometenosti. Uzorak stručnjaka
čini trideset troje zaposlenih u dnevnim boravcima za odrasle osobe sa IO.
Rezultati: rezultati ukazuju da su osobe sa IO svesne stigme povezane sa
identitetom IO i ne osećaju se prijatno u razgovoru koji aludira na ovaj
identitet. Da bi izašli na kraj s osećanjima koje izaziva stigma, osobe sa
IO koriste dva mehanizma: i) sebe prikazuju što sličnijim osobama tipičnog
razvoja ili ii) sebe porede u pozitivnom smislu u odnosu na manje sposobne
ispitanike koji se nalaze u ustanovi. Nađeno je takođe da su psiholozi i
specijalni edukatori, u odnosu na grupu negovatelja, medicinskih sestara i
terapeuta, verovatno spremniji da otvoreno pristupe temi ometenosti, da je
manje izbegavaju u razgovoru i da pokazuju manju sklonost da svoju nelagodnost
projektuju na klijente.
Zaključak: Trebalo bi da se pažljivo razmotri kako se stručnjaci i članovi
porodice odnose prema pitanju identiteta ometenosti i načinu da se intelektualno
ometenoj osobi pruži mogućnost da lakše razreši konflikt identiteta., their identity of intellectually disabled persons and the role of professionals in
accepting and maintaining of that identity.
Methods: structured interview was used to obtain data from service users
(36 users on upper level of moderate intellectual disability and with good
communication skills, 12-36 years old, 19 males and 17 females). Attitudes of
professionals towards accepting of identity of intellectual disability in persons
with intellectual disability and towards open communication concerning that
identity were assessed with Learning Disability Service Questionnaire. The
sample consisted of 33 professionals working in daily centers for intellectually
disabled persons.
Results: the results indicated that intellectually disabled individuals were aware
of the stigma connected with the identity of intellectual disability and were feeling discomfort whenever the issue of the identity of intellectual disability had been
brought up during conversation. They have two ways of managing the stigma:
i) describing themselves as similar to people without intellectual disabilities
or ii) stating their difference to more intellectually disabled individuals. It was
also found that psychologists and special educators, compared to nurses and
therapists, are possibly more apt to openly approach the issue of disability, show
less degree of avoidance of the issue in conversation and are less ready to project
own discomfort to clients.
Conclusions: there is a need for careful consideration of the ways in which
issue of this identity is met by service-providers and by family members, as well
as the ways in which disabled persons are encouraged to resolve the conflict of
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
journal = "Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009",
title = "Odnos osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i moguća uloga stručnjaka u njegovom održanju, Attitude of people with intellectual disabilities towards the identity of intellectual disability and possible role of experts in its maintaining",
pages = "143-129",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4507"
Milačić-Vidojević, I., Hanak, N.,& Dragojević, N.. (2009). Odnos osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i moguća uloga stručnjaka u njegovom održanju. in Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009
Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation., 129-143.
Milačić-Vidojević I, Hanak N, Dragojević N. Odnos osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i moguća uloga stručnjaka u njegovom održanju. in Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009. 2009;:129-143.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4507 .
Milačić-Vidojević, Ivona, Hanak, Nataša, Dragojević, Nada, "Odnos osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću prema identitetu intelektualne ometenosti i moguća uloga stručnjaka u njegovom održanju" in Zbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009 (2009):129-143,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4507 .

Teorija uma dece sa posebnim potrebama

Glumbić, Nenad; Brojčin, Branislav; Đoković, Sanja; Žunić-Pavlović, Vesna; Jablan, Branka; Ilić-Stošović, Danijela; Hanak, Nataša

(Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2008)

