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Da učenje ne postane mučenje

dc.creatorKarić, Jasmina
dc.description.abstractThe idea of the use of games in mathematics dates from the period of J. A. Comenius, who pointed out that in the teaching process, one should mix pleasant with the useful. To develop interest in the subject, each lesson should be revived with a curiosity, with respect to the teaching unit to be processed. It would make classes more interesting, and thus more pleasant. It will challenge curiosity and encourage interest in children to a further self-discovery and knowledge. If mathematics is taught as a dry subject, students will soon get bored and the subject will become incomprehensible and repulsive The aim of this study was to identify and describe children's opinion on the importance of play in the process of learning mathematics The research was descriptive; we used a survey with multiple choice questions. The survey was designed for this study Results are expressed in percentages and graphically displayed The study sample: 130 primary school students (82 sixth grade students and 48 seventh grade students) The results indicate a tendency of concentration of the answers, as well as the fact that students often prefer solving tasks in a group (44.4%) or with the teacher's help (21.3%). That indicates a lack of self-confidence and faith in their knowledge Students should be rid of the fear and uncertainty by introducing thought-out games in the teaching of mathematics, and thus be prepared for independent task solving This research is intended as a guideline for further extensive research in order to improve mathematics education in mainstream and special schools.en
dc.description.abstractIdeja o korišćenu igre u matematici datira još iz perioda J.A. Komenskog,koji je isticao da u nastavi treba mešati prijatno sa korisnim. Da bi se razvio interes za predmet,svaki nastavni čas treba osvežiti nekom zanimljivošću,vezanom za nastavnu jedinicu koja se obrađuje.( Dejić, M, 2000,) To će učiniti nastavu još zanimljivijom,a samim tim i prijatnijom. Izazivaće radoznalost i podsticaće interes kod dece za daljim samostalnim otkrivanjem i saznavanjem. Ako se matematika predaje suvoparno,postaće učenicima dosadna,nerazumljiva i odbojna (Karić J, 2006,) Metodologija istraživana Cilj istraživana je bio da se utvrdi i oppše mišljenje dece o značaju i ulozi igre u procesu učenja matematike. Istraživanje je bilo deskriptivno,korišćena je anketa sa pitanima zatvorenog tipa. Anketa je konstruisana za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati su izraženi procentualno i grafički prikazani. Uzorak: 130 učenika osnovne škole (82 učenika šestog i 48 učenika sedmog razreda) Rezultati ukazuju na tendenciju koncentrisana odgovora i na činjenicu da učenici najradije biraju rešavane zadataka kroz igru u grupi (44,4%) ili uz nastavnikovu pomoć, (21,3%) što ukazuje na nedostatak samopouzdanja i vere u svoje znanje. Učenike treba osloboditi tog straha i nesigurnosti uvođenjem osmišljene igre u proces nastave matematike i na taj način ih pripremati za samostalno rešavanje zadataka. Istraživanje predstavlja samo smernice za dalja opsežnija istraživana u cilju poboljšanja nastave matematike u redovnim i specijalnim školama.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.titleLearning, not tortureen
dc.titleDa učenje ne postane mučenjesr
dc.citation.other(2): 325-332



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