Now showing items 829-848 of 6243

      Deaf and hard of hearing children and lip - reading abilities [1]
      Deaf and hard of hearing persons and access to information during the Covid-19 pandemic [1]
      Dealing with conflicts in post-conflict society: a restorative initiative in Serbia [1]
      Dealing with interethnic conflicts by civil society in Serbia: Activities and discourse [1]
      Dealing with the past in Serbia–achievements in the past 20 years [1]
      Deca čiji roditelji imaju problema sa psihoaktivnim supstancama: implikacije za selektivnu prevenciju [1]
      Deca migrant i izbeglice bez pratnje u Srbiji: Standardi postupanja i nivo poštovanja njihovih prava [1]
      Deca sa smetnjama u razvoju u inkluzivnom procesu - iskustva i izazovi [1]
      Deca ulice i maloletnička delinkvencija [1]
      Decision making ability and adaptive behaviour in children with mild intellectual disability [1]
      Decision making: Analysis of abilities in children with mild intellectual disability by applying the gambling task [1]
      Deep alexia: Characteristics and treatment [1]
      Defectological rehabilitation of the patients with cancer diseases and role of the defectologist in psycho-oncology [1]
      Defektološka i psihološka procena u dijagnostici sposobnosti i u evaluaciji tretmana - ispitujemo li isto? [1]
      Defektološka misao između evolucije i revolucije [1]
      Defektološka rehabilitacija pacijenata obolelih od malignih bolesti i uloga defektologa u psihoonkologiji [1]
      Defektološki rehabilitacioni tretman razvojne ometenosti - implikacije u našoj sredini [1]
      Defektološki savetodavni rad [1]
      Deficiency in sign language and speech in deaf and hard of hearing preschool-age children [1]
      Deficiency of NFATc2+c3 impairs generation of marginal zone B cell compartment [1]