AU  - Glumbić, Nenad
AU  - Brojčin, Branislav
AU  - Đoković, Sanja
AU  - Žunić-Pavlović, Vesna
AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Ilić-Stošović, Danijela
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4013
AB  - Ove godine se navršavaju tri decenije od kada su Premak i Vudraf,
dvojica primatologa sa Univerziteta u Pensilvaniji, skovala sintagmu
„teorija uma“ kako bi njome opisala sposobnost šimpanzi da sebi i drugima
pripišu razlicita mentalna stanja. Ovi autori su smatrali da covek intuitivno
razume mentalna stanja drugih osoba. Njihova, tek uzgredno pomenuta
zapažanja, da bi bilo zanimljivo ispitati prirodan tok razvoja teorije
uma kod skladno razvijene dece, kao i eventualne de$cite teorije uma kod
dece sa intelektualnom ometenošcu, inicirala su mnoga istraživanja u poslednjim
decenijama XX i prvoj deceniji XXI veka.
U našoj sredini tek su sporadicno ra&ena istraživanja iz ove oblasti,
pre svega kod skladno razvijene dece i dece sa intelektualnom ometenošcu.
Prve, dragocene podatke o razvoju teorije uma kod dece sa poremecajima
autisticnog spektra, nalazimo u radovima dr Ivone Milacic-Vidojevic.
Ispitivanja teorije uma kod dece oštecenog sluha i oštecenog vida retka su,
ne samo u domacoj, vec i u stranoj literaturi, dok se razvojem teorije uma
kod dece sa cerebralnom paralizom bavi svega nekolicina stranih autora.
Poseban podsticaj istraživanjima u ovoj oblasti dala su otkrica miror neurona
cija se funkcija dovodi u vezu sa sposobnošcu razumevanja tu&ih
mentalnih stanja; kriticki osvrti na ideju o univerzalnost de$cita teorije
uma kod osoba sa autizmom; zanimljiva istraživanja o odnosu razumevanja
mentalnih stanja i sposobnosti empatisanja kod osoba s poremecajima
ponašanja i, danas vrlo aktuelna, ispitivanja teorije uma kod osoba s
traumatskim povredama mozga.
U ovoj monografskoj studiji dat je pregled relevantnih istraživanja iz
oblasti teorije uma kod dece s posebnim potrebama.
Sam koncept teorije uma predstavljen je u uvodnom poglavlju
„Teorija uma“, autora dr Branislava Brojcina. Osim prikaza dominantih
teorijskih postavki (teorija modula, teorija teorije i teorija simulacije), autor
ovog poglavlja pruža nam dragocen prikaz pojedinih etapa u razvoju teorije
uma kod neurotipicne dece.
Najveci broj radova iz ove oblasti posvecen je poremecajima autisticnog
spektra, što je i logicno ako imamo u vidu da je ideja o de$citu teorije
AB  - Theory of mind refers to a person’s ability to form representations
of other people’s mental states, and to use these representations to
understand, predict and judge utterances and behavior. Infant precursors
or protoforms of theory of mind knowledge might be found even in the
$rst year of life, although most authors suggests that understanding of
intentational actions, which takes place in second half of the second year,
represents true manifestation of mentalizing ability. In the second year
of life children understand that other people have subjective experiences
like wishes and emotions. By the age of 3 most children make di*erence
between physical and mentalistic worlds. +e majority of studies on
theory of mind have focused on changes that take place at around age 4
in normally developing children. At this age, children typically develop
a representational understanding of mind, as measured by standard false
belief tasks. Between the age of 6 and 7 children realize that people may
react in di*erent ways on ambiguous situations. Subtle forms of this ability
continue to develop through childhood and adolescence.
Concept of the theory of mind, primarily posed by primatologists,
30 years ago, has generated vast array of research, especially in the $eld of
autism. Many studies have found that children with autism show speci$c
de$cits in theory of mind, and that they perform signi$cantly less well on
theory of mind tasks than matched comparison children.
In essence, this theory states that individuals with autism fail to impute
mental states to themselves and others and that this de$cit manifests as
inability to mentalise, or failure to take into account others’ mental states.
+e most widely used test of theory of mind is the unexpected transfer test
of false belief. It was soon revealed that nearly 20% of persons with autism
actually passed tests of false belief, which implies that de$cit of theory of
mind might not been universal. In the face of the issue of universality,
Baron-Cohen modi$ed his theory by proposing that a theory of mind
problem was in fact a delay rather than a de$cit. In order to scrutinize
that issue he developed more di.cult second-order false belief tasks. Given that mental age is related with false belief tasks performances some others
created advanced tests of theory of mind such as: Strange stories, Eyes
Test and Faux Pas stories. It was revealed that even persons with highfunctioning
autism have di.culty comprehending non-literal meaning or
recognizing emotions by reading information from eyes.
Many clinical symptoms of autistic disorder, such as narrow and
obsessive interests or repetitive behavior, could not be explained by theory
of mind de$cits. +at is why Baron-Cohen has extended this theory to
empathizing theory. Empathizing involves the ability to attribute mental
states to self and others as well as the ability of having an emotional reaction
that is appropriate to the other person’s mental state. A de$cit of empathizing
might account for the social and communication abnormalities in autism,
while repetitive behavior, obsessions and islets of ability could be assigned
to intact systemizing ability. Discrepancy between these two abilities leads
us to the conclusion that autism could be described as the extreme form of
the male brain.
Prevalence and expression of neurodevelopmental disorders might
be related to sex di*erences in brain development and prenatal and
neonatal testosterone exposures are strong candidates for having a causal
role in sexual dimorphism in behavior, including social behavior, and as
risk factors for conditions such as autism. In addition, apart from autism,
many other disorders occur more o,en in male than in female individuals,
including dyslexia, ADHD and early-onset persistent antisocial behavior.
+e nature of the relationship between conduct disorders and theory
of mind de$cits is still inconclusive. While some authors claim that children
with antisocial behavior have de$cits in theory of mind ability, the others
argue that, at least in some cases, delinquent children and adolescents do
have even superior ability of recognizing other’s mental states.
In seminal investigations of the theory of mind abilities Baron-
Cohen found that by the age of 4 typical children and children with Down
syndrome usually pass $rst-order false belief tasks. In later research it was
found that, unlike children with autism, 90 percent of typically developing
