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Obrazovanje u redovnim školama i školama za decu ometenu u razvoju - zajedno ili paralelno

dc.creatorJablan, Branka
dc.creatorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.description.abstractThe inclusion movement has been developing not only in our country but all over the world in recent years. Inclusion means a wider involvement of children with developmental difficulties in regular educational systems, and from there in all segments of social life and work. In our country, the regular educational system functions separately and without any contacts with the special education system. Our research results indicate a need for bringing these two systems closer, primarily in order to provide necessary support for children with developmental difficulties who attend regular schools, and a need for adequate informing teachers in regular schools, students, parents and wider public about specific needs of children with developmental difficulties, their capabilities and potentials. We hold that this would contribute to the development of a more favorable climate for the inclusion of children with special needs in the system of regular education.en
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih godina ne samo na našim prostorima, već u gotovo čitavom svetu, kao krajnji oblik integracije razvija se pokret inkluzije. Inkluzija podrazumeva šire uključivanje dece ometene u razvoju u redovan sistem vaspitanja i obrazovanja, a iz obrazovnog sistema u sve segmente društvenog života i rada. U našoj zemlji redovni obrazovni sistem i sistem školovanja dece ometene u razvoju godinama funkcionišu odvojeno i bez ikakvih dodirnih tačaka. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu približavanja ovih sistema, pre svega u cilju obezbeđivanja neophodne podrške deci ometenoj u razvoju koja su uključena u redovne škole, ali i na potrebu adekvatnog informisanja nastavnika redovnih škola, učenika, roditelja i šire javnosti o specifičnim potrebama dece ometene u razvoju, njihovim sposobnostima i mogućnostima. Smatramo da bi se na ovaj način stvorila što povoljnija klima za šire uključivanje ove dece u sistem redovnog vaspitanja i
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectchildren with special needsen
dc.subjectregular schoolsen
dc.subjectspecial schools for children with developmental difficultiesen
dc.subjectdeca ometena u razvojusr
dc.subjectredovne školesr
dc.subjectškole za decu ometenu u razvojusr
dc.titleRegular school and education of children with special needs: Joint or paralleleden
dc.titleObrazovanje u redovnim školama i školama za decu ometenu u razvoju - zajedno ili paralelnosr
dc.citation.other57(1): 43-54

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