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Struktura i korelati stavova studenata, budućih pomagača, prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha

dc.creatorGlintić, Milica
dc.creatorHanak, Nataša
dc.creatorMilačić-Vidojević, Ivona
dc.creatorDragojević, Nada
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to explore the structure and the correlates of students attitudes towards persons with hearing impairments. The sample consisted of 103 first year students of The Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation (F-93; M-10), divisions Prevention and treatment of conduct disorders and Speech therapy. These attitudes were assessed by The revised version of Multidimensional Attitudes Scale Toward Persons With Disabilities, Empathy by Empathy Quotient, dimensions of personality by The Big Five Inventory, the attachment by Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the motivation for studying the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation by the scale assembled for this research. It was found that in the domain of basic dimensions of personality only tendency to collaborate with others negatively correlates with absence of pro-social thoughts (-0.204), scale of anxiety in close relationships, in attachment domain, positively correlates with inhibiting thoughts and feelings (0.220), while the empathy quotient negatively correlates with the absence of pro-social thoughts (-0.226). The motivation for studying Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation was not associated with components of the attitude towards people with hearing impairment. Future researches should try to identify predictors of negative emotional and behavioral which lead to ignoring and rejecting of persons with disability.en
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje stavova stručnjaka, kao i studenata, budućih stručnjaka je važno jer su u pitanju osobe koje su u direktnom kontaktu sa osobama sa ometenošću i utiču na kvalitet njihovog života. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje strukture i korelata stavova studenata prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha. Uzorak su činila 103 studenta prve godine Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (FASPER), sa smerova Logopedija i Prevencija i tretman poremećaja ponašanja (Ž-93; M-10). Stavovi prema osobama s oštećenjem sluha ispitani su pomoću revidirane Multidimenzionalne skale stavova prema osobama s ometenošću (MAS). Revidirana MAS ima subskale Emocije, Misli i Ponašanje. Empatičnost je ispitana pomoću skale Koeficijent empatije, Dimenzije ličnosti pomoću Inventara velikih pet, afektivna vezanost pomoću revidirane Skale iskustva u bliskim odnosima, a motivacija za studiranje FASPER-a pomoću skale sastavljene za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Ustanovljeno je da iz domena bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti jedino saradljivost ima korelaciju od 0.204 sa odsustvom prosocijalnih misli; skala anksioznosti u bliskim odnosima, iz domena afektivne vezanosti, ima pozitivnu korelaciju od 0.220 sa inhibirajućim osećanjima i mislima, dok koeficijent empatičnosti ima korelaciju od - 0.226 sa odsustvom prosocijalnih misli. Naredna istraživanja treba da se usmere na otkrivanje prediktora sklopa negativnih emocija i ponašanja koji vode odbacivanju i ignorisanju osoba s ometenošću.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd
dc.sourcePsihijatrija danas
dc.subjectattitudes towards people with hearing impairmenten
dc.subjectattitude correlates in the domain of basic dimensions of personalityen
dc.subjectstavovi prema osobama s oštećenjem sluhasr
dc.subjectkorelati stavova iz domenabazičnih dimenzija ličnostisr
dc.titleStructure and correlating variables of attitudes of students, future helping professionals, towards persons with hearing impairmentsen
dc.titleStruktura i korelati stavova studenata, budućih pomagača, prema osobama s oštećenjem sluhasr
dc.citation.other46(2): 201-213



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