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Self-assessment of teachers’ voice fatigue

dc.creatorZec, Milja
dc.creatorStekić, Dunja
dc.creatorMarjanović, Milkica
dc.creatorVeselinović, Marijana
dc.description.abstractGlas je “alat” kojim određene grupe zaposlenih osobaobavljajusvoj posao. Postoje razni faktori koji mogu izazvati poremećaj glasa, ali se ističe da je zamor glasa, usled njegovog aktivnog korišćenja zbog zahteva posla, jedan od najčešćih.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati samoprocenu vrsta vokalnog zamora predavačau odnosu na godine radnog staža i radne sate u nedelji.U istraživanju su dobrovoljno učestvovala 203 ispitanika, životne dobi od 25 do 68 godina (AS =45.39, SD = 8.26), uglavnom ženskog pola (n = 200). Ispitanici su učitelji i nastavnici, u najvećem procentu zaposleni od 20 do 30 godina u nastavničkom poslu (35.96%) i najšće rade od 20 do 25 sati nedeljno (48.28%). Rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici u podjedankoj meri osećajuzamor glasa bez obzira koliki im je radni staž i koliko sati nedeljno predaju. Najučestalije vrste vokalnog zamora, koje se javljaju među predavačima, su promuklost, kratak dah, pucanje glasa i šuman glas. Statistički značajne razlike su se pojavile u vezi gubitka glasa (χ2= 12.43, df = 3, p = .006) gde je pokazano da zaposleni od 20 do 30 godina radnog staža učestalije osećaju ovu vrtsu vokalnog zamora. Takođe se razlika pojavila i u vezi dubljeg glasa nego inače (χ2=9.12, df = 2 , p =.028) tj. ispitanici koji su zaposleni od 10 do 20 godina osećaju ovu tegobu u većoj meri nego ostale tegobe. S obzirom da predavači spadaju u grupu osoba kod kojih se često javlja zamor glasa, neophodno je organizovati edukaciju o načinu očuvanja i prevenciji nastanka ovih zdravstvenih problema.sr
dc.description.abstractVoice is a “tool of trade” used by a certain group of employees to do their job. There are various factors that can cause voice disorder, but it is pointed out that voice fatigue caused by to its active use due to job requirements is one of the most common. The aim of this research was to examine the self-assessment of the type of vocal fatigue of the teachers in relation to the years of work experience and working hours per week. The questionnaire wasanswered by 203 respondents, aged 25 to 68 (AS = 45.39, SD = 8.26), mostly female (n = 200), who participated in the research voluntarily. The respondents were in the highest percentage employed from 20 to 30 years in teaching (35.96%) and most often work from 20 to 25 hours per week (48.28%). The results showed that the respondents equally felt the fatigue of the voice, regardless of their length of service and how many hours per week they teach. The most common types of vocal fatigue that occur among lecturers are hoarseness, shortness of breath, voice cracking, and noisy voice. Statistically significant differences appeared in relation to voice loss (χ2 = 12.43, df = 3, p = .006) where it was shown that employees from 20 to 30 years of service experience this type of vocal fatigue more often. There was also a difference regarding a deeper voice than usual (χ2 = 9.12, df = 2, p = .028), ie. respondents who have been employed for 10 to 20 years experience this problem to a greater extent than other problems. Conclusion: Since lecturers belong to the group of people who often experience voice fatigue, it is necessary to organize education on how to preserve and prevent these health problems.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo za primenjenu lingvistiku Srbijesr
dc.publisherFilološki fakultet u Beogradusr
dc.publisherFilozofski fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.sourcePrimenjena lingvistikasr
dc.subjectzamor glasasr
dc.subjectvoice fatiguesr
dc.titleSamoprocena zamora glasa kod nastavnikasr
dc.titleSelf-assessment of teachers’ voice fatiguesr



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