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Samosvest, samopoštovanje i slika o sebi, značajan deo identiteta budućih specijalnih edukatora (defektologa) i stručnjaka pomažućih profesija (uopšte) u izmenjenim društvenim okolnostima

dc.creatorArsenović-Pavlović, Marina
dc.creatorAntić, Slobodanka
dc.creatorTodorović, Anđela
dc.description.abstractSelf-awareness, self-esteem and self-image are associated in the sociology with the entire life of the individual because the dominant model when we are talking about women is dual role (of presence). Occupations dominated by women are on the lower steps of the ladder of prestige and social status. Women do not value enough their achievements or accomplishments of other women. Women have lower goals and thus they have less confidence in the achievements of other women. Adopted awareness of their inferiority leads to self-loathing, which connects the psychology of marginalized persones. Researchers who are carrying out action research in education are very lonely and marginal group. They constantly warn the state about responsibility and accountability of individuals and groups of individuals for certain actions or behaviors in the school system that lead to decisions that can leave a huge negative consequences in the education system. Standards of life in our country decreases with the sudden reduction of commom consumption and reduction of social prestination. Pauperization of society, proletarianization of teachers and the appearance of meritocracy on University will leave big consequences for the development of science and practice in which research results are applied. It is hard to implement serious reforms in the education system, regardless of the new laws without serious physical and financial investments. Training of children and manipulation of children differ from upbringing. Special education teachers and other professionals involved in rehabilitation and education work should examine the relationship between his political and pedagogical authority. In today's conditions, the teacher can exploit, harass and humiliate the child and that such behavior takes place in an institution where children are 'subjects of factory processing'. New teacher's roles include new relationships with children, friendship, where children influence the behavior of adults to accept and use the ideas and opinions of the child, also encourages communication among children.It is expected in the coming decade an increasing number of children with whom will work special education teachers. Experts warn that the number of children born with abnormalities is increasing due to fall of standards of life, environmental pollution (15 years cumulative effects of radiation, etc.), later entring into marriage and moving the boundaries of birth and insufficiently precise diagnosis of the fetus. Experts of special education, staff in special schools warn that these schools have more children with moderate mental retardation. On the other hand, there are coming information about appearing a growing number of children in classes so-called 'transitional poor', that social science still have not been classified and named (homeless children and children of homeless persones, who were stratified as: the refugees, the unemployed, Roma returnees and non-displaced and others, whose common characteristic is that they do not have a permanent address of residence, which the assumed number of them is about 900.000). These alarming data should encourage all professionals in the social sciences to introduce in curriculum items, except the general, very specific knowledge, theoretical as well practical. Social crisis make closer social science to ethics and reinforce the need to develop a theory of action, which include researchers and explorers in the field of special education and related social science. Very important and challenging aspects of work with the population who belong to minority groups are: education of special educators, elimination of bias, learning about rights, the elimination of wrong stereotypes and negative attitudes, enhancing self-awareness, positive image and self, developing self appreciation and build democratic attitudes and values that lead to human emancipation rather than degradation. The educational context has significantly changed in the past decade in the field of education policy (inclusive education was adopted in education legislation). On the other hand, the socio-economic context has changed (general unemployment, a large number of graduates from FASPER in the labor market, unpredictable and dynamic changes in the labor market). The development of the professional role of students of FASPER is a particularly important and significant task. The development of professional roles and identities of students is connected with the development of self-image and self-esteem. In this paper, we investigate some aspects of the self-image of students of the Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, which is part of the professional role as the outcome of their education. Applied research method is questionnaires and unstructured projective techniques - 'Who am I', 'Who I was,' 'What I want to be.' Results indicate that students form a picture of themselves through different categories of statements (roles, positive and negative traits, typical patterns of behavior, etc.). Family roles are dominant in students selfdescribing as well in the past as in the future. The development of the professional role is not sufficiently represented. This may be due to uncertain socio-economic situation in which our students live. Part of the responsibility is on the way of studying. During the studies, it is necessary to act in a planned and systematic way to cherish development of the identification with a professional role. .en