children (mean chronological age 7.5) passed the second order false belief
test, as did 60 percent of the children with Down syndrome (mean verbal
mental age of 7.5). One could conclude that the ability of mentalising is
almost intact in children with intellectual disabilities. However, more
thorough investigations revealed that children and adults with intellectual
de$cits do have signi$cant constrains in the development of theory of mind ability. It was also argued that verbal mental age could not be used as
a strong predictor of the future development of this ability.
Researches in a domain of theory of mind ability in children with
sensorial de$cits are very sparse, in spite the fact that this ability is strongly
depended upon verbal pro$ciency, which is compromised in deaf and hard
of hearing children. In addition, many authors spotted similarities between
children with autism and congenitally blind children.
Various factors o,en cause delayed or changed motor, cognitive,
speech and lingual, and emotional and social development in visually
impaired children. It is realistic to expect that the delay will be manifested
also in their ability of understanding themselves and other people as beings
possessing their own mental world, the world of their own wishes, needs,
thoughts, intentions and believes, which we call the theory of mind.
+e research $ndings show that there is a delay in visually
impaired children in creating the bond with other persons and a delay in
understanding social situations which disclose di*erent emotions of other
people. According to $ndings of several investigations, including the only
research carried out in Serbia, (Jablan, Hanak and Stanimirovic, in press),
the blind children had achieved 100 % scores in the theory of mind tasks of
the $rst and second levels in the age of twelve years.
Just for the sake of comparing, fully sighted children in the age
of 4-5 years achieve success in the $rst level tasks (Wellman et al, 2001,
according to Cicchetti et al, 2003; Lešnik Musek, 2003), and in the second
level tasks in the age of 6-7 years (Lešnik, Musek, 2003). It is interesting
that blind children of the same age, at about 12 years, achieve remarkably
good scores at solving the third level theory of mind tasks, and, in the age
of 13, they achieve the plateau in developing the ability of recognition of
the faux pas (Jablan, Hanak and Stanimirovic, in press). We can conclude
that, in comparison to the fully sighted children, the blind ones manifest
the longest delay in development of theory of mind of the $rst level, while
delays in development of the higher levels are ever less.
In our opinion, there are direct and indirect consequences of visual
impairment responsible for the delay in the theory of mind acquisition, as
well as in the acquisition of the earlier nonverbal forms of intersubjectivity.
Furthermore, the delay in development of prelinguistic forms of
intersubjectivity, which are considered to be a direct predecessors and
the ground for developing the linguistic ones, (Meltzo*, 1985, 1990 and
Trevarthen, 1980 and 1998, according to Beebe et al, 2005; Stern, 1985),
could be of special signi$cance for understanding the delays of the blind children in the theory of mind development. As we could see, in relation to
the fully sighted children, the longest delay in development of the theory of
mind in the blind children is concerning its basic, $rst level.
Direct consequences may appear because of the insu.cient experiences
of cross-modal contingency (Meltzo*, 1990, according to Beebe et al,
2005), whereby the lack of visual information is obviously critical. Namely,
we assume that, in the blind children, there is not enough stimulation
of the mirror brain areas, which enable the recognition of the states and
intentions of others (Carr et al, 2003; Meltzo* i Gopnik, 1993, Tomasello,
1999, all in Beebe et al, 2003). +e next direct consequences could be the
absence of the imitation of the facial expression, which is also a channel for
understanding the mental states of others by the autonomous responses,
which are generated by the facial expression characteristic in particular
emotional states (Ekman, 1990, 1993; Dimberg et al, 2000).
+e indirect consequences are referred to all obstacles in the direct
mother-child interaction, which, consequentially lead to disturbed or
poor contingency and the tracking of the interaction participants. +ese
obstacles maybe due to the uninformed parents about the ways the visual
impairment a*ects the child’s displaying the needs, especially the needs
for interaction; due to rejection of child’s disability, and/or the parents’
trauma, who have got a disabled child. Within the domain of the parentchild
verbal communication, the use of the mentalistic terms can be of
crucial relevance. +e investigation of Mains et al, (2002), has shown
that mothers, who saw their children as capable of intentional acts, will
response more sensitively and more adequately to the child’s needs, will be
motivated to understand child’s behavior, and they will more frequently
use the mentalistic terms in their interaction with the child. +e children,
whose mothers used more mentalistic terms in the interaction in the age of
six months, were more successful in the test battery for the theory of mind
testing in 45-48 months age!
Although there are no similar investigations of parent/visually
impaired child interactions, the investigation of Roch-Levecq (2000)
indicates that the visually impaired children are poorly involved in the
forms of conversation in which the participants spontaneously talk more
about mental states of other people.
Growing theoretical value is lately being ascribed to the question
whether the inability of grasping the concept of false belief is limited to
autism or whether it includes some other categories of developmental
disorders. Research results point to a category of children, which appear to have the same extended delay in deductive theory of mind skills, as autistic
children do. +ese are hearing impaired children which unlike autistic
children, have no CNS disorder. Hearing impairment is usually caused by
a lesion localized in the inner ear.
Results of di*erent studies show that acquisition of theory of mind
in hearing impaired children could depend on the nature and length of
conversation within the family, during early childhood. +ree di*erent groups
of hearing impaired children can be identi$ed based on their participation in
either verbal or gestural communication with family members. +e $rst group
consists of children who live with hearing impaired parents and develop early
rich gestural communication. +e second group consists of hearing impaired
children who have acquired oral language through implementation of an
auditory method and hearing aid, resulting in the use and understanding
