Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Uticaj slušnog uzrasta na razumevanje verbalnih naloga kohlearno implantirane dece

dc.creatorĐoković, Sanja
dc.creatorTodorović, Selena
dc.description.abstractHearing age is defined as a period of using any amplification. Most researches indicate that hearing age influences the developmental rate of auditory and speech-language abilities in deaf children, especially when cochlear implantation was performed before the age of three. This research is aimed at analyzing the influence of hearing age on understanding verbal instructions in children with cochlear implants. The sample consists of 23 children with cochlear implants and 21 children with normal hearing, aged between 4 and 10. Hearing age of children with cochlear implants was between 2 and 7 years. Token Test with toys, adapted for children with hearing impairments, was used to analyze understanding verbal instructions. The results indicate that there are statistically significant differences between children with cochlear implants and children with normal hearing, aged between 4 and 7, on all subtests and the total score regardless of the hearing age (sub1 p lt 0.001, sub2 p lt 0.000, sub3 p lt 0.001, total score p lt 0.000). No statistically significant differences were determined on any of the subtests in children aged between 7.1 and 10, regardless of the hearing age. Comparative results analysis within the experimental group of children with different hearing age indicates that the difference in understanding verbal instructions between these two groups is not statistically significant.en
dc.description.abstractSlušni uzrast se definiše kao vremenski period korišćenja amplifikacije. Većina istraživanja pokazuju da slušni uzrast utiče na brzinu formiranje slušnih i govorno-jezičkih sposobnosti gluve dece, naročito ako je kohlearna implantacija urađena pre treće godine života. Istraživanje je bilo usmereno na ispitivanje uticaja slušnog uzrasta na razumevanje verbalnih naloga kohlearno implantirane dece. Uzorkom je bilo obuhvaćeno 23 kohlearno implantirane dece i 21 dete urednog sluha uzrasta od 4 do 10 godina. Slušni uzrast kohlearno implantirane dece se kretao od 2 do 7 godina. Za ispitivanje razumevanja verbalnih naloga korišćen je Token test sa igračkama koji je adaptiran za decu oštećenog sluha. Analiza rezultata je pokazala da postoje statistički značajne razlike između kohlearno implantirane i čujuće dece na svim subtestovima i u ukupnom skoru na uzrastu od 4 do 7 godina bez obzira na slušni uzrast (subtest1 p lt 0,001, subtest2 p lt 0,000, subtest3 p lt 0,001, ukupan skor p lt 0,000), a na uzrastu od 7,1 do 10 godina statistički značajna razlika nije uočena ni na jednom subtestu takođe bez obzira na slušni uzrast. Komparativna analiza rezultata unutar eksperimentalne grupe između dece različitog slušnog uzrasta pokazala je da razlika između ove dve grupe u razumevanju verbalnih naloga nije statistički znač
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjectcochlear implanten
dc.subjecthearing ageen
dc.subjectkohlearni implantsr
dc.subjectslušni uzrastsr
dc.titleInfluence of hearing age and understanding verbal instructions in children with cochlear implantsen
dc.titleUticaj slušnog uzrasta na razumevanje verbalnih naloga kohlearno implantirane decesr
dc.citation.other12(3): 275-289



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