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Specifične greške u čitanju kod dece oštećenog sluha i dece koja čuju

dc.creatorKuzmanović, Maja S.
dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.description.abstractReading constitutes an important segment in education and it has a direct impact on speech and language development in children with impaired hearing. Children with impaired hearing acquire through reading information that they cannot acquire through auditory way and in that way they gain new information, enrich and consolidate their knowledge. The impaired hearing, insufficiently developed speech, poor speech-language experience, narrow vocabulary, poor knowledge of grammatical and semantic elements of language, incorrect articulation, and undeveloped cognitive and linguistic function in children with impaired hearing constitute obstructions in mastering the process of reading. We formulated the problem of investigation, as well as aims and tasks directed to examination of the process of reading and detecting the deficits. We also examined impact of pupils’ age, degree of hearing impairment, achievements in mother tongue, and sex on quality of reading, mastering of reading technique and we tried to determine differences in respect to well hearing children. The investigation was carried out on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, Tuzla and Banja Luka) in three schools for children with impaired hearing and speech, and in one ordinary primary school in Sarajevo attended by well hearing children. The sample consisted of two groups of examinees: pupils with impaired hearing from 3rd to 8th class, N = 87 and well hearing pupils of the same age, N = 59. The Three-Dimensional Reading Test and the text under the title “Only one snowy day” were used in the investigation. The obtained results were shown tabulary and graphically. There have been noticed some irregularities and difficulties in text reading as well as arising of various errors which have made impossible to the hearing impaired pupils easy reading of a text. We have concluded that a degree of the hearing impairment and the achievement in mother tongue affect, to a great extent, a number and kind of reading errors and that a pupil’s gender affects a number and not a kind of errors and that the age hadn’t affected number or kind of reading errors in the hearing impaired children. The hearing impaired pupils had made in reading a great number of various errors which have influenced technique and affected a quality of speech and language development of a hearing impaired pupil while well hearing pupils have successfully mastered reading technique.en
dc.description.abstractČitanje čini važan segment edukacije i utiče na razvoj jezika i govora kod dece oštećenog sluha. Čitanjem dete oštećenog sluha dobija informacije koje ne može dobiti auditivnim putem i time usvaja nova, bogati i utvrđuje znanja. Oštećenje sluha, nedovoljno razvijen govor, siromašna govorno-jezička iskustva, mali fond reči, nepoznavanje gramatičke i semantičke strane jezika, nepravilna artikulacija, nerazvijene kognitivne i lingvističke funkcije kod deteta oštećenog sluha otežavaju savladavanje procesa čitanja. Formulisali smo problem istraživanja, kao i ciljeve i zadatke usmerene na ispitivanje procesa čitanja i uočavanje deficita. Ispitivali smo i uticaj uzrasta učenika, stepena oštećenja sluha, uspeha iz maternjeg jezika i pola na uspešnost čitanja, ovladanost tehnikom čitanja i nastojali utvrditi razlike u odnosu na decu koja čuju. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine (Sarajevo, Tuzla i Banja Luka), u tri škole za decu oštećenog sluha i govora, kao i u jednoj redovnoj osnovnoj školi u Sarajevu, koju pohađaju deca koja čuju. Uzorak su činile dve grupe ispitanika: učenici oštećenog sluha uzrasta od III do VIII razreda, N=87 i učenici koji čuju, istog uzrasta, N=59. U istraživanju je korišćen Trodimenzionalni test čitanja i tekst “Samo jedan snežni dan”. Dobijeni rezultati prikazani su tabelarno i grafički. Uočene su nepravilnosti i teškoće pri čitanju teksta i pojava različitih vrsta grešaka, koje otežavaju čitanje učenika oštećenog sluha. Zaključili smo da stepen oštećenja sluha i uspeh iz maternjeg jezika imaju uticaj na broj i vrstu grešaka pri čitanju, pol učenika ima uticaj na broj grešaka, ali ne i na vrstu grešaka dok uzrast nije uticao na broj i vrstu grešaka pri čitanju kod učenika oštećenog sluha. Učenici oštećenog sluha su pri čitanju napravili veliki broj različitih grešaka, što je narušilo tehniku čitanja i odrazilo se na kvalitet govorno-jezičkog razvoja učenika oštećenog sluha, dok su učenici koji čuju uspešno savladali tehniku čitanja.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectreading errorsen
dc.subjecthearing impaired childrenen
dc.subjectwell hearing childrenen
dc.subjectgreške u čitanjusr
dc.subjectdeca oštećenog sluhasr
dc.subjectdeca koja čujusr
dc.titleCharacteristic reading errors in the impaired and well hearing childrenen
dc.titleSpecifične greške u čitanju kod dece oštećenog sluha i dece koja čujusr
dc.citation.other(3): 459-474



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