of speech within their environment. +e third group consists of hearing
impaired children who were not educated for oral speech and who have
acquired sign language as late as the school period, since their family was
not trained to use gestural communication. Hearing impaired children who
have used sign language since early childhood and those who successfully
acquired oral communication show a signi$cant di*erence in success in
the false belief tasks, when compared to their hearing impaired peers who
have not acquired oral communication and whose families have not been
trained in the use of gestural communication.
Hearing impaired individuals who have been using oral or gestural
language since early childhood, manage to develop the concept of false
belief at the same age as hearing children. However, hearing impaired
children who had not acquired oral communication and started with late
use of sign language instead, systematically show poor results in false
belief tasks (Courtin and Me1ot, 1998; Peterson and Siegal, 1999). +ese
di*erences are not transient in nature, but permanent, and can be followed
at ages from 5 to 16 years (Peterson, Siegal, 1999; Russell et al., 1998).
Even when hearing parents employ great e*orts in learning to
communicate with sign language, the result is o,en discouraging.
Vaccari and Marschark claim that over 90% of hearing impaired children
have hearing parents and a signi$cant number of these parents are either
unfamiliar with gestural communication or know the skill poorly. In
such cases, it is recommended for the children to be included in early
auditory training in order to acquire oral language, since this single
mode of communication can help them achieve well-developed cognitive
processes within their hearing families.+e reviewed research leads to a general conclusion that development
of speech and language and the skill and possibility of using speech are
crucial for communication within families and could have a central role in
understanding mental processes.
At least, but not at last, we should stress that children with cerebral
palsy also have many constrains in the development of theory of mind
abilities. It is seemed that only 25% of these children with signi$cant
language disorders pass false belief tasks of the $rst and the second order.
Development of mentalizing ability in these children is rather delayed than
abnormal. +ese $ndings could be interpreted by lack of social interactions,
poor social experience, constrain capacity of working memory and
localization of the brain injury. In the last few years some authors made an
e*ort to investigate theory of mind ability in persons with traumatic brain
injuries. It seems that bifrontal lesions signi$cantly contribute to the loss of
previously well developed theory of mind, although the results on relation
between this ability and executive functions are still to be scrutinized.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
T1  - Teorija uma dece sa posebnim potrebama
T1  - Theory of mind of the children with special needs
EP  - 143
SP  - 1
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4013
ER  - 
author = "Glumbić, Nenad and Brojčin, Branislav and Đoković, Sanja and Žunić-Pavlović, Vesna and Jablan, Branka and Ilić-Stošović, Danijela and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Ove godine se navršavaju tri decenije od kada su Premak i Vudraf,
dvojica primatologa sa Univerziteta u Pensilvaniji, skovala sintagmu
„teorija uma“ kako bi njome opisala sposobnost šimpanzi da sebi i drugima
pripišu razlicita mentalna stanja. Ovi autori su smatrali da covek intuitivno
razume mentalna stanja drugih osoba. Njihova, tek uzgredno pomenuta
zapažanja, da bi bilo zanimljivo ispitati prirodan tok razvoja teorije
uma kod skladno razvijene dece, kao i eventualne de$cite teorije uma kod
dece sa intelektualnom ometenošcu, inicirala su mnoga istraživanja u poslednjim
decenijama XX i prvoj deceniji XXI veka.
U našoj sredini tek su sporadicno ra&ena istraživanja iz ove oblasti,
pre svega kod skladno razvijene dece i dece sa intelektualnom ometenošcu.
Prve, dragocene podatke o razvoju teorije uma kod dece sa poremecajima
autisticnog spektra, nalazimo u radovima dr Ivone Milacic-Vidojevic.
Ispitivanja teorije uma kod dece oštecenog sluha i oštecenog vida retka su,
ne samo u domacoj, vec i u stranoj literaturi, dok se razvojem teorije uma
kod dece sa cerebralnom paralizom bavi svega nekolicina stranih autora.
Poseban podsticaj istraživanjima u ovoj oblasti dala su otkrica miror neurona
cija se funkcija dovodi u vezu sa sposobnošcu razumevanja tu&ih
mentalnih stanja; kriticki osvrti na ideju o univerzalnost de$cita teorije
uma kod osoba sa autizmom; zanimljiva istraživanja o odnosu razumevanja
mentalnih stanja i sposobnosti empatisanja kod osoba s poremecajima
ponašanja i, danas vrlo aktuelna, ispitivanja teorije uma kod osoba s
traumatskim povredama mozga.
U ovoj monografskoj studiji dat je pregled relevantnih istraživanja iz
oblasti teorije uma kod dece s posebnim potrebama.
Sam koncept teorije uma predstavljen je u uvodnom poglavlju
„Teorija uma“, autora dr Branislava Brojcina. Osim prikaza dominantih
teorijskih postavki (teorija modula, teorija teorije i teorija simulacije), autor
ovog poglavlja pruža nam dragocen prikaz pojedinih etapa u razvoju teorije
uma kod neurotipicne dece.
Najveci broj radova iz ove oblasti posvecen je poremecajima autisticnog
spektra, što je i logicno ako imamo u vidu da je ideja o de$citu teorije, Theory of mind refers to a person’s ability to form representations
of other people’s mental states, and to use these representations to
understand, predict and judge utterances and behavior. Infant precursors
or protoforms of theory of mind knowledge might be found even in the
$rst year of life, although most authors suggests that understanding of
intentational actions, which takes place in second half of the second year,
represents true manifestation of mentalizing ability. In the second year
of life children understand that other people have subjective experiences
like wishes and emotions. By the age of 3 most children make di*erence
between physical and mentalistic worlds. +e majority of studies on
theory of mind have focused on changes that take place at around age 4
in normally developing children. At this age, children typically develop
a representational understanding of mind, as measured by standard false
belief tasks. Between the age of 6 and 7 children realize that people may
react in di*erent ways on ambiguous situations. Subtle forms of this ability
continue to develop through childhood and adolescence.
Concept of the theory of mind, primarily posed by primatologists,
30 years ago, has generated vast array of research, especially in the $eld of
autism. Many studies have found that children with autism show speci$c
de$cits in theory of mind, and that they perform signi$cantly less well on
