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Teškoće u obrazovanju, zapošljavanju i socijalnoj integraciji nagluvih umetnika

dc.creatorRadić-Šestić, Marina
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to determine the problems in education (primary, secondary and undergraduate academic studies), employment and social integration of hard of hearing artists based on a multiple case study. The sample consisted of 4 examinees of both genders, aged between 29 and 54, from the field of visual arts (a painter, a sculptor, a graphic designer, and an interior designer). The structured interview consisted of 30 questions testing three areas: the first area involved family, primary and secondary education; the second area was about the length of studying and socio-emotional problems of the examinees; the third area dealt with problems in employment and job satisfaction of our examinees. Research results indicate the existence of several problems which more or less reflect the success in education, employment and social integration of hard of hearing artists. One of the problems which can influence the development of language abilities, socioemotional maturity, and better educational achievement of hard of hearing artists in general, is prolongation in diagnosing hearing impairments, amplification and auditory rehabilitation. Furthermore, parents of hard of hearing artists have difficulties in adjusting to their children's hearing impairments and ignore the language and culture of the Deaf, i.e. they tend to identify their children with typically developing population. Another problem are negative attitudes of teachers/professors/employers and typically developing peers/ colleagues towards the inclusion of hard of hearing people into the regular education/employment system. Apart from that, unmodified instruction, course books, information, school and working area further complicate the acquisition of knowledge, information, and the progress of hard of hearing people in education and profession.en
dc.description.abstractOpšti cilj istraživanja je bio da se na osnovu studije višestrukog slučaja utvrde teškoće tokom obrazovanja (osnovnoškolskog, srednjoškolskog i na osnovnim akademskim studijama), zapošljavanja i socijalne integracije nagluvih umetnika. Uzorak čine četiri ispitanika oba pola, starosne dobi od 29 do 54 godine koji se bave vizuelnim umetnostima (slikar, vajar, grafički dizajner i dizajner enterijera). Strukturirani intervju se sastojao iz 30 pitanja koja su ispitivala tri oblasti: prva oblast se odnosi na porodicu, osnovnoškolsko i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje; druga oblast je bila usmerena na period studiranja i socio-emocionalne probleme ispitanika; i treća oblast se bavila problematikom zapošljavanja i zadovoljstvom poslom naših ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na prisustvo više teškoća koje se manje ili više odražavaju na uspeh u obrazovanju, zapošljavanju i socijalnoj integraciji nagluvih umetnika. Jedna od teškoća koja može da utiče na razvoj jezičkih sposobnosti, socio-emocionalnu zrelost i, generalno, na bolja obrazovna postignuća nagluvih umetnika je prolongiranje dijagnostikovanja oštećenja sluha, amplifikacije i auditivne rehabilitacije. Potom, roditelji nagluvih umetnika teško se prilagođavaju oštećenju sluha svoje dece i ignorišu jezik i kulturu Gluvih tj. teže da se njihova deca identifikuju sa tipičnom populacijom. Sledeća teškoća su negativni stavovi nastavnika/profesora/poslodavaca i vršnjaka/kolega urednog sluha prema inkluziji nagluve osobe u redovan sistem obrazovanja/zapošljavanja. Pored toga, neprilagođena nastava, udžbenici, informacije, školski i radni prostor otežavaju usvajanje znanja, informacija i napredovanje nagluvih osoba u obrazovanju i
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjectsocial integrationen
dc.subjecthard of hearing artistsen
dc.subjectsocijalna integracijasr
dc.subjectnagluvi umetnicisr
dc.titleProblems in education, employment and social integration of hard of hearing artistsen
dc.titleTeškoće u obrazovanju, zapošljavanju i socijalnoj integraciji nagluvih umetnikasr
dc.citation.other12(4): 501-521

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