dc.description.abstractSamosvest, samopoštovanje i slika o sebi se u sociologiji povezuju sa celokupnim životom pojedinca zbog toga što je preovlađujući model kada su u pitanju žene tzv. dvostrukost uloga (prisustva). Zanimanja u kojima dominiraju žene nalaze se na nižim stepenicama na lestvici ugleda i društvenog položaja. Žene ne vrednuju dovoljno svoja postignuća, niti postignuća drugih žena. Žene sebi postavljaju niže ciljeve i zbog toga imaju i manje poverenja u dostignuća drugih žena. Interiorizovana svest o svojoj inferiornosti vodi samomržnji, koja povezuje psihologiju svih marginalaca. Istraživačice koje vrše akciona istraživanja u obrazovanju spadaju u vrlo usamljenu i marginalnu grupu. One stalno upozoravaju na odgovornost države i odgovornost pojedinaca i grupa pojedinaca za izvesne akcije ili ponašanja u školskom sistemu koji vode do odluka koje mogu da ostave velike negativ- ne posledice u obrazovnom sistemu. Životni standard u našoj zemlji opada uz naglo smanjenje zajedničke potrošnje i smanjenje socijalnih prestacija. Pauperizacija društva, proletarizacija nastavnika i pojava meritokratije na Univerzitetu ostaviće velike posledice po razvoj nauke i prakse u kojoj se rezultati istraživanja primenjuju. Teško da će, bez ozbiljnih materijalnih i finansijskih ulaganja, moći da se sprovedu ozbiljnije reforme u obrazovnom sistemu, bez obzira na nove zakone. Dresura dece i manipulacija decom razlikuju se od vaspitanja. Defektolozi i drugi profesionalci koji se bave vaspitnim i obrazovnim radom treba da preispitaju odnos između svog političkog i pedagoškog autoriteta. U današnjim uslovima nastavnik može da eksploatiše,maltretira i ponižava dete i da se tako ophođenje odvija u instituciji u kojima su deca 'predmet fabričke obrade'.Nove uloge nastavnika podrazumevaju i nove odnose sa decom ,partnerske, u kojima deca utiču na ponašanje odraslih prihvata i koristi ideje i mišljenja deteta, takođe i podstiče komunikaciju među decom. Očekuje se u narednim decenijama pojava sve većeg broja dece sa kojom će raditi defektolozi i specijalni edukatori. Stručnjaci upozoravaju da se povećava broj dece rođene sa anomalijama usled pada životnog standarda stanovništva,zagađenja sredine (15 godina kumuliranog efekta zračenja itd), sve kasnijeg stupanja u brak i pomeranja granice rađanja i nedovoljno precizne dijagnostike fetusa. Stručnjaci defektolozi, zaposleni u specijalnim školama upozoravaju da je utim školama sve više dece sa umerenom mentalnom zaostalošću. S druge strane, stižu informacije da se pojavljuje sve veći broj dece iz slojeva tzv. 'tranzicione sirotinje' koje socijalne nauke još uvek nisu prepoznale,klasifikovale i imenovale (deca beskućnici i deca beskućnika, koji su slojeviti: izbeglice,nezaposleni, Romi povratnici i domicilni,i drugi, čija je zajednička karakteristika da nemaju stalnu adresu boravka, za koje se pretpostavlja da ih ima oko devet stotina hiljada!!!) Ovi zabrinjavajući podaci treba da podstaknu sve profesionalce u društvenim naukama da u nastavne programe unose ,sem opštih, i vrlo specifična znanja,kako teoretska, tako i praktična. Društvene krize približavaju društvene nauke etici i jačaju potrebu za razvijanjem teorija akcije, koje podrazumevaju Istraživačice i istraživači u domenu defektologije i srodnih društvenih nauka. Konstruišu fenomen koji izučavaju,tako da je njihova istovremeno i društvena, i moralna. Veoma bitni i izazovni aspekti rada sa populacijama koje pripadaju marginalnim grupama su: obrazovanje defektologa, otklanjanje predrasuda, upoznavanje sa pravima, otklanjanje pogrešnih stereotipa i negativnih stavova, jačanje samosvesti, pozitivne slike o sebi, razvijanje samocenjenja i izgrađivanje demokratskih stavova i sistema vrednosti koji vodi emancipaciji a ne ljudskoj degradaciji.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectChanges / Education Reformen
dc.subjectThe Inclusion of two wayen
dc.subjectThe Crisis of Education/Children ( in layers) Transition of the pooren
dc.subjectMarginalized groups in Scienceen
dc.subjectThe new role of Scientistsen
dc.subjectpromene ( reforma obrazovanja, dvosmerna inkluzija, kriza obrazovanja)sr
dc.subjectdeca (iz slojeva) tranzicione sirotinjesr
dc.subjectmarginalne grupe u naucisr
dc.subjectnove uloge naučnikasr
dc.titleSelf-consciousness, self-esteem and self-concept, a significant part of the identity of future Special educators (special education teacher) and Experts of helping professions (in general) in changed social circumstancesen
dc.titleSamosvest, samopoštovanje i slika o sebi, značajan deo identiteta budućih specijalnih edukatora (defektologa) i stručnjaka pomažućih profesija (uopšte) u izmenjenim društvenim okolnostimasr
dc.citation.other20(1): 255-268



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