theory of mind tasks than matched comparison children.
In essence, this theory states that individuals with autism fail to impute
mental states to themselves and others and that this de$cit manifests as
inability to mentalise, or failure to take into account others’ mental states.
+e most widely used test of theory of mind is the unexpected transfer test
of false belief. It was soon revealed that nearly 20% of persons with autism
actually passed tests of false belief, which implies that de$cit of theory of
mind might not been universal. In the face of the issue of universality,
Baron-Cohen modi$ed his theory by proposing that a theory of mind
problem was in fact a delay rather than a de$cit. In order to scrutinize
that issue he developed more di.cult second-order false belief tasks. Given that mental age is related with false belief tasks performances some others
created advanced tests of theory of mind such as: Strange stories, Eyes
Test and Faux Pas stories. It was revealed that even persons with highfunctioning
autism have di.culty comprehending non-literal meaning or
recognizing emotions by reading information from eyes.
Many clinical symptoms of autistic disorder, such as narrow and
obsessive interests or repetitive behavior, could not be explained by theory
of mind de$cits. +at is why Baron-Cohen has extended this theory to
empathizing theory. Empathizing involves the ability to attribute mental
states to self and others as well as the ability of having an emotional reaction
that is appropriate to the other person’s mental state. A de$cit of empathizing
might account for the social and communication abnormalities in autism,
while repetitive behavior, obsessions and islets of ability could be assigned
to intact systemizing ability. Discrepancy between these two abilities leads
us to the conclusion that autism could be described as the extreme form of
the male brain.
Prevalence and expression of neurodevelopmental disorders might
be related to sex di*erences in brain development and prenatal and
neonatal testosterone exposures are strong candidates for having a causal
role in sexual dimorphism in behavior, including social behavior, and as
risk factors for conditions such as autism. In addition, apart from autism,
many other disorders occur more o,en in male than in female individuals,
including dyslexia, ADHD and early-onset persistent antisocial behavior.
+e nature of the relationship between conduct disorders and theory
of mind de$cits is still inconclusive. While some authors claim that children
with antisocial behavior have de$cits in theory of mind ability, the others
argue that, at least in some cases, delinquent children and adolescents do
have even superior ability of recognizing other’s mental states.
In seminal investigations of the theory of mind abilities Baron-
Cohen found that by the age of 4 typical children and children with Down
syndrome usually pass $rst-order false belief tasks. In later research it was
found that, unlike children with autism, 90 percent of typically developing
children (mean chronological age 7.5) passed the second order false belief
test, as did 60 percent of the children with Down syndrome (mean verbal
mental age of 7.5). One could conclude that the ability of mentalising is
almost intact in children with intellectual disabilities. However, more
thorough investigations revealed that children and adults with intellectual
de$cits do have signi$cant constrains in the development of theory of mind ability. It was also argued that verbal mental age could not be used as
a strong predictor of the future development of this ability.
Researches in a domain of theory of mind ability in children with
sensorial de$cits are very sparse, in spite the fact that this ability is strongly
depended upon verbal pro$ciency, which is compromised in deaf and hard
of hearing children. In addition, many authors spotted similarities between
children with autism and congenitally blind children.
Various factors o,en cause delayed or changed motor, cognitive,
speech and lingual, and emotional and social development in visually
impaired children. It is realistic to expect that the delay will be manifested
also in their ability of understanding themselves and other people as beings
possessing their own mental world, the world of their own wishes, needs,
thoughts, intentions and believes, which we call the theory of mind.
+e research $ndings show that there is a delay in visually
impaired children in creating the bond with other persons and a delay in
understanding social situations which disclose di*erent emotions of other
people. According to $ndings of several investigations, including the only
research carried out in Serbia, (Jablan, Hanak and Stanimirovic, in press),
the blind children had achieved 100 % scores in the theory of mind tasks of
the $rst and second levels in the age of twelve years.
Just for the sake of comparing, fully sighted children in the age
of 4-5 years achieve success in the $rst level tasks (Wellman et al, 2001,
according to Cicchetti et al, 2003; Lešnik Musek, 2003), and in the second
level tasks in the age of 6-7 years (Lešnik, Musek, 2003). It is interesting
that blind children of the same age, at about 12 years, achieve remarkably
good scores at solving the third level theory of mind tasks, and, in the age
of 13, they achieve the plateau in developing the ability of recognition of
the faux pas (Jablan, Hanak and Stanimirovic, in press). We can conclude
that, in comparison to the fully sighted children, the blind ones manifest
the longest delay in development of theory of mind of the $rst level, while
delays in development of the higher levels are ever less.
In our opinion, there are direct and indirect consequences of visual
impairment responsible for the delay in the theory of mind acquisition, as
well as in the acquisition of the earlier nonverbal forms of intersubjectivity.
Furthermore, the delay in development of prelinguistic forms of
intersubjectivity, which are considered to be a direct predecessors and
the ground for developing the linguistic ones, (Meltzo*, 1985, 1990 and
Trevarthen, 1980 and 1998, according to Beebe et al, 2005; Stern, 1985),
could be of special signi$cance for understanding the delays of the blind children in the theory of mind development. As we could see, in relation to
the fully sighted children, the longest delay in development of the theory of
mind in the blind children is concerning its basic, $rst level.
Direct consequences may appear because of the insu.cient experiences
of cross-modal contingency (Meltzo*, 1990, according to Beebe et al,
2005), whereby the lack of visual information is obviously critical. Namely,
we assume that, in the blind children, there is not enough stimulation
of the mirror brain areas, which enable the recognition of the states and
