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Promene u shvatanju deteta u srpskoj kulturi u poslednjih dvadeset pet godina

dc.creatorTrebješanin, Žarko
dc.creatorJovanić, Goran
dc.description.abstractThe paper resulted from a field study on contemporary concepts of the child and its characteristics in Serbian culture. The aim was to determine the extent to which these concepts and evaluations of children were related to gender, education level, place of living, and age. The study was conducted in spring 2012, in a sample of 211 examinees of both genders, different ages and education levels, living in a village (Levač) and in a town (Jagodina). When comparing the obtained results with the results of our similar study, conducted previously in the same area (1987), certain changes of concepts and evaluations of children were observed. Moreover, the examinees' place of living and age no longer influenced their concepts and evaluations of children. With regard to evaluating male and female children, nowadays there are no significant differences between rural and urban examinees, or between younger and older ones. Contemporary Serbian examinees (both rural and urban) have a very positive attitude to the child's nature and its characteristics (good, innocent, angelic, etc.). The education variable is still significantly related to a certain concept of the child and attitudes toward it. Examinees with lower educational levels value offspring much more than those with higher educational levels do.en
dc.description.abstractRad je nastao na osnovu terenskog istraživanja današnje predstave deteta i njegovih karakteristika, kao i stava prema deci u srpskoj kulturi. Zanimalo nas je da utvrdimo koliko su ova shvatanja i vrednovanja dece povezana sa polom, stepenom obrazovanja, mestom stanovanja i uzrastom. Istraživanje je obavljeno u proleće 2012. na uzorku od 211 odraslih ispitanika oba pola, sa sela (u Levču) i iz grada (Jagodina), mlađih i starijih, i različite školske spreme. Poređenjem rezultata dobijenih u našem ranijem sličnom istraživanju u istoj oblasti iz 1987., uočavaju se neke promene u slici i vrednovanju deteta, kao i u iščezavanju uticaja mesta boravka i uzrasta ispitanika na shvatanje i vrednovanje deteta. U pogledu vrednovanja muškog i ženskog deteta danas više nema bitne razlike između ispitanika sa sela i iz grada, niti između mlađih i starijih. Savremeni ispitanici u srpskoj kulturi (i u gradu i na selu), imaju izrazito pozitivno mišljenje o prirodi deteta i njegovim osobinama (dobro, bezazleno, anđeosko itd.). Varijabla obrazovanja je još uvek značajno povezana sa određenim shvatanjem deteta i stavom prema njemu. Manje obrazovani ispitanici značajno više vrednuju porod nego obrazovaniji ispitanici.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Filozofski fakultet - Odsek za psihologiju, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177022/RS//
dc.sourcePrimenjena psihologija
dc.subjectconcepts of the childen
dc.subjectevaluation of the childen
dc.subjectSerbian cultureen
dc.subjectcultural changesen
dc.subjectpredstava detetasr
dc.subjectvrednovanje detetasr
dc.subjectsrpska kulturasr
dc.subjectpromene u kulturisr
dc.titleChanges of concepts of the child in Serbian culture in the past twenty-five yearsen
dc.titlePromene u shvatanju deteta u srpskoj kulturi u poslednjih dvadeset pet godinasr
dc.citation.other7(4): 549-563



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