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Lexical comprehension and processing in typically Developing children

dc.creatorJečmenica, Nevena
dc.creatorDrljan, Bojana
dc.description.abstractUvod: Istraživači obično razlikuju dva aspekta dečjeg znanja o rečima: širinu i dubinu. Odnosi među rečima i njihov uticaj na stvaranje neuronskih mreža mentalnog leksikona omogućavaju detetu da dostigne određeni nivo apstrakcije. Cilj: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kako bi se utvrdio nivo razvijenosti leksičko-semantičkih sposobnosti kod dece tipičnog razvoja. Metode: Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 61 dete tipičnog razvoja, uzrasta od pet do osam godina. Sposobnost leksičkog razumevanja i obrade procenjena je Testom verbalnog razumevanja, koji se sastoji iz četiri subtesta: slikovni rečnik, sinonimi, antonimi i verbalne analogije. Rezultati: Zadaci za procenu sinonima predstavljali su za decu najteži tip zadataka (30,92% uspešnosti) u odnosu na zadatke antonima (49,27% uspešnosti), verbalnih analogija (57,81% uspešnosti) i slikovnog rečnika (66,85% uspešnosti). Primenom analize varijanse utvrđeno je da je uzrast značajan činilac postignuća na zadacima slikovnog rečnika (F=6,645; p=0,003), antonima (F=7,060; p=0,002) i verbalnih analogija (F=5,636; p=0,006), dok u domenu sinonima (F=3,059; p=0,055) odnos nije značajan, iako su prisutne razlike aritmetičkih sredina u korist dece starijeg uzrasta. Uzrastom se može objasniti oko 18% varijabilnosti rezultata na zadacima procene slikovnog rečnika, kao i oko 19% varijabilnosti postignuća u domenu antonima i verbalnih analogija. Primenom dvofaktorske analize varijanse nije utvrđena statistički značajna interakcija pola i uzrasta dece na zadacima za procenu slikovnog rečnika (F=1,120; p=0,334), sinonima (F=0,775; p=0,466), antonima (F=0,820; p=0,446) i verbalnih analogija (F=0,375; p=0,689). Zaključak: S obzirom na to da zadaci za procenu leksičkih sposobnosti koje smo primenili u istraživanju predstavljaju značajne indikatore jezičkog razvoja, kao i da postoji značajna povezanost između leksičko- semantičkih sposobnosti i akademskog uspeha, od velikog je značaja nastaviti sa istraživanjima u ovoj oblasti, kako kod dece tipičnog jezičkog razvoja, tako i kod dece sa jezičkim poremećajima.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Researchers usually distinguish between two aspects of children’s vocabulary: breadth and depth. The relationships between words and their influence on the formation of the neural networks of the mental lexicon allow children to reach a certain level of abstraction. Aim: The study was conducted with the aim of determining the developmental tendency of lexical-semantic abilities in typically developing children. Methods: The sample consisted of 61 typically developing children aged five to eight years. Lexical comprehension and processing skills were assessed using the Test of Verbal Comprehension, which comprises four subtests: Picture Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Verbal Analogies. Results: The assessment of synonyms was the most difficult task for the children (30.92% pass rate), compared to the tasks on antonyms (49.27% pass rate), verbal analogies (57.81% pass rate) and picture vocabulary (66.85% pass rate). Analysis of variance revealed that age was a significant performance factor in the picture vocabulary (F=6.645; p=.003), antonyms (F=7.060; p=.002), and verbal analogies (F=5.636; p=.006) tasks, whereas there were no significant age differences in the synonym tasks (F=3.059; p=0.055), although there were some differences between the arithmetic means in favor of the older children. Age can explain about 18% of the variability in scores on the picture vocabulary tasks and about 19% of the variability on the antonyms and verbal analogies tasks. The two-way analysis of variance showed that there were no statistically significant interactions between age and gender for the picture vocabulary tasks (F=1.120; p=.334), synonyms (F=0.775; p=.466), antonyms (F=0.820; p=.446) and verbal analogies (F=0.375; p=.689). Conclusion: Considering that the tasks used in our study to assess lexical abilities are significant indicators of language development and that there is a significant relationship between lexical-semantic abilities and academic success, it is of great importance to continue research in this area, both in tipically developing children and in children with language disorders.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 12. Međunarodni naučni skup Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas Beograd, 27–28. oktobar 2023. Godinesr
dc.subjectleksičko razumevanjesr
dc.subjectobrada rečisr
dc.subjectjezičke sposobnostisr
dc.subjecttipičan razvojsr
dc.subjectlexical comprehensionsr
dc.subjectlexical processingsr
dc.subjectlanguage abilitiessr
dc.subjecttypical developmentsr
dc.titleLeksičko razumevanje i obrada kod dece tipičnog razvojasr
dc.titleLexical comprehension and processing in typically Developing childrensr



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