intentions of others (Carr et al, 2003; Meltzo* i Gopnik, 1993, Tomasello,
1999, all in Beebe et al, 2003). +e next direct consequences could be the
absence of the imitation of the facial expression, which is also a channel for
understanding the mental states of others by the autonomous responses,
which are generated by the facial expression characteristic in particular
emotional states (Ekman, 1990, 1993; Dimberg et al, 2000).
+e indirect consequences are referred to all obstacles in the direct
mother-child interaction, which, consequentially lead to disturbed or
poor contingency and the tracking of the interaction participants. +ese
obstacles maybe due to the uninformed parents about the ways the visual
impairment a*ects the child’s displaying the needs, especially the needs
for interaction; due to rejection of child’s disability, and/or the parents’
trauma, who have got a disabled child. Within the domain of the parentchild
verbal communication, the use of the mentalistic terms can be of
crucial relevance. +e investigation of Mains et al, (2002), has shown
that mothers, who saw their children as capable of intentional acts, will
response more sensitively and more adequately to the child’s needs, will be
motivated to understand child’s behavior, and they will more frequently
use the mentalistic terms in their interaction with the child. +e children,
whose mothers used more mentalistic terms in the interaction in the age of
six months, were more successful in the test battery for the theory of mind
testing in 45-48 months age!
Although there are no similar investigations of parent/visually
impaired child interactions, the investigation of Roch-Levecq (2000)
indicates that the visually impaired children are poorly involved in the
forms of conversation in which the participants spontaneously talk more
about mental states of other people.
Growing theoretical value is lately being ascribed to the question
whether the inability of grasping the concept of false belief is limited to
autism or whether it includes some other categories of developmental
disorders. Research results point to a category of children, which appear to have the same extended delay in deductive theory of mind skills, as autistic
children do. +ese are hearing impaired children which unlike autistic
children, have no CNS disorder. Hearing impairment is usually caused by
a lesion localized in the inner ear.
Results of di*erent studies show that acquisition of theory of mind
in hearing impaired children could depend on the nature and length of
conversation within the family, during early childhood. +ree di*erent groups
of hearing impaired children can be identi$ed based on their participation in
either verbal or gestural communication with family members. +e $rst group
consists of children who live with hearing impaired parents and develop early
rich gestural communication. +e second group consists of hearing impaired
children who have acquired oral language through implementation of an
auditory method and hearing aid, resulting in the use and understanding
of speech within their environment. +e third group consists of hearing
impaired children who were not educated for oral speech and who have
acquired sign language as late as the school period, since their family was
not trained to use gestural communication. Hearing impaired children who
have used sign language since early childhood and those who successfully
acquired oral communication show a signi$cant di*erence in success in
the false belief tasks, when compared to their hearing impaired peers who
have not acquired oral communication and whose families have not been
trained in the use of gestural communication.
Hearing impaired individuals who have been using oral or gestural
language since early childhood, manage to develop the concept of false
belief at the same age as hearing children. However, hearing impaired
children who had not acquired oral communication and started with late
use of sign language instead, systematically show poor results in false
belief tasks (Courtin and Me1ot, 1998; Peterson and Siegal, 1999). +ese
di*erences are not transient in nature, but permanent, and can be followed
at ages from 5 to 16 years (Peterson, Siegal, 1999; Russell et al., 1998).
Even when hearing parents employ great e*orts in learning to
communicate with sign language, the result is o,en discouraging.
Vaccari and Marschark claim that over 90% of hearing impaired children
have hearing parents and a signi$cant number of these parents are either
unfamiliar with gestural communication or know the skill poorly. In
such cases, it is recommended for the children to be included in early
auditory training in order to acquire oral language, since this single
mode of communication can help them achieve well-developed cognitive
processes within their hearing families.+e reviewed research leads to a general conclusion that development
of speech and language and the skill and possibility of using speech are
crucial for communication within families and could have a central role in
understanding mental processes.
At least, but not at last, we should stress that children with cerebral
palsy also have many constrains in the development of theory of mind
abilities. It is seemed that only 25% of these children with signi$cant
language disorders pass false belief tasks of the $rst and the second order.
Development of mentalizing ability in these children is rather delayed than
abnormal. +ese $ndings could be interpreted by lack of social interactions,
poor social experience, constrain capacity of working memory and
localization of the brain injury. In the last few years some authors made an
e*ort to investigate theory of mind ability in persons with traumatic brain
injuries. It seems that bifrontal lesions signi$cantly contribute to the loss of
previously well developed theory of mind, although the results on relation
between this ability and executive functions are still to be scrutinized.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
title = "Teorija uma dece sa posebnim potrebama, Theory of mind of the children with special needs",
pages = "143-1",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4013"
Glumbić, N., Brojčin, B., Đoković, S., Žunić-Pavlović, V., Jablan, B., Ilić-Stošović, D.,& Hanak, N.. (2008). Teorija uma dece sa posebnim potrebama. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation., 1-143.
Glumbić N, Brojčin B, Đoković S, Žunić-Pavlović V, Jablan B, Ilić-Stošović D, Hanak N. Teorija uma dece sa posebnim potrebama. 2008;:1-143.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4013 .
Glumbić, Nenad, Brojčin, Branislav, Đoković, Sanja, Žunić-Pavlović, Vesna, Jablan, Branka, Ilić-Stošović, Danijela, Hanak, Nataša, "Teorija uma dece sa posebnim potrebama" (2008):1-143,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_4013 .

Teorija uma dece sa oštećenjem vida

Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša

(Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2008)

AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1690
AB  - Pomocu cula vida covek uspostavlja najvažnije i najsavršenije veze sa
svojom okolinom. Oci nas upozoravaju na opasnost, usmeravaju naše
kretnje i postupke, kontrolišu naj$nije radnje. Osnovna funkcija organa
vida je percepcija svetlosti. Ljudsko oko može jasno da vidi kako veoma
udaljene izvore svetlosti kao što su zvezde, tako i veoma $ne i sitne detalje
koje vide majstori $ligrana (Parunovic, 1997). Smatra se da putem cula
vida covek prima izme&u 80% i 90% informacija.
Oštrina vida je sposobnost oka da u spoljnjem svetu razlikuje odvojeno
objekte posmatranja. Što su posmatrani objekti me&usobno bliži, a
mogu se razlikovati, i što je vidni ugao svakog od njih manji, oštrina vida
je bolja. Oštrina vida 1.0 može da bude samo u centru foveole. Ako se slika
formira van ove zone, oštrina vida naglo opada, ali ne u svim meridijanima
srazmerno (Smiljanic, 2001. str. 5). Nagli pad oštrine vida znaci da
osoba gubi vid na jednom ili na oba oka. Uzroci mogu biti razliciti, a krajnje
stanje može da bude vizuelna smetnja, slabovidost, prakticna i totalna
Oštecenja vida mogu biti uro&ena i stecena.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
T2  - Teorija uma dece sa
posebnim potrebama
T1  - Teorija uma dece sa oštećenjem vida
EP  - 111
SP  - 95
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1690
ER  - 
author = "Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Pomocu cula vida covek uspostavlja najvažnije i najsavršenije veze sa
svojom okolinom. Oci nas upozoravaju na opasnost, usmeravaju naše
kretnje i postupke, kontrolišu naj$nije radnje. Osnovna funkcija organa
vida je percepcija svetlosti. Ljudsko oko može jasno da vidi kako veoma
udaljene izvore svetlosti kao što su zvezde, tako i veoma $ne i sitne detalje
koje vide majstori $ligrana (Parunovic, 1997). Smatra se da putem cula
vida covek prima izme&u 80% i 90% informacija.
Oštrina vida je sposobnost oka da u spoljnjem svetu razlikuje odvojeno
objekte posmatranja. Što su posmatrani objekti me&usobno bliži, a
mogu se razlikovati, i što je vidni ugao svakog od njih manji, oštrina vida
je bolja. Oštrina vida 1.0 može da bude samo u centru foveole. Ako se slika
formira van ove zone, oštrina vida naglo opada, ali ne u svim meridijanima
srazmerno (Smiljanic, 2001. str. 5). Nagli pad oštrine vida znaci da
osoba gubi vid na jednom ili na oba oka. Uzroci mogu biti razliciti, a krajnje
stanje može da bude vizuelna smetnja, slabovidost, prakticna i totalna
Oštecenja vida mogu biti uro&ena i stecena.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
journal = "Teorija uma dece sa
posebnim potrebama",
booktitle = "Teorija uma dece sa oštećenjem vida",
pages = "111-95",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1690"
Jablan, B.,& Hanak, N.. (2008). Teorija uma dece sa oštećenjem vida. in Teorija uma dece sa
posebnim potrebama
Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation., 95-111.
Jablan B, Hanak N. Teorija uma dece sa oštećenjem vida. in Teorija uma dece sa
posebnim potrebama. 2008;:95-111.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1690 .
Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, "Teorija uma dece sa oštećenjem vida" in Teorija uma dece sa
posebnim potrebama (2008):95-111,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1690 .

Theory of mind in visually impaired children

Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša; Stanimirov, Ksenija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd, 2007)

AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Stanimirov, Ksenija
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/107
AB  - The object of this research is to investigates different task of Theory of Mind in visually impaired children. The sample consists of 83 totally blind and low vision children. Test Baron-Cohen was employed in this research. The research results showed, that 72.3% subjects have theory of mind on the first level and 55.4% in the second level. Blind children and low vision children up to nine years old are unsuccessful on the most of tasks of theory of mind in the third level. They achieve the plateau in developing the ability of recognition of the faux pas is in the age of 13. Low vision children are better than blind children on the task of theory of mind in the third level. .
AB  - Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje postignuća slepe i slabovide dece na različitim zadacima "teorije uma". Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 83 slepe i slabovide dece. Korišćen je Baron Koenov test za procenu Teorije uma prvog, drugog i trećeg nivoa. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da oko dve trećine ispitanika "poseduje" teoriju uma na prvom (72.3%) i nešto više od polovine na drugom nivou (55.4%). Slepa i slabovida deca do devete godine su neuspešna na većini zadataka koji procenjuju teoriju uma trećeg nivoa. Plato u razvoju teorije uma dešava se oko trinaeste godine. Na zadacima teorije uma trećeg nivoa slabovidi učenici su ubedljivo bolji u odnosu na slepe. .
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
T2  - Beogradska defektološka škola
T1  - Theory of mind in visually impaired children
T1  - Procena teorije uma kod dece sa oštećenjem vida
EP  - 124
IS  - 1
SP  - 115
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_107
ER  - 
author = "Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša and Stanimirov, Ksenija",
year = "2007",
abstract = "The object of this research is to investigates different task of Theory of Mind in visually impaired children. The sample consists of 83 totally blind and low vision children. Test Baron-Cohen was employed in this research. The research results showed, that 72.3% subjects have theory of mind on the first level and 55.4% in the second level. Blind children and low vision children up to nine years old are unsuccessful on the most of tasks of theory of mind in the third level. They achieve the plateau in developing the ability of recognition of the faux pas is in the age of 13. Low vision children are better than blind children on the task of theory of mind in the third level. ., Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje postignuća slepe i slabovide dece na različitim zadacima "teorije uma". Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 83 slepe i slabovide dece. Korišćen je Baron Koenov test za procenu Teorije uma prvog, drugog i trećeg nivoa. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da oko dve trećine ispitanika "poseduje" teoriju uma na prvom (72.3%) i nešto više od polovine na drugom nivou (55.4%). Slepa i slabovida deca do devete godine su neuspešna na većini zadataka koji procenjuju teoriju uma trećeg nivoa. Plato u razvoju teorije uma dešava se oko trinaeste godine. Na zadacima teorije uma trećeg nivoa slabovidi učenici su ubedljivo bolji u odnosu na slepe. .",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd",
journal = "Beogradska defektološka škola",
title = "Theory of mind in visually impaired children, Procena teorije uma kod dece sa oštećenjem vida",
pages = "124-115",
number = "1",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_107"
Jablan, B., Hanak, N.,& Stanimirov, K.. (2007). Theory of mind in visually impaired children. in Beogradska defektološka škola
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd.(1), 115-124.
Jablan B, Hanak N, Stanimirov K. Theory of mind in visually impaired children. in Beogradska defektološka škola. 2007;(1):115-124.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_107 .
Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, Stanimirov, Ksenija, "Theory of mind in visually impaired children" in Beogradska defektološka škola, no. 1 (2007):115-124,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_107 .

Servisna funkcija specijalne škole u redovnom sistemu obrazovanja dece oštećenog vida

Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša

(Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, 2007)

AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1644
PB  - Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju
T1  - Servisna funkcija specijalne škole u redovnom sistemu obrazovanja dece oštećenog vida
EP  - 789
SP  - 773
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1644
ER  - 
author = "Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2007",
publisher = "Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju",
title = "Servisna funkcija specijalne škole u redovnom sistemu obrazovanja dece oštećenog vida",
pages = "789-773",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1644"
Jablan, B.,& Hanak, N.. (2007). Servisna funkcija specijalne škole u redovnom sistemu obrazovanja dece oštećenog vida. 
Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju., 773-789.
Jablan B, Hanak N. Servisna funkcija specijalne škole u redovnom sistemu obrazovanja dece oštećenog vida. 2007;:773-789.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1644 .
Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, "Servisna funkcija specijalne škole u redovnom sistemu obrazovanja dece oštećenog vida" (2007):773-789,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1644 .

Iskustvo kao faktor promena stavova dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci

Jablan, Branka; Hanak, Nataša


AU  - Jablan, Branka
AU  - Hanak, Nataša
PY  - 2005
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1528
T2  - Istraživanja u defektologiji
T1  - Iskustvo kao faktor promena stavova dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci
EP  - 28
IS  - 7
SP  - 15
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1528
ER  - 
author = "Jablan, Branka and Hanak, Nataša",
year = "2005",
journal = "Istraživanja u defektologiji",
title = "Iskustvo kao faktor promena stavova dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci",
pages = "28-15",
number = "7",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1528"
Jablan, B.,& Hanak, N.. (2005). Iskustvo kao faktor promena stavova dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci. in Istraživanja u defektologiji(7), 15-28.
Jablan B, Hanak N. Iskustvo kao faktor promena stavova dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci. in Istraživanja u defektologiji. 2005;(7):15-28.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1528 .
Jablan, Branka, Hanak, Nataša, "Iskustvo kao faktor promena stavova dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci" in Istraživanja u defektologiji, no. 7 (2005):15-28,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1528 .

Stavovi dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci

Hanak, Nataša; Jablan, Branka


AU  - Hanak, Nataša
AU  - Jablan, Branka
PY  - 2004
UR  - http://rfasper.fasper.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1498
C3  - Zbornik rezimea
T1  - Stavovi dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci
EP  - 48
SP  - 47
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1498
ER  - 
author = "Hanak, Nataša and Jablan, Branka",
year = "2004",
journal = "Zbornik rezimea",
title = "Stavovi dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci",
pages = "48-47",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1498"
Hanak, N.,& Jablan, B.. (2004). Stavovi dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci. in Zbornik rezimea, 47-48.
Hanak N, Jablan B. Stavovi dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci. in Zbornik rezimea. 2004;:47-48.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1498 .
Hanak, Nataša, Jablan, Branka, "Stavovi dece sa vidom prema slepoj deci" in Zbornik rezimea (2004):47-48,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rfasper_1498 .